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.uyXtaC::;;r""r!itKoï"-'Co".-a,f. SORREL MARE. about 10 years oW, witl. s biiDCn a rfchfci whore slre may b. fouDd, wilibe liu"' iSniïH Soio, Juno aeih, 1865. A ' "'HX. T oaïi On Tuesda rnominj, June 20fh, bctwsc,, ■ grut.onarchutd, art tbc Depot, a "?, Pocket Tuck Biary for 1865, conüiiniiu; from $3 to M in currenej Tij amnltttlng 't tSlo. One fr„i„ Charle Uoyf." . "'' 810'); .i„,lthof.r-iïomj F Wtv to vlr , "f The publie are od a SM iLrr ml' rcturu uar"1 CL r ost co w ! Strnyed or stolen f rom tl-c subscribí, r ,, Plains.on the 141b oí Jnne, "n,mlol A DARK REI) CöW, with so:ne white (ipots or, fore shotUSe1!-, en lona. aad a white .patin face, is vear old. i'rf.babw kf yaiwg Öalf by hei de. Alio two jearlteg bl) h" 2t3u 33 I 3P 23 i s , one ycllow, and the oth er speek hd A liberal. win be pxW for the return of tl.o animal' oí (oH?' matiuuaf hiere ttaj may 1 Touad . ' '!w Udi, Juno Üfith, 1865. JAC(íwM5 Coraruissionera' Notice. SSTE OF MICHIGAN, Cototy op WAünrasW-ï ctaïno, and ndjust all clffins and demS f I , SjtTMtínst thé ejtote of Philander Lcwfcffl the Toftnakip of Salem, in said Coaal hárebygiY pdtfca that eix moutlis (i-um llatem Tl' lowecl, Byorterof said Probate Conrt, forcrcSkn'ï, present tlieir clauaa against the estáte of ■ and that thcy wil] melt at the rerfdence of jSÏ ereon, m the township of Salem, in said countv rfl'V' tenaw, on Saturday, the twcnty-tini-d rtav and edncBdajt, the tweiity-eeventli dav of SE 8st,atnie o'clock in the aiternoon. of eacKS oays, to recetve, eiamine, and affiust Baid cUlm JOUN DICKERSOST, ( P. C. lirmi.VY. J Commissioncr!. DMai, Jiuiu L'Ttli, 18(16. Mja Real Estáte for Sale CTATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty O In the matter of the Estóte of Helen É the Connty and Staíu aforesaid a minor: Sofci kereby given, that iwl pmsmanee of an onlw tal u fnei"";' ■ diau af theestate ol hy thellon. .n„. tenaw, on the Söth day of June, A. b. l865,(SLwB boscOdal Public Vendue,to the highest bidder, at tb twelling lmusc or Mrè. Harrfet WoEutt, intlietowuof ork, m saiá ('onuiy, onWednesday, thesktcenadn 'r :,uTuft' Rr.18??' at oae ofwk iu theaiteraoM of that day, (subject to all encmabrances bv mortis or othcnvLsc existing at the time of sale,) theMomis áescribed real estáte, to-wit: Pifteen acres M gast döte of the West half of the Ejist half o t í Tsorth-Wcst quarter, and on tbe West lialf of iheiM uali of the SoHth-West quarter of Bection tliirtv-two ín townslnp fonr South of range sis EoJst, in th Shií of Michigan, bélng the same lanrl imnitioncd to wt mmpr, by Commissioners appointed for that pura ,y the Probate Conrt of said Coimty, as appearal kfietr report ñled m the PW)bate Office of saidCcnnn oí. the -'Tih day of July, A. 1). IStía JOSI'AH HATHAWAY, Guardian. Dated, June 20th, 18 16. un;. Estáte of Lydia Wilbur. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Was] At a eession of tlie Probate Conrt for the Craiuv of Washtènaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the vk pf Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twouty-eistthdaj of June, in the year one thousaaid cLrlu hnülrciland pix!y-üve. Pieaait, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probat'. In th.e matter of the Estáte of Lydia Wilbnr, èxeiM '. On readiiiL.' and flling the petition, dulv ven' ei of IsMcGale, prayingthata certain Insiifiiutiiiwoii file in tlii Conrt, purirortins; to be iloli-t WMUivl Testament of said deceased, may be adnaUcdtoïrobata Thereupon it is Orderea, that Monday, the twentyfaorth ilay of .July next, at ten o'clock hi'the foreooon, beasaigued fnr the hearing of said peütion, and that tlie leñatees, dei It ees, and heirs at lawof eaiddeceaiSÏ and au other persons iuteixvted in s.üd esUtc, are n qiiircd to appsar at a session of said (Jourt, then tobe' Holden at the Probate Oltlw, in the C'itvof AnnArbot, -liow caui1. If anv then bft, whv the prayerof the letilioner slior.ld not xj grantsd : And it is farttarordereci thai said petitioncr give notice to the nersoo terested in said estáte, of the pendency of said ]ictitioa. aud tlie hearing thereof, hy causiagacopy of toteOnV to be pnWishcd iu Bib Argtu, a newtpqft printed and clrculating in said Coimty, thvee iticcesh weeks pteytous to said day of heat (A-trne iopy.l '1TKAM j. KEAKS8, WIS Jüdgeof Prolule, ANOTE OF WARNING. Iet the pofts tay what they will, Springii tiv-acherous soason. It " trieth the bones." 0!t liampa and iogu, itfl east wiuds uad lts cajtricioastrti' perature, come the icy chilla and the buroinL hetiflf intermitientítvcí. Jliasma tbawa out of lhoerlbi clouds Onder thevarnal beams. At no periodo"" joar doos the system require strenTtiieuicg icore tbtf at thif. To fll sick uow is to bc incnpacititeii f5 etrugglicg nïili theheats of summer. Wbo desirel" meet the blazing .ve&ther of Jur.c, July, añil .ugíí! with ati organization enfeebleii by spring dia M L Now ia the tinao to reinforce Natura anl rcndertln frame aad tho coiutitution gummer proof. As soon as tho froKf gets out of the eartt the1 ach seenifl to loso its tone and the appetlte to fade. Aa inde-icribablc laisituJe crercomes the body and meatil energies, aad plightexorlious ften briagon palpi'11 nx: nerrous tremors. Theee fymptoms are thcole demamls of tho physiqae for help aad succor. Theiöfluonce of the seasouis depressing even uf011 ltr'' brou, whilo to the naturally fuebl? il is itM "0 ëi' as'.rous. Truly death reaps a heavy imrvestla&KJ1! April and May. During thoao inouths tlio lj'PePic' tho bilhoua, and tho hypochondriacal alaJS8"er moHt fovercly. Against all tho ailmeuts proü"1"' ininsma, gudden alt(-rnatioDg of tompcrature, esposl' or cluse onanement in doors, HOSTETTER'S B1TTE8 is the most potent of all medicinal " timo! Be in time t Soldeverywhero. IitIOUNEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A Mos Kxqni.ite, Welicnff nnilF"1" Krnut Perfume. istüll f""111 ' H.irc nnd Bcantiful Fiowcr ft1 Milicia it luUrn its iinmc. Ulanufactured onlyby IÏ1AI.O."V & W " H3S Beware ÖF Counterfeit .!■ƒ.■ for l-hulim'fi-Tdhf i """''' soid aroggWto sftomiir.


Old News
Michigan Argus