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' O. fl. MILLE. IDEALER is Dry Goods, Groceries.Croctery, Sc. &c. JJ lïaiu Street, Ana At hor. , HÍLÍPliAES. TkEAIiERS m Tiry Ooad,GrMirie. Boots & Mroes, JJ ie. , Main st., Ann Ariiur. " BJSDÖF&TllENDEïtöON. A. , SÜTHERLAND, OENTfor the N'ev Vork Litó luirance Company. A OO e on Haron trc. AUo hM on hand a stock cl the ml apDrove! sektes aohmea. 88a t f ÖË()RGK FISCIIEK,. trFlT JIVKKFT- rtuvon Street-Genoral deal-r in . M Fresh ná 8M Meats, Beef, Mutton, Poi"k, Ham, PouUry, Iar5, Tlk'r, it'-, " wTllïa mHle w itt. PHrSlCIAN' AND SURGEON. Office at bis resident, morlh sido of Huron,two door west or Divisiim fitreet. __ M. GÜIÏERMAN &C0. TiniOI Ki'W'a.ndReWlBcrv'tci-s an.l Manufacturéis W af ttuady-Mado Cl.Xliiug, Importen of GlothB.Casïimeres, Docukins, tc.No. 5, PhoepSx Bioth, Maúi st: , WM. WAGNER. TlE U.ER in SteadT Wii dotliing, Clotlis, Casshiieres, J j an.l FentiBg, llais, OYS Treftts, CMviet Bags, &c, l'lnjiuix lilock, Main street. slawsön"&sön HROCERS f-fn -ifn anO ComraiasioB Slfrcliants, and IJ ücalorsia Water, Land Piaster, and Plastei of Paris, onedoor xia' Owk's Hotel. süott"&"loömis. i HROTYPK and Photuflh Artisls, in the rooms A over Canipnm'i Clittóngtw,Phaiï Bluck. Perfcctsati?fairaip.vou. " 0. B. POETE. SURGEON DESTIST. OlüwCoriKT nf Main and Ilurcn tieots, over B-ich & l'iersou'8 Store. All cali pcomptly atteuilfd to AnrI859 MACK & SGIIMTD. DPLlïRSTn'Pofigni DomBtiDry Goort.Grocerio. Uatsau.l 0B1i, BoU Ud Súoos, Crockevy, te, Corner ofMain k Liberty ets.. AÑBREW BELL. DK4LRIX In fir.ieeries, Provisions, Flour, Produces So &c, comer Main and Washington Streets, Atiu Arbor. The highest market priwwpakl torooiintry pro-luce. 68 D. CRAMER, ATTORXEV fc CGÜSSELLOR AT LAW, Agent for the l'hoenii Fire and Oonaecticut Mutail Life lnnOrance Compaaies. Convejingand Collecting promptlj Hended to. Oiüje over Stubbim &. Wilsou'3 Store. M. C. STANLEY, Pliotograpliio Sk-rtiisit. Corner Main and Hurm Stcts, Ano Aruor, Micli. rnoroGRAnfcí, xiLB&ottp,c. .fte-, inthe latest styks,aJ everyeílort madoogiv satis(ction. S6itf D. DeFOREST. rIOLES.VLE and retail dealer in Lumber.Lath Slwnsles,S.nJ, Inora,Blnil, WaterLime,Granrt Kirer Piaster, Piaster Paris, au-1 tfail fallliau i lillanclperfectussortioentof theabove,and allothei sitias of building materials eíny,tantíy n hanO at Jbe Offesípoisible rates,on Delroilut ., a few n;ílsí'foliithe ftiilroad Depot. Also operatinj; e.Ktensivel y i n th( fltent Cement Rcmñug. T UMBEB YARD! C. KRAPF, Has a ln re and well stocked I.umher Yard, on Jeffrrloa Streef m (he South part üf tlie City, and willkeep constantly oo Jiand au excellent variety of LUMBEIl, SIÍING-LES, LATH, &c iiicli will be soM as low as can be affordedin thÍK narket. Quality and prices such that no one need go to Detroit. CONRAD KKAPF: Ana Arber, Dec. 6th, 1804. 986tt MEW MUSIC STORE! Persous wíshing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, !touM go to WILEV'S MUSIC STORE, before purchain elitewhrd, Ho wilt warrant Hatisfaction to Purchaerfi, and takeK pleaHure in referring tu those "hohave alreay nirchascd of hím. Ho t;vkes pride 'n siying that he has givea the beat of satiftfaction t h ii far,aiid nt,i;ais s to do in all canos. Any Piano jH be furaishecl that purchaser may require. He ishes it tobe distiuctly uudertitood that he will not be XJlsrüEElSOI-.JD ' or Ynt. N.T!._The Utest SHEET MUSTC foroale, PIANO MOOI.S, Sc. ALVIN WILSEY. AnnArbor. nee. OTtli, 1861. 980td FOR SALE! Ofl HOOSE9 AXC) I.OTS, worth f. om $1,000 t o '' i30JO. Als.) reveral improred FARMS. A..I. SUTHi:Rl,AND, Artut,ïD WililB. 994tf Commercial Agent,


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