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Dr. Tappan's Eulogy On Lincoln

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[The íollowiug are tho closing para graphs of the very ablo and oloquen eulogy pronounced by Dr. Tapi?an, late President of tho University of Michigan and on the occasion of the gathcring o thu Arnericau residente in Burlin, to coto memórate liis death. - Ed. Arqus] : Lineóla trusted in the voluntary uprisiug oí a free peoplo, and he trastad in the true and great hearted commaudcr, whom the espeiiouce of tho war had revealod to him. But more than all, he trusted in God. He beliovod in a Prov idence that watehes the fall of a sparrow, and tho conflicta of nations. In bis public speeehes and official proclaïuations, and in liis familiar oonversations he evinced his belief and trust iu a God of truth and justico. Ho devoutly believed that tho causo of his country was one of truth and justicc, and thereforo dear to God. His picty was uuprotcoding like all his virtues, but like them, too, laid in tho foundations of bis being. Ilonce, whatever trials he and his country might be called to pass through, he faltered not in his confidence of a happy ending. Justice might demand that tho wealth accumulated by unrequited labor should be swept away, that every drop of blood drawn by the lash should be atoned for, by a corresponding drop drawn by the sword; bul, ho saw beyond the days of trial and the bloody pennauce, the days of poace and brotherhood returning; a purified oonstitution, and a rogenerated people, a reconstruoted Union restiug securely on the rights of man ; eister states embraeing each other from ocean to ocean ; his country one and undividtd free and independent, stretching its peaoeful and prosperous existence through the coming centuries, and collectiug around iteelf the sympathies and hopes of mankind. It was for h's wholo country., the South as well as the North, the East as well as the West, that he labored, and dreamed dreams of peace prosperity and glory. He had accomplished the firat part of his work - he lad destroyed slavery and the military power of the South ; he was about to snter upon the second part - the part 10 oongenial to his nature - reconitruct and unite, to revive, to heal, and ■eanimate the nation, when he was laid ow by an act cf veDgeance which civilzed and christian oations will not justify ven when a tyrant is its object, and vhich filis them with horror and dismay vhen a just man and a friend of humanty becomes its victim. No one dou.bts he greatness of the loss : no one palliites the enormity of tho crime. But the work which Lincoln left uninished will not remaiu unfinishod, The nan who takes his place was, like hini, a humble laborer onginally ; like hire was self educated, and educated by the exigencies of a life spent in tho public sorvice, educated like Franklin and Oobden ; a man who as a poor white of the south has folt the iron heel of the lave power, and who during this rebollion has had cxperionce of tho vindictivcuess of thnt power, as well as of losses on the liuld of battle ; a man of ooblo gifts, and pure patriatic aims. Wo dhall miss the gentle and forgiving spirit of Lincoln, and a ray of sunshiue will fade From the capítol with his benignant smile. His manly sense. His experienced wisdom, aud his playful humor formed a cotnbination too rich aud original to bo easily replaced. Bnt his very doath provea tbat the gterner justico which may charoterize his euccessor may be demanded for the completion of his work. His principies live his example cannot bo iorgotton ; the great cause for which be died preesed the more upon us iu consequence of his death ; and the President, and a-united people, while they touched his bier, have sworn iu their hearts, that his work shall not remain unfioished. As for him, death came to him ip tho ripeness of his years, his virtues, aud his faine. There is not a stain upon his fuir and honored name. Wo look upon him as. an honest man - God's noblest work, ín him wo havo nothing to regret, but that wo have lost him. "So live that wlien thy sutnmons comes to join Tho innumerable caravan, tbat moven To tliat mysterieus reahn, where each Khall tafce II in cliamber in tho silent hall of lifMli, Thou go nol Mkc the quarfv .-lave at night, Scourfd to 1 x ï fknigcon, but, fiiitüiiO'l iii'l soÉrthrfil By an iinfultering tru-t, approach tiiy grave, T.ike one n'lio wrups tlie !r ppry of hiri couch About hira, auil liod clown to pluaaaut dreamfl." So Abraham Lincoln lived and died. Although the drapery of his couch was stained by the pure patriotic blood, no doubts that it was wrappcd about, a peaceful conscience, and that he luid down to pleasant dreams of " lifo and immortality," ïhis good man will have his reward both hero and in the other world. Here, one of the bright stars in tho galaxy of history, he will be recorded among Héroes, Patriota and Martys. By bis countrymen, his memory will be everlastiDgly honored, und tenderly cherished. His name will tako its place beside the glorious name of Washington : one laid the foundations of American liberty : tho other completed the work, by bauishing slavery fiom tho land. Together they will go down to all the coming generations among " the few tho immortal names Ihat were not born to dio." In that otber world to which he has gouo, he will join " tlie noble eompany of the Martys" aud of "the Just made perfect." Blessed aro tlie deail who üe in the Lord : - They reat from their labors, and fclieir vorks do follow them Coax sunbeams to your eyes, smiles to your lips. Speak liopeful words as nften as you can. Get the name of be ing cbuerful, and it will bo an incensó to you. Whcrever the g!ad face goof, it is welcome ; whaiever lnugliiiig üs aek, if very apt to be grantcl.


Old News
Michigan Argus