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In tliis citv, at the residence ot Bis iousin, il,e editor of tilia paper, on Saturday, July Ist atïo'clock, 1'. M., of ehrunie diarrhea, Wilbur F. Bartlit, aged 23 years. Wjlbob learned big trade wiih os, aud (,S been a member of our family and 11 our emplpï nearly all the time for twelve yoars.- I'or seveial ycurs he lias been foreman of our office, in which capacity he servoil us faithlully and our cusióme! s promptly and neatly. He 'was a fust class piinter, and a youug man of more than ordiuary abilily. He left our uflice aboul the flïst of September last, enli-sling to serve his country a year jullie Missbsippi Navy, in which service he conUacted the diseaae which bas cut short !,is lifc. Our readers wbo were notpersonally acquainted with Mm, we are sure will remember the iuterostiug letters from bim which we liavo pulilished from time to time. Last winter he was in the hospital for some weeks, but conquered the disease and returned to duly on the Essex. With the excesivo „arm weather of June, the disease relurned, liut he stuck to duty, giving tip and taking to bis haminock only when conipclled so to do. In kis liammock but a few days bo was sent to the Naval Hospital at Meniphis, from which lie was discharged, and from service, by hia own desire, on the 20lh uit., and started with atship-mate iminediatcly forbomo. Hereachd herc on the afteruoon of the 24th, almost hausted, but glad as ever was mortal to liiul a resting place among friends. But medioal kilt, careful nursing, and all the attontious love could bestow, availed nothing, nd lre was finally " mustered out " on the evening of the lst iust., going at the last as gcntly as aa infaut drops to sleep, aud now rests in our beautiful Cemetery to auswer no more the " beat to quarters," nor watch for guerrillas on the Mississippi's shorea. Heieaves a large ek-cle of warm friends liere, who will drop a tcar to his memory, aad ■exUwl their sympaUiies to his absent Futlier and Brothers and Sisters who were net per witted to be witti him in his last hours, and npun whotu the Wow fii'tls suddnl.y aud unexpeeted. i3f A ure oecuïred in our city on tbe -Uh, not announced iu the progranmie for llie day Tlie alarm was sounded at abont 1 P. M , just as all Wee ir. the full of their enjojment. The flre oiiiuated in the noïtli wingofthe dwelling vf Mïs. Al'sTix Kilky, on Fourth Street, ailroining Uie llisses Elak's residencie anti scliuol, Titó WiTig was ccupied by Mr. Laffkry, a [lartLer oí Mr. A. IÍ. PxrtriIdge in the now tean plaiimg Will and facfory on Pifth Street, who CAn acoüiit for it otily on the basis of a defectivo flue. We weïe nvjttsi Ihe groutid until after ïhnt and the bïiiWiiii! of the Misses CtARK were well consmuetl, Out hear it -said tliat ï,acl the citixens first preselit had pvesence of mindj aiiï ni v.uited for tl'.e firemen, it uiik,'i.t liavo been put out befoïe niucli lam■ntí huí lme. But citraens waited for fiieliicu, oud wier. the Srenien caine waterwas lackinij, and tite ilames were soou beyofld tonlrul. The srbool tmldinjS and dweiling of the Miases Uï-ask and the dweiling of Mis. Rilky Vere both totally dfetroyed. This loss falls Lfavily npon the Misses Clacjí. whcue surplus eafuiüitu for a of & celituiy were swept away in au hoar. The IManos, Furnilur, Library, Musetim, Colledious, &c, were inostly saved, but in a damaged condition. ïheir loss is esthuated at from $3,600 to $5,000, on which tliere wan as insurance of $1,000. The loss is of such a nature that it can liever be repaired. Minerals, plants, butographs, curioai'.ies, &c, of which the collections were large and rare, were very much scattered, and probably can never be gotteu together and re-arranged. If any citizens liave specimens in posses?ion, picked up at (he fire, they are requested to leave theni at lliis office. The Misses Ciars: continue their school for llie balance of the term at the M. E. Cliurcli. Subscriptions are in circulation to enable tliera to rebuild, and we trust that our citizens will be liberal. They have worked long ■and faithfully, have edu-cated Uie daughters f many of our citizens, and are deserving genereous aid. Many graduates of their chool are scattered (hroughout the State, who will sympathize in the ïosses of their teacliirs, and who will cheerfully contribute to their early re establishment ia a new building. We have Hot heard the loss of Mrs. Kiley btimated, and do uot kuow whether she had any insurance or not. Mrs. R. and her jonin-lnw, IIugh MoGuiek, lived in the back part of the dwelling. Furniture mostly saved. A subscription is also in circulation for the relief of Mrs. Riley, aud we assure our readers that she is deserving assistance. - In this couneotion, we inay be permitted to say to the Coramon Council and citizens generally, that better means for supplying water in cases of fire are imperatively demanded, and that too early and energeiic steps eau not be taken to build reservoirs or cisterns in every pari of our city where they can be filled. lll W III - . L3 The Juue number of Blackmood't Edinhurgh Magazine has the following papers : Piccadilla, Notes and Notions from Italy, Miss Majoribauks, Hero-Worbhip and its Dangers, Tbe líate of Interest. How to Uake a Pedigree, Sir Brook Fossbrooke, Tliirty Tearg' Policy in New Zealand, The Governtnent and the Budget. $4 a year "Ui the four Itemeios, í}15. Address L. Scott & Oo., 38 Walker SLreet, N. X. föST The Wool trade yet hangs fixe, nd prices do not advance. In fact we learn that coimuissious have been taken up.and fiuirls onlered elsewhere to buy at cheaper fiyuies. Yosterday 53 waa the outside figHfe, and few fleeces would command that Trtce. The range is 47@53. fiZST Tlio Miases Or.AiK desire to feturn their thank to lliair frieuds who so P'uuiptly aabialcd in remo-vlng their furniture, ■fc'i fiom burnïng School room iind iwclling (5 thjs .Hh,