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Casualties Of The War

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Üflioial csümatcs üf tho War Department compute the number of deaths in the Unioc armies since tho eommeneement of tho war, including the starving prisoners, at throe hundred and twentytive thousand. There has doubtluss been fully two hundred thoasaud Southern soldiers removed by diseaee and the casualties of battle, so that not les thau five hundred and twen!y-five thousand lives have been sacrificed in this unholy contest, begun and prolonged by the South ín their vaio effort to build up u new republic and strengthcu the sluvc powtir. Our greatcst losses duriug any ono campaign, oeeurred at Gettysburg, wheu 23,267 Uuion soldiere were killed, wouuded and taken prisoners. liooker's campaign of 1863, in tho Wildorness, ranks next fro Gettysburg, as far as regarás Union losses, they having amouuted to twenty thousand, Ihough geuerally reportcd at only ten. Burnsido lost 1,200 in the battlo of Fredericksburg, McClellau 11,426 at Antiotam, Porter 9,000 at Guiñes' Mdls, Kosecrans 12,085 at Murfreesboro and 16,851, at Chickimaugn, and Sherman about 0,000 in the two days1 batt'es around Atlanta. The official reports of Gen. Grant's losses froni tlie time he croased the llnpi dan until reouiving the surreuder of Lee, computo thera at ninety thousand. In the various engsgements fought by Gen Grant in the west he lost Í 3 ,47 3 men at Pittsbnrg Landing, 9,875 in the severu conlests around Vicksburg, aüd in the attack ou Mi.ssiouary ïlidge about 7,000. Thougfa our losses in many of the eampaigus havo been heavy, they yet fall below thoee iucurred in sornc of the Eutupean war.s This has been due, to a considerable extent, to the efficiency of the medical departmeut and the lavish amouDt of supplies, at lea-t onc-third greuter than those furui-hud to any Kuropean army. A report recently made to the Imperia! Academy of Medicine, by Chenu, Phytueiau of the Freuch army, estimates the losses oí that army in tho Crimean war as folkws : Killed on the field of battle, or missing, 10,240 ; lost in the Semilante, 702; died of various diseases at Alma, 8,084 ; died of cold, apoplexy, &c, before Sebastopol, 4,342; died in the field aud general hospitals, 72,247 ; total, 95,615. ïhus, of 309,264 men sent by France to tbe Crimea, about one-third fouud a soldier's grave. ■ Tho siego and reduotion of Jeruaalem resulted, says Josephus, in the loss of 1,000,000 lives. 00,000 Persiana were placed hors du conibal at the battle of Arbela, and 100,000 Carthagcnians in the engagement of Palermo. 12,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry perished on the fatal íiuld of Issue. Spain lost 2, 000,000 lives during the persecution of the Arabians, and 800,000 in expolling the Jews. Frederick the Great inflicted a loss of 40,000 oo the Austrians in the cönfliets of Leuthen and Leignitz. Tho battlo of Jena and the lesser engagements immediately iollowing cost tho Prussian army over 80,000 men. At the battle of Leipsic, the French suffered casualties to the nuniber of 60,000, and the Swedos and their allies, 40,000 more. 50,000 French and Kussian soldieis lay dead aud dying ou tfce field after the buttlo of Moskowa, and Napoleon agaiu lost 47,000 meu at Waterloo, and the Duke of Wellington 15,000 more. Hl il


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