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Passenger traius novr leave Detroit and tlie several stations in this Counte as íollows: GOIKÖ WEST. M1 Day Dexter Even Ni"ht Train Ex. Acc. J!. Ex. Detroit, 7. 15 a. m 10.30 a. x 4 35p.m5,2Íp. H oim' a Ypjitantl, 8.40 ■' 11.55 i c.1-2 " C.50 " 12.5ji.m Aun Arbur, 9.05 " 1-2.15p.mCM" 7.10 " 1 00 " Dexter, 9.35" 12.40 " 7 00" 7.35 '■ Citetam, 955 "12.55 7.50 " OOIKO EAST. Even. Pexter Night Day Mail Kx. Ace. Ex. Ex. Train. CheUat, 7.35a.ji3-30IM15.UOp..u Dixt.r, 6.0ÖA.1I7.55 " 3.45 "0.20 " Ann Arbor, 4,-25 i. 6.86 " 8-20 " 4.05 ' 5 50 " Ypsilaoti, 4.50 "7 0) ' 8.40 " 4.15 " 6.12 ' Detroit, 0.10 " 8.2S1 " 10.00 " 5.45 " 7.45 ' The Mail Train runs to aud from Marshall. COBER F ACTS FOR THINKING O l'EOl'I.K. Year aflor year, flor aneiirhth of a century, the Presa oí the country lia chroHicled the benefictal efTectK of HOSTKTTKirs STOMACH DITTl'ÜS. Editors, authors, pliysitians, merchants, oflicers of the army and navy. shemista, counselors, ministers of the gospel, in short, agreatcloud of wltficasea of evry proféision, trade aml calliag, have teHtified to its elticacy as a tonic and rtulatiug medicine. The ñames and statements of tbese witnefses have been publishod in tho public prints, Many of them are veil known to the whole public. Tiieir testimony bs never been challetlged or impugne.!. Ujton eidence far less weighty men are acfintti'd or condemned by consdeutious juries. HOSTETTER-B STÜMACH BITTEES is not however upuu trial. It Aa been tried and pronounced on the authorlty of those whoselh-cs and health i t has pro.-eived, iv pure, harmlesK, and emiuently salutary prepararon. Attempts have beeu made to rival it. Tliey have failed. Can it be necessaryto say why they have failed f Ask the recovcred dypptics,biliou8 sufferern, vietims of fever and ague, and nervone Hubjects :vho have exporienced its efTects, what Ikiy thluk of ft. AsK thkm aml to guidcd solcly by what they say. Sold everywhere. lwlO16 ITCH. I WIIEATON'S 1TCH. Sa!t Itli ik-iu. ÜISiTMKNT. Salt Kliciun, Will cure the Itch in 48 hourn - also cures Salt Rheum , ülcers, Chilblains, andali Eruptions of the Skin. Triee 50 cents; by sending 50 cents to Weeks Sf Potter, Boston, Mass., will be íorwardtíd free by mail F01 sale by'all.druggists. FBEDaulCK Stüakxb, Detroit, 4 Agent for Michipn. TROF. R. J. I.YONS' Tatients and all otliers interrested willplease take riotice that he will contin ue hiu vi-sits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during Í864 ani 'G5 and at the expirationof which he willdis continue his vifiits and open an ïnfirmary at Cleveland, Ohio,for the treatment of Lung and Chest diseaees. WH1SKKKS! WHISKERS! lo you want Whiskerf-or Moustnches? Our Grecian C'omp'Hiud will tnic.e them to gvow on tho siuoothest face or chio, or huir ou bald heada, in Hix Weeks. - Price,S1.00. 8ent by mail anywhere, closety Realed, on receipt of prico. AdüVeis, WARNER & CO., Box 13S, BrookliD, N. Y. ly9M. TUST READY FOK SALE, A LAROIG LOï OF A foiv left jet of those Huys' UÍbd Suits. lml014 M.GU1TE1UI1A iiCO. IUST RECEIVED, AND GOING FAST, 1800 Lincn Coats and TJusters, to kff V'"i rro, and keeji ofl tho DUS'X'. lyOW IS THE TIMK For foargnins iu AND GKQCERIES !! C. H. MILLEN, is now receiving hia sPKiisra stock: OF DKY GUODS, GARPETS, nnd GROÜEUJKS, lion-ht 11 i the recent great {locline inew Yoik.and willuesotd as low in the lovnt l'all aml er.amiiui goodsand prict'K bflbre piucluising. C. S. MILLEN. April, 1863. T)RJJNTS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 conts. BLEACHED CüTTONS, and all other goods at EEDUCED PKICES! At C. H. MIIXE.VS. AT C. H. MILLEN'S. "I ADÍES' DEESS GOODS of all JL kinds, Lndies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Huir Oruatnents, &c , all tlie now ktjiet just received anil lor sale clieap. 1004tf C. II. MIIJ.EN. npSÊÜ GliEAÏ CltltílS] 3ST. B. COLE & CO-, have ustoptneUa LAUUK STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, GEEAT FALL IN GOLD! wldcli will bc sold al a GREAT REOUCTION FRO5I FORMKR PR1CES. 0 TUeir Stock includes tbe 3Latest Sïtyles 2 and tbeQUALITV is the BEST IN MAHKET. G1VE THEM A CALL beforp purchasing elaewhere. - O REPAIRINQ Neatly and Promptly Done, " C0I-E. A. D. SF.YI.KR. AuuArbor, April, 1865. ]006 NN ARBOR WOOLEiM MILLS Are uow ready to furmsh partieB with all kinds u f WOOLEN GOODS! Anñ will EXC1IANOE COODS FOR WOOI,. Persons furnishing tlieir own Wool, can liavc it MAM'FACTURICI) inco :iBy KIND (K (JOODS Ihcy cli.)o8e,atSHÜ..ÏN0TICK. Also, particular attention wjll be friven to CARD1JG OF ROJLJLS! Their Mills areallsupplierl with now raacliincry of the best and most apjiroved iat(ern. IOMLINSON & mevr. Ann Irbor, Mich. May 9th.lS6f. l'iwlOOS HOWARD ASS0CIATI0IÍ, Phii.adeu'iiia, Pk. Discnscs ol lln Kervnua, Seminal l rluniy and Si'Xiinl Systems - new and roliablc treatment- in report of the HOWARD ASSOCIAT1ON- tíent by mail in sealod letter envelopes, free of chargeAdrlross Dr. .1. RKII.I.IX HOÜGflTPON, Hovvartl Association,No.2 South Ninth iitreet, Philadfllpbia , PaonyWania. ly.)63 SPAKEN UP ! ''.mie into the euclome of the subscribir, about theSöthof May, a about 13 years nlil Jl;is totoa wtiito iu (hc forehi'od. TIib owncrin rpquete! to provo propcity, oincgec, tur] t&ke .said Mare iiv;iy. (iEO N.B.RENWICK. Salem, Íuie8tli, 1S65. hwi012 'rAKEN UP! CHiae int" tlie re of the MiWriber , on oi il'"ut May "Ö'h.ono BAY MARK COl.T, Mtpp fc,il tu br. about Ivo yeard oíd, with oiiy hite hind fuot. Thi owner h requitla to c.iH , prorjb property, pj y ■ -harges, aud takt hei awav. V , KIvM.EV,


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Michigan Argus