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THE KOOTS AND TUK LEAVES WILL ba for thulloaÜLa oi the Nations. min. Prof. JEÍ. LT. liTTOKiS, TIIECKKAT ,WSD (I'I.KIIRATKI) PHVSIC1AN of tUe TlWO.AT.l.UMir', UKAKI.LJVfcK AND THK HI.OOI), Kuuwu ollovei tlucouut. as Uie cei.k"i;-t! n IKTDIA-M" ÜEHB DOCTOü I lf 282 Superior ötvcet, Cleveland, OUio. Will vi.sit tlH folluwmg places, viz Al'I'OINTMKN-TSÏOH 1S2, 186anfl 1SÍH. Trof. K. J. I.vons can be couaulted at the fnlloiviu pltbamBTer; immth, via: OHiHj-rt, Kansel House, t-sch montli, ISUi ad Ifitb. Aan ApbwvMoBLlofBme,eAcb montbTS0tb. Jackoj ilibbarl lluiife, 'ch nionüln, 'Jl. Aitrlan, Braokfct House, encli mtiirtti -22.1 a inlaad. Ttj-ilo, Ohio, Collms lljinvtí,.ea;íh mtmífo, SHtli,2uth nud íílíth Hittsdsile, Mic)i. , líi lisíale Jíwnfte, eacli month,2761i C'oldwuter, ilich., tiouthern Michigan House, eacl monlli, 88 th. Klkhart, Klkhart IIouaeTeftïli lTitJï , -ÍWhouth Iíeudf lu'i rt. V, ta'eíl eíich mwntli, 30. Iyone, Tflri.Tpe (ianlen il tBe, ëtfcli montli 31st. WoosterjOUiOjCi-andöU Exchjugp, eacli montli. Tt' antlSth. Manslifld, Ohio, Wiler Iloust each mcnth, OtU nn lOth. Mt. Veroon,Knyon Houso, each month, lltb and ISth. N'ewark, Ohio, Holton Houso, eaeh montb, 13th an( t4tli, raiuesville.Ohio, CowlcHoiiRe.Gacli mo-tïU , ítli CI.I'.VÉI.N1, OHIO. REMDENCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET Kust of tbe public stiuure, opposite tho PotttniVice OiEceiiêa,cb uioat.U, Ist, 3(1, 4tb,5tbf Ctli, lóth,- OniceliouTsfrom Í A. M. t.o 12 H, %nü ?7ai 2 V. M. t 41. M. OuSunday froro 9 to 10 A. M.,and 1 tü 3 P. M j(jMiixiins.strictly adhered to-I z'ive sucb b.ilni aa baTe no strife, With nature or the lavs of üfe, VViih b)'i"l my Imndsl nover.stiiin, Norpuifton men toease tbeirpain. Ileis a ph y sic i au indeed, vrko CWM. Tbe [ndian Herb Doctor, R. J.LTOWS, cures tK? fol lowing coiupiaiutsin tbe most obstioate ütftgesof (ïïei existence, viz: DiseaseRof thcThront, Lnngjt, Ileart, lAver, Stom ach , Propfly in the Cbest, Uheumatism, Neuralgia , Fits orTaHingSiokiiO(ii8,RnaHother nerYoufl'lerangeraents Alao alldiseaseaof the blood, such au Scrofuln , Efyslg ela,Cancerfi , Fever rioren, Leprosy, and all othercom plic.ited chroiiic coniplaiiits. AUforms of tómale diiliculties attended to with tb happierit resulta. It ia hopert that no one will oQvp&ir of a cirü imtï they bare gWe-n the indi.Mi Herb Doctor's Mcdïcint-s a fair and faithful trial. K$During tbe Doctor'f tiav els in Kurope, West Indie.s, .South America, d th United ?tate, he has beun the instrument in Odl hand, to restore to he.illh and vigor thoitsand wbo were givenup tind pvonounced incurable by the mos emineutold school phsidnns; nay, more, thouañd who wcre oí tö Trgft of tle jfrave. are now living to ïlie Indian Ilerb'H Doctor's skill auïuccessfuVt'reatmentjandarednilyexclaiming: "Bles ed be theday wben tirst ne saw and partook of th [adían Hcrb-Ioctor's medicine." Sattsfactory referencesof cares will be gladly am elieerrnlly given henever required. ThcDoctor pledgca hls word and honor, that he wil ín do wise.dircctly or imlirectly, induce or cause auy invali.l to tafee bis medicinewitbout the etrongest prob ability of ji euro. Modeofv:aminfttion,whichi.s entireljiüfferen from thefacu'.ty. Jr.. Lyon proTe-ses to dinefm dj aeases by tïieeyc. ïfe tKereforc ftkfl nnqaestKins, no doos he i-cqíüreitiitientftooxiilainymptínnp. Callón and all, md have tbosvmptouav and location of yo dfseafif explainedfreé f charge. K"Thepoorshnll beliberally considered. S-Post„mccalia1ea.Sbox 203. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862 lyS80 TUST OPEMNGr The largest Stock na: best ossortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brouglit to this ciiy, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, OIIAIRS Xool5Lirxs G-lassos Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOPFINS METALIG CASES, &c, " c, and all otKegoodB kept in tho bost and lar ;est house in the country. Wenoepnu econd hand uriituteo Auctiongoods. Gofiins kept opitantly c n and, and made to order. M goods are oHerad at THE LOWEST CASH FR1CES N B. I must have money, and respeatfiüly roques thós'e indebted,to cali and flx up their oW matter withoutdeiay. o m MARTIN. AnnArbor,Oct.6,1863. Ö25tf i n RE AT CJLOSIJVG OUT j A SPLKNDID OP DEESS 600DS! &onts' FURNISHING GOODS. CASSÍMERES, Olotli?, Satinets, Sec, DOMESTICS, SHOËS. HATS 4 CAPS, Crockeryi aROCEHIES, &c, Are to be sold at prices that willguarantec thc-ir salo N. B- The 1ïiFxst Stock of Calicó and BrownCotton ín the'leïis tiianiUiüufacturer'B prices. The higbpst'pricc'paid inTradeor oah fur all klndfl ot' lJrotluo9. MACK & SGHMID. WANTED- Married Ladies, Trof Von Verae's Diamond Drope, a never failing and liarmlcss rcmcly for a.U obfitructiona and irreu[ftfttlM At) ituinied ladies will lind thia a never iVi ï l - n% ;;i 'voiitive , ior whicb it íh warritnted in every m. stancie, and are invitod to end a red stamp for a eireu lar,or2.25 for bottle,. to FKKOFR!í"K STEARNS, wholesale Sroggist peneriil agol for Mhign f'itriJic Itinnnnd Drops, P. O. Drawii #40, betrcrlt. fíüp gnfpjffdfti in [■rintir't=pj'í(fF , 0t'm' CCHENCK'S PÜLMGNIC SYROF, SEAWEED TONIC, MAfêDRAKE FiLLS. The abore ia a corrret IrSoapss of Dr. Sehencli . just after recoTreriprjrfrorn Consumption, many yearsago Relow i a likeness of hiin as he now appeurH. Wbra the tï wns takin he weighed Qfi piiuuils at the present time lus weight ís 220 ponnós. DR. SCHEKCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory is at the N. K. corner of S1XTH and COMMERCE Street .s, fchfiide$h!a where all letters foraJvicc or business should be di rected. IU will be found there every SATURDAY, profes! sionally to examine lungs with the Respïromeler, for which his fee isthree dollars ; all advice freo. In New Yoi-k at No. 32 HOND Sti eet, every TUEá DAY, from 9 A. M. tí 3 P. M. At tho MARL3OU0' HOTEL, Boston, January 18 anï 19, February 15 and 16, Maich 15 and 16, April li) and 20', -May 17 and IS, Juüc14 and 15, July 19 and 20. The timo for my being in BALTIMOKJá and PITT3BUBG, wil] be éten in fclie iluïly papers of those cïtio. The Ilhtory of Dr, Scltenck's ourrt Case, and howhe was cured of Consiinqili)!. Many ycars ago, whilst residing iu Philadelphia, I had progvessed gradtmlly into the last stage af Pal nionmy Consumpliun All hopos of my recovery being disdipAted. I advised by my physiciao, Dr. to remove into the country. .Moorestown, New Jersey, being my native place, 1 was removed thitlter. My fa'ther and all li is family had Ifveti and died therc- and died of l'ulniouary Consamption. On ruy iirrival I was put tp 1 ed, where 1 lay for many weeks in what wasd-'finu'l a opffl3ií condition. Dr. Thornton.who had been my father's family phyt-ician, nuc had ittended liba in Lis last fflnèss, was called to nee me. Kg thougbt my cascentircly beyond the reachof medicine, and decided tliat I must díe, and gave me one week to arrange my trmpoi-al atfairs. In this apparnlly hope less condition, I heard of the remedies wbich I dow make and sell. It Seemed -"Ó roe ihat I could feol them working their way , nnd penetrating every ucivo, ftbrb, and tissue of mr system . My tatagsand Üver put ona new action, nnd the mor bid matter wbich for years had accumulated nn] rrj tated tlie different organsof the body, was eliminnie-l r the tuberoles on my lungsripeteed, and I ex pectoral ed from my lungs as mncli as a puit of yellmv offensive matter every morning. Aa 1 1 1 i s eXpotom( ion of mtter subsïded, the feverabated, the pain leftroethe coiigh ceased to harass me, and the exhausting cightsweats were n longer known, and I had rn'reshing sleep, to whicli I had long been a stranger. My'appptite now n to return, and at times 1 fouud it diftïcult to restrain myself from eating too ninch ; with tais röturn of healtlt, I gained in trength, and now ani Ileshj . 1 am now a healthy man, tvfíh a large hoaled cicatrix in the middle lobe of the right lung and the lower lobe bp;tied witb complete adhesioü of the pleura. The left hing ia sound, and the npper-ïobe of the right one is in a toteiably heilthy condiLion. Conftumption at that time wasthought to bean in4curablo díBease, by every one, pfijndaas aswellas those who wfire unlearnedin medicine- cspecially such 'caFGsaft wero reduced to tho condition I was in. Tl. is ■induced many peopluto believe my recovery only temporary. I now prepared and gave the medicines to cooffumpiivea fer some time, and made many wonderful cures ; and the demand increased so rapidlythatl determined to offer thom to the public, and devote my undividedattention to hing diseases. In truth,I wa aext to foreed to it,for penple woald Pond for me f;ir anil ncar, to aBcurtain whether tbeir cases werelike mine. For many yearfi, In conjunclion with my piiucipal oflice Ín PhiJarlölphia, I have been making regular professional visits to New York, Boston, Baltimore, and !Pltüburg. For severnl years past I have made as innny as five hundred examinaüon weekly with the "Kenpirometer." For sueh examination my charge is tbree dollars, aud it (nables me to give ench patiënt the true condition of bis diseaae, and teil liim frankly whetherhc will gpt MH. Thegreafj reasofi1 why pbysfciansdo not cure Consumption ÍB,fhat they try to do toomuch; tliey glve me ichies to stop the cough, to stop the n wentw, hectie fever, and by so doing they derangc th H whoie digentive system lockinq up the secretions, andceventually the patiënt die. Thé Pulmonic Syrup is one of the most vahiable medicines known. It is nutriënt, powerfullj tonic,and heabn Ín itself. It coniains no opium, yet loosens the phífcgm in the bronchial tubes, and nature throws it off with Iittle exertion. One bottle frequently cnres an ordimtry cold ; liut it will be well first to take a dose of Bchenck's Mandrake'sPillH to cleanne the stomach. The Pulmonic Syrup U readily digested atd absorbed into blood, te ■ wbich it tin part its healingjropcrties Iti no of Bhe bctpreparations of irouni use ; K ia a po werf ui tonic of itself ; and when the Seaweel Tonic difcol e.s the mucus in the stomach, and is carrled off by the aid of the Mandrake 1'illn, a healthy fiow of gastricjuice, goolappetite,and a good digestión f olío'.v. The Scaweed Tonic ïh a stimulant, and none other ia requireá when it ia nsed. It is pure and pleasimt ; no bad eifects likewhenufing Bourbon whisky which disorders the stomach, torpors the liver, locks up :ill tho Rocretions, turns the blood into water, dropsysefe in, and the patiënt diessuddenly. nóurbon whisky is recomm-ended now-a days by almost every physician. -Many 'ötients that isit my roome, both inaií and fetnatef aro stapefleá wirh this polson. The relief is temporary. If tbéy cough they take a Iittle whisky ; if Lliy feel iveak and feeblo thcy itake a li&tle whisky ; if they cannot sletp, they talie a "Iittle whisky ; and they go on Ín this way, requirlnri more andmore until they are bloated up, and iniagiin; thcy are getiing floshy. The Rtomach, liver, ana digestivo powers are completéis detroyed, and lose their nppetite for food. No one was ever cured of consumption by this proces, where cavttiea have been fonncd ■ in the lungs. A liU'.e stimulant is frequently beneficial to conaumptivos such as pure brniidy or goud vlrfea ; :h many cases I,ondon porter or brown toutin moderate quantiücs ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on instead oí curingconsumjiLion. ' The Seaweed Tonic produces lfstiU rebutes, thoroughly invigorating the. stomach and djJfesilVe system , a.nd enfibling it to eliminaia' and n-ake into healnl-y '. ilood the lood which mny b ■ used for that purpo.e -- i t is go woni'.cri'ul in its elTectw tliat a wino-glassrull i will dlgesi a hearty meal . and a Iittle of it È&ketl before g break fas t will give a tone to the stomacb which tfew rúedícrnes poterna tie power of dr:ing. -, The MANTOt-AKK PILI.S may be taken with ontlre r afèty b'y al!; f ges aiid conditions, producing all the ' goo'l resulta thíit caribe ob&ined fi-ora cnlfmel, or any )f the mercurial medicines, and witho'titany of tlifir D mrtful or injurious result, They citrry outof tfte t yateta the feculent and worn out mn ttera too&fiped nnd" I iddblved by my Seaweed Toniè and Pulincnic Syrup. - t will be een that all three of my medicines are d ia niest cases to cure Consumntion. AOENTS. p BOSTO.?- Ccorge C. Coodnin k Co. NEW YORK- Domas Bnrnes & Co, ', l!AI,TIMonK-S. S.IIiincc. fi Ir. Goorgé n. Kcjscr. CINCINNATI- F. E; Piiiro Co ., and Jiihn D. Park. f ('IHCAliO- Í; Sniitb , ,tnil H. Siovjj, .1 8T. LOLWS- Oi.ll.:ii:i ètpüters. SAN I''KAN;lSCO- Mosttetter, Smith Tr.n ; '.... uifi hv Iirrncplk'ts as4 Dealer. ly?OS II


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