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fflj Ml Wi Strayed or Stolen. One New HÏI'cb COW, Red, ooe hnrn a litUe lopped, imall wluto ftitr in forehoad, slightij pin-hip-ped on Ie ft EÜdé. Any one üeturnint the same to Mrs PUTNAM,Uni versity Strpet, or giring inforinatmn vrtu-M ahe msy b fnund, wül bo Iiberatly rewaided. Aan Arbor,JuriE 24th,lS(i5. 3wiOI" pÏANO FOR SALÊ7 RLLRB CHANCE. FOR SALE Yry fine 7 oc+are over-strnng l'UXO, manufacture by one of the bet mnkciv in New York, and ia tone, touch, and finish, une of th j best instrutuont-i erer brouglit 10 tbin citvPersonn wiehiug Ji ically jjood ustru ment ato inyitt d to cal) and examine it. Jïgr Inqaire at tl. e ARGUS OFF1CK. Aun Albor, July 12th, 1865. pROFOSALS will be received through Ann Arhc Post Office, upto aturday, July 15th, fcr building fne t-nc. foiuniatinn j öf the new M. E, Church in this city Fhe plns and 1 BpccificatïonR cnn be neen at the Offloé of W. H. M.illftry, ! Architect. Tlic building coinniiltee ieaerve theright ■ to accept or rejecf atjy vt i'e proposals. i Addrens Z. BUR" , 1116 Chairman of Building Ccmra'tteeEstáte of David Lapíiam. STATE of MICHIGAN, Cou-tt of Wabtitenau-, e. At a eesion of the Probate Court for tbc County f)f "U'a.slitena'.v, holden ai the Prohnte Offic-j in the City of Ann Arhor, on Thnrsd.iy, tho thirteenth day of Jnly, m the year one thouK.uut cilit hundiod anti sisty-Jïve, Propont, Hinim 3. ïtcakop, Judce of Probate. In tho matter of the Estáte of David L;iphnm, [ visod, Wal ter I. Corson, Kxccutor of the iriBt ' Will r.nd Testament of said decca-sctl, comes ïuto Court and reprosonty that hc is now prepared to rendcr his 5ual iiccouut n? puch Executov. Thereupon it i Ordcred, that Tnowlnr, the eighth day p f August nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, lieassin3d for examining and aliowjng enen account, and that ;he heir at law of eaid deceased, and all ; jther persons Isteresfasd in Bftid atíate, nre I ïtiired to appear at a íeseloD of saíd Court, then to be :ioldcn at the Probnte Office in the City of Ann Ai'bor, in said Countj', and fhov cause, if any there be, way ihe said account should not be allo wed : And It is V.rther ordered, that said Ëxecutor cive notice to the tei'sons inttrested in said estáte, of the pendency of laW iicconnt, and the hearinf? theroof. by c.iuin?ftoopy f this Order to l? piihliahcd in tbe .Vwkvjiin 2rgust ïewspaper printed tmñ rirrulatingín saíd Connty, thrc wyP6rre wehs ppffloa to wik! day of '.hcirinc. ?K trnpy.) HIRAM J. BAKEfi 1017 Judgof Probfl.


Old News
Michigan Argus