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Estate of, WilÜant-eTjobLT.ICTATÜOFMK II. ,AN. (;„,-, UU'. WabtHrw, holden m tl uf Aun Arl.or, on Satur '. . ; ,.", , , ■ Í il, the year .., ,. Hkmis. ,„! ..-la i„„„i,' ' :, l'went llir. „ .) Biake, jSiS cwNeïl"0 U""to' f "'" E"Ute "f "&L n"jiS" (ju rettdinjr and flllng the oeUunn j , Ma. y B. JoftHt, praytag that lia,áci ïi l bc appoinled Ainiinistruujr on the j. or!i Thereupon il is Ordored. that Mond.. . August next, at ten o'clock iu thê tur n " tor the hearing of said petition, "','■"' ' lawof saW rtccrased, and aii uhe7 ' In raid estate, are required to IJiïT fld Court, Uien to bc twWsn st ti ! p" "o the City of Aun Albor, p„,l „how cmÏ give notice to the persons roteroste, f„iwi the pendency of naid petition, and the i !'1"iIl'í by causina a copy of mis ürdc-r toSSf E-tateof Marshalls-i eTATE OF MICHIGAN, Corsti o Wu O At a sessiou uf the Protato C:uurt fur tk1" Wilshtcnair, bokloi ut the ' (w. M:J of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the tnyaTi " 4( iu the ycar oue thoHsand eieht hnmlrii .,i ' ol' Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of " 1,? f'M In the matter of tbc fciaiu olGew and franklin J. Ma.Hh.iU. miiio S On reatiing and fifing the notitim, ,i,i WiHú.m Jonl-s, Guardia'.,, prajkig tiatZS oensed to ssll certato re%l ütaie b f, , !" mtoore. Thereupmi it is Ordered, that Tuew a flay of August next, at ten o1elockaiÍLl'l be assigned for tbc hearing of said ntT the rie.xt of kin of siúd náiioí's, and ril ui„ ' ■! teresteil iu saides&te, are teqnia-ed toT sidn of .aid Conrt, thcu to be holden í,i ï' omco, in the City of Alm Arbor. Zú f i4"1 auy there be, whv the prayer of the Beffiï aB nut be granted : And it "ís ftrrtnïr irdS, peüüoner give notice to the next of kin ol ,",m T and all other persons mtereated in s-a pendency of saH ptithn,-. and the brar,,?1 "' caosmg a copy f this Ortler to be p$[S Michinn Art, n newspaper, prhited and 2} in suid Coimty, türee Bucceseive weeks vi, davof hearing. " p 10Ui & U t coyy.j KRAit J. BKiSKK ___Í0 ''t'coiPti,, Estatp of Charles W. Mi!ler" CJTATE OP MICHIGAN, CocsTrtwffA.O At a sesaion of the Probate Court fu, th Í""' Washtenaw, holden at the Probat, (Z, -Tof Ann Arbor, on FrMay, the SaSW the year oae thoiusand eight hwéedtJ'; , ,' Present, filram 3. üeakes. gffJSÍ In tbe natter of the Estate of öi )ayf' On reaocandJingtIe petltiOB, Sah wgi Calvin heeler, praying that Koewell Heitkt appomted Administrator on the estate of 'aii' Tlicreiipon it is OHereá, that MoW' tbc day of August next, at ten o'cloci in tie fomS1 assigned lor the hearing ef sikl petitie aiH, keira st law of x:üd tkctuwsd, aad all otter!?! teresled in said estate, are retiuired to mcZ „' eion oí wtid iConrt, tlicij to be holden at tbnü Oftice, in tbe eity of Ann Arbor. aad sh,i any there be, wBy the prayer of tfie pelii cot be grauted : And it is further ordcreill7 petitlouer pive untiee to the peuoas Uitml ;, estate, ef tke-penieKígtBf eiffpetftioB andTh!? thereof, hy causing a copy of this Oder to htïS in the Mi'hiyan A.yus, & neiïspacer, criiitaUu culating in said Connty, thrüe sacces&e w,h ïious to said day of hear W " " CA troe copy.j. JBIEAM J. BEL 10" Juflgs of Frote Estale of John Avirv, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Vu-Mm, . O At a session of the Probate for of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate 0 City of Anti Arbor, on Monday. the tenii. iu the year one thoasund eight hundreö mSjItj j Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jadee of Prci In the matter of the Estate of Joiii.terr de On reading and flling the petitioa, italr mttdS JbannaAverj-, praying tliat she and AcicwCoiti soaie other suitable person ïnay be appoiiW Mnu h-ators n the estaU' - ; . ;i,l i!,.' .aí Thereupon it i. On'.-r.d, tbat jlosfcihe serena day of August next. at ten o'clociin the' Itmsm h aisigped for the hearing of said vtvüon. uittitiiii heirsVt law of sakl dewwsed, anii Ml otter (m,(i,, teresled in .saíd estáte, are required to apptiratiwsion uf said Coart, then to be bolden atlbeFnhr Office, in the C'üy of Ann ! there be, why the prayer of the petiüoiiei be grastad : And n ie fi-rther ordered, Ui tioncT gire Lotxe to tho persons interesteéiDO tate, of the pendency of said petition, ai , thereof, liy cansing a cf] y of this "vrtobepiö in the Michigan Argu , a newspaper, prii.i lating m sald County. three sucecssive vubptw to 8aut day of hearing. CA true copy.) HIILiM J. BEAKK lMï JadgeofPnta Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Cotaíj of Waifcsu ' ' In the matter of the Éstate of E!i Kigptfa County of Washtenaw, in the State of Mea ceased. Notico ís hereby given, that ín pursnaaceoíiBtféJ granted to the uii"'lr-i_, ;■■,'., Ar.mimsirstoroífeeM of ?id deceai-ed, by tho llon. Judgo of Protntth snid Count.v, on the tiürd day of July, A, D. :?vx will bc Sold at Public Venduc, to the lughtatbBtei the (hvolliiiu' house on the premis Tuesday, the twenty-r.inth day of AngJ at two o'clock in the afternooa of that day, ('utjettt all eucnmbrancep by morteage or otlirv Uie time of the desth of su I , Induik deacribed real esfate, to-wit : nndftWed Wf p&rcel of lantt commcnci! ;:]daiulfro North of wIutc the Case Road imvsccf ttaChw P.oad, in section twenty i:; tOHn?Mp Cwi" range live E.i5t, and in the centre o!aiá3áami running thence North twenty j ighl radiW do?' West, to Dell Diti li. ii uce Npifli aud Wed a above narned nurn! :.ixl a'mg tïi= W line of eaid ditcb to a stake la 5:r:iöoh.oneu half of tiio South-West quarter of Btt$on wsrttï and one hmidrod Is and six-K-ml-.s si sroift"" centre of yaid Chir auro Koad, runuiog 'ncí twenty-oiii aesree? Ë'ast to a stako ntkewts of pjiiti sectfou sevüntcnn, which yiakc isnvjwww East of rhc quarter ptake on the West Mie of MJ non BeventèeB, thence Westto the Su:;1 of the Kast, half of the Bonth-East quarter ol ■i't saaie town aan raure, LiaeDK Souutísj tlic fest sftle nf the above tir."tiihrdeiehtyw South line, thence East alon the soidSouthlii section corner, t'nonce South alons thoWeftiiKffi West half of the Xorth-West quartcr of ietWit ;y to the Chicago Road, theoce Noith-eaj)1! :ho centre of saM road t'j the place of begioi" taüjint; one bundrod aud thirty-sii acres o(lm" or less, in the Tov.-nship of Saline, and 5uueJ" igan. ANERICW Vf. KIGGS, AdmiüisWDatcd, July öd, 1S05. Real Estáte for S;i!e. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wubto. O In the matter of the Bstate of LynB ï"! Connty of Washtenaiv, in tac Stiio oíW minor. :otice is hereby given, that in pnnMW'JJJ granted to Ure aödereieuad, Guai-dian of toe w" said minor, by the Hun. Judge of ProMK '. , Couuty of Washtenaw, on the first ('uy of J;1;1865, there will be sold at Public Yeniiue, totPiJV, bidder, at the late residence of Becker mK'.'SS In the Townehip of Sylvan, in tbc Cotuitf oí j, naw, in said State, on Wednesd ly, the türtüi iw. Auanst, A. D. 1865, at ten o'clock intte'wj that day, (subject to all enenmbrancea ? "ffi MÈsrwise existlng at the time of the sale, H'K:of jeet to the right of dower of Isabel Cmí Hecker Pratt, deceased, and also subject to t""f j. dowcr of Cornelia Pratt, widow of Salmón !'-, ceaaed, to all except the ftrat two lotsMownJ tho folloivinir described real estáte, ra: .p?,y)i ten and eleven, in block nurnber tliirteen n ■■ " . c of Sylvan ; the uudivkled oiie-i-iilli Va1'.0' ,„1! followiuir described parcele of laai, to-w' Ji, j land commeuclng 011 the section line elffnt %tií seventy-live links Kast of the Souti 'frfyrf section twenty-one, n township ñ". thrce Bast, nd running thence Norll '?"■''. les West parallel witE the quwter (OttT chuiiis and twenty-eiglit links, tlience . . % grees East ninc cüaius and twenty-íve ,jL centre of the road. thence South fürty-m ÍLijoili th&ty-two chains, thence West a'11? Kir Ik 6ix diaius and eighty-seven links to the P'-fNor4iS uing, coniaining twenty acres of ta '■ ■. of the Sonth-Bast quarter, the K,;.;:. ja Sonth-West (uarter, and the Soutn-w."' „c. North-East quarter of eection wenty-ap": ypt ship two South of range tiiree Bsst, ""ï Michigan; lots f-ix and seven iu MK , 'jssi Village of Sylvan and that purtkm ' niaeloblocS Uvelve, according to the?l„Z-(itC lage, IvingWestof the highway [UBlu=flii bM village; and that part of lot? ■as.hw "„ui sev-enteen ránning Sonth to the Mili Pft5il of said highway as before detcit 1) : }■?,;. ,ji' in block seventeen, lot one in block iMi land lyhie and embraecd in Wllliam j"TW2 Clinton Street and the road runnuK"",(rt ril lage ; the land cmbraccd fcy Livwp"1" 3„ottt Main Street. South to tli Mili Pond; 1"?i!j.r.(1'! tofore deeded by W. S. Mayuard, thst j; inrJudod In tUe race and old bed ol Lifid nnmber nir.e, aud also the land lyiug "' Upti CaiAón Street, from Main Street totheW" tegtotheTOlHgaanaSr Ju!y8th, 15S5. s Cominifeiouers' Noticf. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. CorvTï pf ÏÏjlii ö Tho undersigned having been anpoB -o bate Court. for wild Connty. Cfjmmiwl""oflll examine, aud adjust all claims iri,A, Sons againet the Cítate of FranklU M. " ü of the city of YpsUanti, in said county, w ,4? glve noüwi that six months from "■t.o;f topf order of said Probate Court, for J' "l lflrffli.";; thrir claims aeninst the estáte ot s'Ui thMthev wUl meet at ihe office f 'rfOJ, Ln said city, on Saturday, the foiirteei t -,, # ber, and f hm-silav, Ihe elevcnth OW "' " l0 pf at one oWoclf, f. k, of eack of sa í Examine, and adiut sail cl;!ini3. -j, JOHN GILP.KIÏl'. ? COBJI510', ■ JOHN CABPEXTER. 5 1I' Dntea, Jttly llth, ISlji. A KN-AUK PIA.N-0-one of J """ i


Old News
Michigan Argus