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The Michigan Argus

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puMisliedïvory Kriday morning,iii thethird atory of the b'ïck Mock, corner of Main and Haren bts., AXN AK.UOK , [isu. Entrauceon iiuron Street, opposittthe t'r&nkliii. ELIHU B. POND, Editor and Pnblisher. Tcrma, $it Oü a Ycar In Advance. Alvert.lslng--Onesruare (12 unes or less), one ireek, 75cootx; Uiree weeks $1.50 ; and i5 centsfor virj insertion thero nfter, less tlian three muntliB. iiiare 3 mos $4.00 Quurter col. 1 year $20 One square 6 mos 6.00 l Halfcoltimn 6 mfts 20 One n.iuare 1 year 9.00 Halfcolumn 1 year 35 Tirosq'res 6 mos 8 00 Ooe column 0 mos. 36 To sii're 1 year 12.00 One column 1 year 60 Cm-ih in Dlroctory.not to eiceedfour lints, $4.t)0 a yyr. J.avrsiirs to the xtent of-a Quarti r columii.regully throngli tho ytar, will be entitled to have thtir 6ir$8 In Directory without exira charge. T Vil verlisenients unaccompanied by wrïtien or rerbïl Ureottona wlllbe published until ordored out, n.l chirgedaeeordinglj . letral advertiritïmeiHs. ürst insertion, 50 cents per folio üjeeat pet-folio Eor ecli 8ubsco,uent icaerfion. Wh-enapoatpcnementisaddedtoan advertiseir.eni the ■hole willbe charged tliciame as for firstinsertion. JTo Printlna;- Pamphlots, Hand Bills, Circular, ar,ls ti:iil l'iokets, Labels. Bl.inks, Bill Hcads. and f hir rarietiea of Plat and Fnojr lob rvinting.execud m'th prompt neii, and in Ilic bet style Carda- We liave a RugglM Rotary Cxrd Press, and lreev.lriety of lh. styk-s ofCard typ., trhleh Mifes Tl to print 'ards of all kinds in the ueatcsi ; ïiMsiblesivl.Muidcilieaper Uian uiy other hóuaein the ;ty Business c-ards (or men of all avocations and proFtanoaa.Ball, ,■ lainja-ïisiting Ords, printed on ,iortnotioe. Callandsee samples. BrtrK niXDtilG- Connectedxvith {heOffloeiaa W,ok inderyinoharg of two competi-ni woii Omnty Records, Lodders, Jouinals. and niiUhuiV. Boola „He to order, and of the best .stock". Pamphlets and ...„o-li.-nlsbonu.lina ncat pddurailemanner.aj De „itprices. Entranoe to Bindery throngh the A,yus jfflee.


Old News
Michigan Argus