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Declaring Commerce A Nuisance

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'l'bo Detroit Oonvention adopted the following resolution : Iietohod-Thnt it is the duty of Congres to regúlate commerce with foreign oatiODd ia such a manner as to inorease t ho resources of tbc governmont for the payrnont of the natioual dobt, to prornoto the indepeiidence and prosperity of the governraeiit, and to SBÖWieotly protect the labor and industry of. thu paople of the United States against tb eonÜietiog polioy, of other powers. Tho New York Evening Post says, that is equivalent to declaring that comróeroe is a nuisauce and that Congress cm'ght to harnper it as rauoh as poasible ; or 10 othor words, that (Joogress nught t.o p.iss suoh lawa as wül eSectually braak up our foreign eommorce, and securo a dividend of filty per cont. per annuin. to all capitolists ongagod ia manuketuring, Out ut Nevada aud öolorndo they the silvor a-nd gold, but thu iairett half of crculim they havo not. Wages twi' '. mnon doiuotftio sorviocs of tbs household aro iio;n $30 to $50 per inonth, Lttóludiog boar.i, and i.-iyablt) in gold.


Old News
Michigan Argus