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Tlio rar being over - not a shot haring been fired fur weeks, and not a man on earili being now in arms to resisf the authority of the Uuited - wo tvnew our prayer fur prompt, fu',1, ötfequivicul restoration of tho pi-ivilego of llabeas Corpus, coupled with tbe clearing out of our military uri.uns by tho Liberation ol ;beir iumatoH or tlieir rondition to tho civil authorities for deten tiüii, trial and puuiáhment. We can imagine no goud reason for the iurther dominancu of mariiul law ia auy State oortb of tho Putomno and Ohio. Wo havo bad abundtuit exhibitions of " Military Justice" throughout tLe past four yenis. as was reasonable and fil - ia fact, latheruiore than tbat. And, eo loug as Military power and lavr wero requircd to keep treason unJer, we heartily uphe-ld ihem. Wö Bever supposed that tlieir uiuiinistrntion would be perfeot; buk we wantod the Bepublio savod, evon at tbo oost of sorne tomporary encroachoieiit on publio liberty and private right. Aud, uor that thu work is tloue, wc wf.nt tu git baok to oitl-fujhioued civil law at the carliest practicabio uiomuut. Lot Military meu b subject to military law, if tht-y muaS ; butgivo us cífü law for everybody else. ïfoxt wiuter, we trust tbe Secretary of War wiil report either voluntarily or by order of Congress, on ihese poiats ; 1. JIow rríámjh (Jcurts-Martial have been hold sinoe 1860 ? 2, What was the duratioo yf theto (Jwurts re.-pectively ? o. What wus the oost respectivcly mui in tho aggregiite ? 4. In how inany cases were the rindinga roversed or modified, or the penalties impofed thereby remitted, by Üïü revisini; authority ? 5. What would ba the probable effect of oonfining these Gourte to the trial of offeuders in the Military pervice of the Uüiou, and to those arraigned for disloyal act8 in States whiuh are the arena of actual hostilities. ïhere have been instanees vvhon we neodod in the field all our officers who' possess any fighting capacitj, yct wheti not loss that than fifty of tliem were sorving or dancing attendance on Oourts-Martial - half a dozen of theni being engaged for tbree months Or over, in the midst of a momentous oHDipaigD, in.proving one Brigadier a scouodrel at a cost to the Goverumcnt of not les?! than 820,000, when any 'fonibs lawyer would havo dono that same oonciusvoly íd throo houre, at a cost of %'2i. Wo hear tnlk of more Courts-Murtial for the trial of other than pcrcimg in our Military servict), and we protest in advance against tlicrn. Vre have Courtd enough, wo have law enough, and at leaut as fair a cbance for justice with these as with any that can be improvised out of our Army by .in order by the War Department. We do not much care what Europe may say of our juris prudenco, we are only nnxious thnt t-!o sball hnve do just cause for censure. If any rebel has conspireu to starvo our soldierK, or infect our city with pesti lence, or do aD_v act abhorrent to humanity, let him bo fairly triad for tbe crime; ór if it ia thoticrht best to arraign sorno oí the rebel ciiicfs for treason, so be it: hut let us deal wi h them according to law. It will be a grievrua inistake - un avwaj of - a blunder ard a folly - to ho-ld anothcr Court-Martial for the trial of otber ihan military offendcr.s belongiug to our ovrn army. Such a Court cin render no verdict that will Curry Wi'ight with ir in the judguient oí impartiüi CÍH-isteidoia - the friet that such a tribuiuil in reuft ed to will he truinpoter] by lhon?apds as a virtual confessio!) chat a fair trinl was aot desired - its verdict of guilty will be decided as preluding and preparing a judicial niurder. Let us return to tnc dominion of Law !


Old News
Michigan Argus