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#$táú gafe WIGÏilmlÈLROAÊ Pa9pnypv tvains now leave Detroit and tho aeveral stations n tlüs Coünly as follows; GOIXQ M'KST. MaU Djy Ibliir Ira. NiBht Traljo Kx. Acc. E. Kx. Detroit, 7.15-t.MlO 30A.M4'36P.M5.2p.Mll.0llp.a Vjisil&nii, 8.-H) " 1185 ' 6.12 " SM " 12.654.M Ana Arbor, 9.( .') " 12.Í5pM 3S " 7. 10 " 1.00 " , ■-.{■■:■, 3.S5 "12.40 " 7 00" 7.M ' (Iiülioa, D.85 " 18.SÍ 7.50" . GO1XQ EAST. Evan. Dexter Nlght Day Malí Ex. Acc. Ex. Ex. Tratrv. Chólsea, ■ 7 .S5 a . m 3 30 í'.m5 OOf.Ji Dextfr, 0.05 A.i 7.5S '■ 8.4i "5.20 " Aun Arbor, 4.25 A. a 6.35 " 8"2O " 4 ('5 ■■ 5.50 " Ypnilnnti, 4 50 " 7 0) ' 8.40 " 4. 55 " fi 12 ' Dotroit, (i. 10 " 8.-0 '; 10 Ub " 0.45 "7 45 The Mail Train runs to and from Marshall. The Best and safhst Stimdlant. - Tlie Red Jacket Bitters are iïee from all addities usually found inordiimry tonics and stomach bitters of the present day. They are made from sound and fresh material ; nothing that isuot entirely wholesomeaLdheallhy enters into the composición of them. lwlO18 ryilE HORRORS or DY8PEPSÍA And the ilismal train of disorticr. to which it leads, are verted by the use of HOSTItt'TKR'S BITTKK3 as a preventive,or cured with astoulshiug celerity bj its direct and genial opcratioo pon the stomach, the liverjaud thp uervous sytem. The haklng Martyrs of Fever amJ Ague, insead of bfiug dosed for months with quinine, to the ruin of the general ht!a.ltli,are proniplly Bet npon their ft et aguiu, witliout daugerof a relapse, by this prompt remetly for every kind of Intermitteut. Taken as a saft'guned galnst miasma, It renders au attack oí Chilla and Fever absolutcly impossible. I f you are Bilious, There is notbing Uiat touches the Livér, the seat of tho malady, so quicfely, and restores it so certainly to 11 perfeetiy healthy and regular rondition, aa HOSTKTTKlí'S STOMA CH BJ'J'TKR. If of a "bilious habit," tb e íQncT&ncy of yonr systein to that form of disease may be held iu clieck for a lifetime by the occasiwnal use oí tiiis harmless vegetable autiiloto. Aftcr n attack of Sickness, wben the animal pouers aro exhausted, tbe pulse week, the miad depressed, and al! the power s of vitahty at a low cbb, there is no restoratíve comparable witb tbe BITTKKd. They ren o vafe every organ. gently stimulate the circulation, iniprove tbe quality öf the UU'od, clear the clouded bruin, and impart to tbe trembling nerve.s stábility and firmnes. íold by all Druggtsts, ]-l018 ty? I'ROK. lí. J. LYONS'i'ationts and all othern i n ierres ted wíl] p loase tak e no tice that ho wil! conti u no bis vitíits at tho Monitor Hora. Ann Arbor, d uring 1864 and 'Go and at the expirationnf wbicb bo willdia ■ continué bis visita and open an Infirma ry at Cleveland, Ohio Aov the treatment oi íingand Chost diseasWs. Do vou v;u!t Whiökwra or KfoustaAhea? Our G rocían ('■■;.■ i'Oimd vvill Torce them to grow on the BD3O6thet Taco or chin, or liair on bald lreaik, in Hix Weeks. - I'rictíjSl.UO. Seat by mail anywhare, cloaety Bealed, on receipt "fprice. Adders, WARNES k CO., nos 133, Brookhn, X. Y. Iy999. Tilla BïtïDAli CHAH8EH, an Ee.y of Warnin and Instruction for Young Metj - published by tbe Howard Asaooiation, and s3nt fre of cliargo irt aealedenvelopes, A-ldreis, Ür. J. SKILUN UOUtíHTO.V, Uawind Asociation, 1 hiUJelphia, l'a. lj990 AGfOÖD TREE Ití KNOWN BY [TBFKUIT. So is a gooii Pliysician by bis Muccessíul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THKGREATANJ) CELKBRATRP PHY8IC7AN ÖF Tíli THROAT, LUNGS AND CHfiST, Known all over tho country as the Clobrated INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! Prom South America, wíll bí at Iiíh voouír, RUbffiLL UOUSK, DETKU1T, OnthelStb andlOlh inst.,on tbc same da(ö ot'aiul every subseqmjut numtli daring 1862 and 1863, A NtíAT l'Aül'HLET Of the Hfe,tudj and exLwnsive travols of f)r. Lyons can be procurad by all whodesireone, freo of e . Dr. L wilí visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.aod Adrián, Mtch. , asfollow.s : Aan Arbor, Monitor Hnusé. 20th. Jackson, Hibbavd HoiiMt-, 21t Adrián, Brackett H uae,22d and 23d. Modk at Kxamination. - Tbe Doctor discerní diweassfi by tbo eyes. " He, thorofore.asks no questionn nor req -íres pu tienta to explain fíymptoms. Afllicted, come andhave yonv symptotnH andthe locátion of your disitseextilained frí-e oí' charge jL RT STJJDÍE8. . MISS 23. IB-ORIBIIEDR, h;in oponed a elasa in Oil Paintiag, PhotogrRph Fainüng, Orayoning, &c.,at Mrs Putnam'ö, oppoüUe Prof. Winchell's. A1I wisbing Instruction and 11 lo-erB of Pu.:ntingh. are iuvited to cali. 3wl010 r aw school. OF HARVARD COLLEGE. (CHANGB OF VA(;.MION'S) TN the Wiiominal Yetr W86-'66, Oicro are totrml of Ni'iplft'ii V'.jfks racli. ooniíiiencin SKPTKUBBR I'th, 186",. and MiBCH 5th. l'Bfl. For Catalogue aotl Circular ftililrr: h .101.1. I'ARKER, Boyal Profmor, Cambridge, Han., July lt, 18BS. 3wioi6 OUTTER WANTED ! I wnnt for thü NEW TO R K M U EET 1 nlltlicüOÜD Iil'TTEU lado in the Couatj' , for which 1 wül pftj' # Cash. on IDelivery. fr eUlier Large or ym;ill Lot. JOHN II. MAYNARD. July 7tli, 1805. 3mlO16 ANN ARBOR WOOLEiy MILLS Aro now ready to furnish parties Tvilh all kinda ol AVOOILEIsr GOODS! AnC wilIKXCIIAN'CK (10ODS FOE WOOI,. Peisors furnÍKbing their own Wool, can havo it JIAMJFACÏIIKEU lata ai, y KljND (IF OOODP tlify chooie, at 8110 T XOTIC'F. AlBO, particular attoution wiU be tyen to CARDJAG OF ROLLS Tlinr Ujllfl aro all fttipglifd w'th new mchiiirry o f the best ind most arfproved jaiterns. TOMLIN'N b BEKT. .Ane Vríor, MT.'hf May Otfc 1?M, ÏÏwlCflti TV" OW IS TUK ÏIMK Por bnrgnlns in G R O C E R I E S ! ! C. II. MILLEN. i is uuw receivhig lila STOCÏI oi DRY GuODS, CARPETS, nnd GROOEHIES, bought ut the rocufU .lii-oat dacllné inNow Yurktiin'l WiUberáld aslnwka tha luweat Uall and exumino guodKuri'l pricwi befora puroliatitog. C. 8. MILLEN. April, 1Í65. pïllNTS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 31 ceuts. SUEETINÜS, 30 to 40 cents. BLEACHED COTTONS, and all othor goods at REDUCED PKICES 1 At 0. H. MILLEX'S. jEVT" OARPETS, C. II. MILLEN'S, 1 ADIES' DRESS Ü00D3 of all J- kiait, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Hair Ornamenta, &o , n II tlio mw Myles Just rocelvml and (o m.ia ohoap. 1004tf 0. H. MILLEN. npiIE GREAT CRISIS! ÏST. B. COLE & CO-, have at oiued a I.ARGK STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, ptirchaned -slnce the GREAT FALL IN GOLD! wlilclxvnllbeaolclut a GREAT REDÜCTI9N KROM POR1ÍEB l'HICES. Thelr Stock Includes the X-natest Styles l and theQUAI.TTY ia üio BEST im MARKET. G1VE TUEM A CALL bofore purchaning i.lsewbwe. O EEPAIRING Neatly and Tromptly Done, Stoia West Mc n( ('ourt Homo Square, two doors Northor the 01.1 Franklin. N.B. COi.E, A. t). PEYLKR. Ann Arbor, April, 18fi5. 1006 NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A TTIosf ï'Txiiiïsit', H ïïcl nad Fr:iymii i Po t'fn uie 1 Í s li ! led f rom U ICnre nu tl üoaulifnl Flowor IVoiu ivïiïcïi il mitra ita amo. ManníkctureA onlj by IBIAIOft A OJV. iy Beware of Counterfeits. Aslc fnr TTmioti'- Tnlf m cthar. Solcl by drngffiets generally. SïïL. Strayed or Stolen. One New M'l'-li COW, Red, one hnrn a littte lopfpi , email wlutv stax lo (urehcad, (ligl t'y pib-]uppM un rft sido. A 1 1 ' nne rol urnin the sam. to Mr l'T'TN A M , Tui .].ty Hin-ot. ei giving iuftruitto& iure .ihe ma)' b iiunil , ivill bc Hberall y rewa.íU. I TTTIIAT EVERYI30DY SAYS ! l - - - j PLÜMER & JENNÏNGS CAN 6TET YOO ül' A UETTKR SUIT OF CliOTHES THAN TOU CAN BUY ELSJ5WHERE. -o - PLÜMER & JENNÍNGS can UXI!1 yon vci y IVIUCH BETTER íküti y mi c;in hopo to h.' V'íl'í'f'j) (.■Ncvbrro. ■ o PLÜMER & JENNÍNGS Firm in ünn Axbor, AKÜ TI1EY WILL 1)0 IT. PLÜMER & JENNÍNGS havo on hanl tlio bast assui ttnont ftf Furnishing Goods, thid KÍtltj t New YorV, whlah tlioy wjll toll t prlc&s wliich wi.l loquee dll tu buj. K. D.- Giuy'x r.-ityntod Míded Collar Ümyerflál Col Ijli-h, í?atin Enamoleil Byron Collm-s, (Ihu íirut Hjiüti Küfimeled Collar over nianufictui"ed,)'I'r6ncli l'rintíM Collarj Wará's Pxinted Coihu, Le Roau Uenl Collar rtmportüü] Gardtin City Collar, Satín Eo!ftlneled,paten i Button Hole, New Vork Kxcclsii.r Unen lJaier CoU&ti ; K. A, U. & Cu'k Improved I'ajper Opilara, Masaásoit P;t j per Oullur, anj ín fact evorv dincriptioü of PuperCel j lora íft&nufaci iired , eopstantfy ud luiud in large ci&n ■ titïeu. Second döor-Soutij yf í'ublic Squaro, Mam 8t Aun Arijür, Micliifian. lOOTtf tta'ts, caps, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON havü reivoi3 lité luroüt &touk uí' evor brought to tlilg markot, wbfcb tboy aro ïolïing at yitv LOW PKICES. Tke stock cunalsta of- GENTS' SILK IIATS- all tylos. GENTS1 "SOFT AND STIFF BRIM HATS. GENTS' AND BOYS' DERBY HATS. GENTS' AND BÚYS' CAPS- all kinJa. GENTS' STRAW HATS. CH1LDRENS' ST11AW CATS AND HATS CHILDRENS' FANCY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLEMENS' FURNISHINO GOODS ÜMBRELLAS, OARPET & TRAVEL1NG BAGS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BAGS. HAVERSACKS. 8UND0WNS. SHAK.ERS, and in faai, iill gooJs portaiaing to tfioir trado. J0H3ÍS0N & PIEKSON. MAIN'STKEKT, - - lolotf - - AN'.V ARBOR. HíSTORY OF THE WORLD. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. Onit'flhê prmr.ipal Contribuían tu tita DiotíotuíTil of Greck tind Ruinan AnltqKitiea} Biography, and Gcom PLAN OF THE WORK. BfnoeRir VVaHerKalelgh nolaced bis iraprlfióumeiit !n the Towat by ilio rumno.itioii of nis " Hífltorj of the Wótld,'" tho Litcraturü of KiiIhu.I has nevor achieved tbe work which hé-Tltft unfinislisd. Therc have been ' Un i vors il Histories," f rom the bulk of un encyclopdin to the most meagreoutline, ín which lliftuunals of eftch iwtiou are aeparately recordad; bnt without nn nttcmpt to trace the ktory of PivimProvideQje and boman umgreaa iuono óoonecfed mui'Htivf. It is propofled to supplythla want bv a worit, couenned eonugL tö ke. withiti h reasonab i.e' bul yet fiofull a to foo free from tlio dry balcneas ofa,n spttome. ïlio Litrature of (Jcrmiwij aounds tXi HUlory,- HiiuliAK thoflo uf Mullor, foJOoHser, Karl ron Hüttoi'h , Dunoker,and otber, - wliicb at prretlioile mand for sucha book?aad furnláh taodMn, in floniedtgreo,ror kï eifcutiun. Hut (reu thoso ijroat worku nre KnaewUat i.!.'ficiont iti tliat organic unity Hhieli fa the chiei im of this "Htst ry of the World." ïheHloryof Qurwhola racö, Ijko th;.t( eich epar att nation, has ■' u beirifting, mMdle.and an onl." Th t story re prop ae to follow, Trom itabegluBing In Ulo p tiert d records, and frtjp thö dawn of civilization 11 the Baat,- tbrougli thefuooessive Oriental Êmpiref, - tho i'íí of libui-ty aud the p&rfimtÁü of licathounolity, rta, and literatura ín (.'rooco and lioino,- the chaniL uluch paütied ovc-r the f.ic: of tht wotUl v-hp lb ligbt of cln-Istianity Fprang ut,- the orJgin and firt of tho,-o barbarían races whioli overtbrew Liofh tlivisious pf the Bomau Eojpire, - an [mis of the States whirli rost' oy tno fjojtir iuíuh uoUuling the picturutiquo ilöUils uf mediuvul htstory, and the sleaily profrrop f modern lïberty and oivjlita tion,- an.i íhe cxtuusioü oí these rotfwHiWs, hy ma oovery. (jonquast, colonizaron, and Cliristiau nÜstiMia, to the rumotost reglón n ol tho oaith In a word, au separate hUtoriesrefleot tho d#tihcb.ed aoen8 of human nction and suffe ring, mir ainj is Lo bring i nto one iow ttio í ever al part.- wblcïi asíiircliy form ono great trhole, moTingouwardritQadër the (fLiiilüuc.' uf Divine Projidtuoe, to the unknuwu oud ordüined iq tho Div,iw pu,r posea, Xo patas wiilbe spared tn makc t Uf h hUtory (icholsTtiReffi 8ñ"bstanf? and Mpülar iu styie, It will be toundftd mi tUfl bwt (williMrÜ ifTi,;inci(.'iiL aiuï ino.lorn, origiual and sectindury. 'ilio vast j) rog vess receullj ui.ide n historical and ciitical [nveütHgations, the resulta ubtainod from üw hhii-mm seiomoe pf oompartive philol}gy, nd the disceVefiêR which have Iniil open new loareis of ïnTofüMition coneeroing tbe Kust, ftffnrd Biiuh fr.filities its to tnake the present a flt epecb tor ovr Dadtrtfrkiag. The w.irK will be divïi'ed ilio three Pejiod, oach onypleto In itaelf, andwill fonn fcigkt Volumoi in I'emv )ct;ivo. . - Ancievt HwTOPT, Pncrod nd : Trom the CreatloB to the Fall of the Western K.mpire, in A. D. 476, Two vouuiof. l.-MKDïRVALliiPTiiKY, Civil and EcclofiíVt.'cul ; frora the rail of' the Western Empireto t'ie tHking of C'onKtantinuple by tho Turks, n A. D. 1453. Two Vol11 til ('H. II. - Modhr.vHistOry j trom thö Frtll of tho Iïyfantinc Kmpire to ourown Tiqies. Four Volm, It witï b p'nblishM in R vols. 8 vo. Prico in eloth, 3.50 per volume. lrep. $4-6u. Half lioroceu, $.1. 'ulumo 1 nnw ready . Agentsf"Wantecl in all partfl of the Country. ApplioatiouB Bhoufd bc made ut onco to the 1'ubHnhrs. D. APPLKTON & CO., ZuDtOtt 443 1444Bromlwny.N. Y [r. Mathtw flrst prepared the VENETJAN 1IAIR ) VK ; RlDCë Ibat tim it lias beon Uflptl by thousauil, nil in noinstftn;e has it ííiileil t give etjliro satisfacion. Tho VKXETIAN DYK is the che.ipost o the worlj.- tsptlce ÏBonly Fifty Cents, an; eacli boitle contains nuble the quiintity oí rlye in uuually sold for 1■ I VUNT.T1AX DTE is warrnnted not to injuro thi air r ibc; scalji in slfghtest tipireo. j The VKN'I.TIAN !)VF workl wUli r,'!y nni . aintv, tbr huir i-pquiring nn prcpjtr.ti'Hi wlmtpver Tbc VI'A'KT) VN DYE procluoe ony hert tlint irny k' (b-rtin"tl - niit-tbat wtll liot fftde. r.x-ock or wMh out - nnotliatis as pfrnifinout ñ tlrt lrtir itself. For Balo by all driiiiisls. - rico 00 cent. A. l.MATHKWS, (rnrrnl Acront, 12 Ooiil Rlreet, Ne Vrt. Almj, Jlanufscturer "f Mvt'ik-' Avnrn iiwi GLOSs.tb1 best bair drésfifng tl use íh large h.jttlc1-, friocf'Sfl lyWO 1ULIUÖ BAtJEK & CO., ""'fflll. I I, iiLJ Great Piano Fwtcmul Mclodeon EMPOEIUM! WAREI100M& IK "CROSBV'S OPERA HOUSE," 09 WASHINGTON 8THEET., ítw York Warerooms, Góü limaáteay. Yhlcali Agcuts f.ii tilo K S. for wMi mmi & eo's C i: )!: BÚA TKD Gold Medal Piano Fortes I A" to Hm retotWe mPrR of tb-. PIANas „. vuul,l tn tl.e Oer ti lien tes „f txccllcnco iñ ur possesslnn from THALBK1IB HA1 If TKM1.8, Wnri'8 STABB and K.' Mráw ' DIcotof-nJ he Jlafea Opor, as jIm, (rui , ,„„,„ o 1,0 JM. ■l,s,,nfí.,Bhed Profe..,. anj Atd.Sar S mfr, í' luslrumvuti -uoraíító or c AI.SO, AÜICNÏS FOR SOEBBLEU &SM1T1I, BOAKDMAJV & GRAY, A. M. (JALE SíCO., Ana otborFlist Class Plenos. f T.Ï !'5 n ,% I:-1 Rr' '':ST 'l B KPT ASSORTED STOCK 9 PIANOS IK the C1TV, whicL for l'owcr and SwoatnoM of T.nio, Easy „,] Agieeble Toiicli , tnd peauty W "' JudgB1' boen Poaoaned tmriválm- Particular attentlon patd to tb seleotlon ol Iastiummta lor dlstant ordors,and a privileeo of excl.augo granteil at anj timo witliin 6!x mcntíi' If tbe instrunuTit sliould not provo enTuelv Batisfnctory - Ti ',,)' T",' "nltoClerJJ"en Teai-iiors and SchioU. WIÍOI.KSAÍ.E nïAI.KÜSwilI flnd it to tVMr adran toge to giva im a 11, a groatly incread facilillos re euablor) to Hll ordera ulth di.jiatrh S" Fsrsons Ín waut of n KEALI-Y l'IKS'l' Cl ASS whüí WÜ' d" W0U tQ Ca" bCl0re P"r!""lnt5 él'WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR CARíiART, NEEDHÁM áCO'S OULEIIIl ATE D HABMGNIUMS, MELODEOÜS, ALSO FOR OEORGE A. PRINCE & CO'S MELODEONS and ORGANS, Maaufacturers and Importors o 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ! Strings, Accordeons, Violins, Clarlnets, Drums, Guitars, And other Musical Blerchaudise, The Silvkb and Bhass IvsTBrMK.Nlp, of or manufacture aMilImimrttttM.i,, are „sed by most all of the bal Bands in the Ihnted States, and wheuüTor ciliihitad have always reccived tho Gold Modals and iuuiieíT Pit KM 1 L Ms , Havlnpconnpctlonwlth Manufacti.rinc; House In Berlín l.s,,,s,e. Dresden, England andl'ari, wm jrepared to furnish DUALKÜS, JiANDS and IXHIV1DUM.S with eycry artiele in tliia lino, at tho luwMt nianufacturorü prices. BEMEMBER THE PLACE, JÜLÏÜS BAÜEK & CO., 89 WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, - - - - 1LL., 1012 New York Warerooni, 650 Bioadwaj. HAHE CHANGE TO BUY GOODS CHEAP! I hiive lu (tora u f 11 etoct; of tapie n:id FANCY DRY GOODS, A ful] lino of D0ME3TIC3 ml CHOICE GROCEBIËSÜ AH j'iiiThased sineo the WAR CLOSED! .And oviíDfr tu cir'Jumstancp beynnd my conlroï. Vish to uiakean Tmmeiliate Sale of (he Stock. CASH BUYERS can íor a f o tv woekt have good.s at Just about TIIEIR O WIS PRIGES ! J. H. MAYNARD. MaySth.líC.I. 1U07M TVEMEMBEB G. & E. SNOVER'S f& the Korth door of Urrgory's Kei Rlmk. G.W.SMIR. E, SXOVER. 10 1


Old News
Michigan Argus