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'PILE JÍO0TS AND THE LEAVES I , JL WIIJ, befoï the lliilh.g ol thu NaMons. j:Mc. ' Xjc-oL. DE. X. 3Lj"STC33J--JS(, ÜT AND CELIÍBRÁÍ'Él) Í'IÍYSÍCIAH of th l'JililMT.l.i . M.S, Jll'.AU'l.l.lVMi AXI) T)!K ULOOÍ), Knowu as the CHI.KUHTKD HXTX3I.A.T-T HEBB DOCTOR 1 UI' 'is.! Superior Street, Clerelamt, Ohio. Will visit the tollowing placea, i i?. . A:]'OÍNTMF.N-1 Ji'OH W2, 18G3am! 1SC4. Prof. li. J. l.wwesa tt consalted at the t'olluwing plaeesévery roootb, viz: letruit, RutfSelHutnê"] ach munth, 18 Ui and lytk. Anu Ar'xir, Monitor House, eac.h wumth. Olii, .hiLion, 1 !iH artl UolMe, each ttcmtk, 21. Aihi;ïU, Hrnoket Houw, ouch ranntb 22t) AndB9d. Toledo, UliiüjOülUni ÍIouiü,tíacli montli, Si-lth, 5th, and 3Uth. liiUsdale, Mich. , BlUadale Houae, eacli month ,27tU. ( 1 water, Micli-, üuntneru Micliigau Huuse eacb montU, SStli. KlUiart, Klkhiirt House, eacli niuntli . 29th. South ltcml. Intl., St. Jo. Ho' el, eacli month, "0. Laporte, In-I .. l'ee Garden Hl ïge, eucli inuntli 31st. Wooíiter ,ühii;C'rrtu.len Kxch.iugc, eob montli, 7tb andStli. MaasütU, Oliii), Wiler Hm eïsh iicbSS, 9tb and lOtli. Mt.rerttou,Kenjoa House, cch month, lHk and 12tli. Xp.vark, Ohio, ÍJultou House, eacb montb, 13 til and 14 Hl, r-iinesvillt. Oliio, CowlefiHoUft,eacb month . 4th (J1.1CVKI.ANH, O1J1O. Rl'.HIUlüVÜE AHÍ) OFFICE, 232 SUPERIOR STKEET, East of the public fiqnare; opvositp tbe rut-tnOice. Oilico iluy.s t-ach inoatb, lt, Bd, 4tb,5tb, Üth, löth.- 'Jflict; houi'fi fnun 9 A. M. to 12M,diii1 from J 1'. M. to il'. 51. UnSundny frora í to 10 A . M,tuDd 1 to 2 i I. 4CiMaximsstriciiy adhered to-I ive sucb bahu as liave uo strife, With ur the lawn (f üfe, With bloód tny luimlfi I uever stnin, Nur .oi.sui uien toease ihehpain, Jleis a i)hyiirtt iiidèedy who Cures. Tts'e IiiJinn H"rb Üoctor, R. J. LYUN'S, cures ft,l[ewtDg compüunts ia the roost obstinate stages of thetr existence, viz: Disöaaenof tbeThfoat, ï,unap, Heart, I.iver, Stomi -'i , DroLy in Ui o Chest , Kheumatisra, N'-mraliria. Fits. ]■ FailiugdickaesSjandalJotlier QervousdernumuuentH. 1 . . : r;t rti:ls of the blOtul , such i.s Scrofulfl , Krysip.■I:sCanccr.1' .Fever dorert, I.eproBy, aiidall otliorcoui[jlicátod chroniccomiilftuiísAllforms of f o male diÜiüultiee attended to with tht happicst resvütp. It iá iHjjjed that no one will de pair of a curo untíl ttiey have given the linlian Uorb Dootor1'? Hf-licïjics a fairand fai'.hlu! trial. et-finrng the Doctor',' trayöIUÏDi Eutope. Weit ladifs, South America, and the öttited States, he tas bc1" te instrument ín GodV hand to restore tu bealth and vigor ivho rere giren np anrt pronöunCed incurable by the most jininc'iituM aclionl jiliysicians ; nay, move, thousjmds who wui'c m tbe vergt1 of the gr&ve, are now Uvinp iiior.umeuU to tbe ÏihÜru Hërb's Doctores kill and iuccessfni trealmcnt .rmtïare dsily exclaiming: "BIphiedbü tlaerlay w hen ffrst Me saw and parttMk o? the Ln&an H.rlj lio.ctpr'a méölcine." ?atisfactory referenêostif curas will be glaUly and ilwerfully given n hénevsr i-equired, ïliflictor ilsdges his word umi honor, that he wil! n no wise directly or udireetl.v.indnco or cause any invaVfd io tnke his mediente without tlie stronge;t probübtUtjnf acure. Mmleof L'xeminfitinn, whicli ia entlrftly-MTereni ."rom tbe faculty. J'r. Ia'oh profewBes to df soera flileases by tho eyè. Fie thereíore asks ñoquéstlbns. nor rJoèHhe reqnire patieatsto explÍB aympíjm. ('alione md all, md have thesymptomw and iocation of your ÜseasexplaineÖfrW of charge. fT pcwr s!i;i.ll bc liberally consiaered. JBSPdstoíflcíft4dVess,lwj3:28fi3 T Cleveland , Ohio . Noy. 25 . 1802 ljSSO TUST OPENING! J The largest Stook and best nssortrnent of CABINET FÜBNITÜRE ? ever brought to tliis city, including S0FA8, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUKEAUS, CHALES, Xiooliliis C3-lL4,JBíses Gilt Frames and Mouldings, OOFFIUS METALIG CASES, &c, c, an.l all othi'r joods liept in the best and lar -si house Ln the country. Weneepno seoond band urnfaieo uctiongoiiils. Cu(]in-i kejjt constantlj' i n an3,an ttiaJe tu order lly gouils ar? öfloVèa at THE LOWEST CASH RICES NB. I must have mcmey . and respectf ully teqnest fchose ■i.l-l, tel, to cali and .ix up their old mattere wHhoutlo.ay. q MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct, R, 1863. SíStí pTCEAT CJLOSIJÏ.G OUT A SI'LENDID STOCK OF DEESS GOODS! GrG7O.ttmy FÜRNISHING GOODS CASSIMERES, Clothsy Satinets, &c.„ DOMESTICS, SHOES, HATS i CAPS, Orocltery. GROCEBIES, &c, y Are to bo sold at prices that wülgnarantee thoir sale N. B.- TholargestPtock of'Calicoand HrownCotton in the City atlesM thau llanulacturer's prices. Tlie liinhesfpïict; j)ail ia-Trádor cash f all kinds of Produos MAOK & SCHMID. WANTED- Married Ladios, Prof Vnn Verae's Diamoad Urnpp.a never failing anl liarmlesw romerty for all obdtmctions and irrp. laritlOfi. All marrio'l l;nU( will lïnd tliiw a oever BCilag prcíveiitivo, for whícli i t ïh warranted In every mtauct;, and are nviíed tosectl a red stamp ior a ekcu largor 2.26 fora b#ttle,. to PBEDERIOK STEARlfB, wtholcwale dragffut, gönoral agent fOr MiehlffaQ furlbe DHiaoud PropB, P. O. Draw er 445, Detroit. Iealpre ' ti{ ÍKdal prt';ritit-r prioCB . 99CiuÖ CCHENCK'B I PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIO, AND MANIEAKE PELLS. Tlieabme ia a correct UkeneBfi of Dr. Schendt. just aftw recover ing from Consutnpiioii, many jeaxsátfo Below is a likesesü of biro afa now appcars. WLen fbe first waa tüUt'n he wi-iiietl 107 pounös ■ at ■ the preseut time lii.s weigiii ia 220 jrouaás. fe .-í- --■■ ■■ :--.aè'iffl ( Dit. SCIIESCX'S Principal Office and Laboratory ia at the N. E. corner t of 8IXTH and COMMËRCE Streeft, Plwliulelplna where all letters for ad vico or buainösa should be tl i , ree tod. ■ He will be found there every SATURDAY, profes1 sionally to examine langa with the Respirometer, ter ! which his fee ís tferee dollars ; all advico free. In New York at Nu. 32 BOND Street, e ver y TUES PAY, from 9 A. SC to 3 P. M. At tbe MARLBORO' HÜTEL, Boston, Juauary 18 aud ! 19, February 15 and 16, Ma.-ch 15 and 10, April 10 and i 20, May 17 and 1S: ,Tuuel4 and 15, July 19 and 20. ! The time for my being in BALTIMORfi and PITTS, BURG, will be seen in the daijy papers of thot-e cïtien. 7ífi IILstory of Dr. Schencc's oum Cast, and how lic was cured of Consump'i'oi. Many years ago, whilst residiug in Pbiladelphía, i had progi'ëssed graauaïïy inio tlie laat etage of Pul niT)nary Gajjsumpüon, All hopee of my recovery being iMssijKtt'.-'l. J was artvised by my physician, Dr. Prrist i,tr Témsve ïnto tho oeuntry. Mourestown, New Jersey, beiag my native place, i was removed thithf-r. My fatner and all Eis famïïj had lïved aud died there- and died of l'ulmonary Consumpiioii. On rayarriva) I was put to 1 ed, wnere I ly Po many weeks in what wasdcemed a hppelesa conciiiion. Dr. Thornton, wlio had been my fathei-' family pliysician, an: had ttended him in his last illneéSjWaa ealled to see me. He ihought my case entirely boyond the reacliof meUcine, :ml 'T i-i'lod that ï muM dhr, anl iüivo nv cok t" arrange my temporal affaire: In tliiu appftmitly hopeLea eonáition', I heard cf the remedies Wfikh I bow makc and Bell, It seemed "o me that I could (eelthem wurUiug the ir wny, a.nd peuetratig vvvvy nerve,Uhre, and lii.suc i'fniy system. Mv l'tingfl ;in' iiver put on a tic w actïon, and the mor bid matter which for yeara had accumtnated aiad ii-ritatecSthe different organs öf the body, was eliminstèd, the tubercles on niy hings ripened, and I expectorated trom m y lungs as nincli as a pint of yellow oil'erif-ive matter evory ïunrning. As thia 63fpot)acalion of matter subsldöA, the IV'. ev aiiau-tl, tü pafc left me, the congli tíeased to haraBB me, and the exhausting uightBwsatfl were no longer known, and 1 had rereshing sleep, to which 1 had Ion? been a dranger. Mv appetitenow begrtnto return." and nt times I found it dimcult ta reetram m-yself from eaUng too inuch ; with tuis return of iiealth, Igaineci in ttre)%Ui, and now nm fteslij. 1 ara now a bealtiiy man, with a laige i healed cïcatifx iñ'the mWdíófobr of tné nghi fiïngand ' tin; ïower lobeJcepatized witli comjileu adhesión cf the j pleiira. The HM't Umi: is sound, Stfd upper ]obe of ■ therighl one is in atolerab,ly_ helthy eonditio'h. Consumption at that tune wasthought to benn incurable discase, by every unc, pbv.-ician.s aswell;is those who wcre unlearnedin inclictuc- espec-ially sucb cases as were reduced totho condition 1 was in, XJUiH Ihduced many peopteto believu in recovery ouly tempoi-ary. I now vrepavod anti ,ravc the medicines to consumptives for som e time, anfl made many wonder-i ful cures ; and thederaanrt increasfil 80 rapiiily íUnt Í dftetmined to offer tbem to the public, nnd devote my unrlividcd attention to lung diseasea. In truth, I was next to foreed to lt, for people wou ld end form'ei'ir andnear, to uscertaiu wb.ettír their Cases Wèrëlike mine. For many years, in conjunclion with my principal office in PhÜaaelphia,Inave been maliing regular proFessiosal visita to New York, Boston, Baltiiuorc, and Pitwburg. For seveial voare past I have made as many as five hundred exam'inaüon weekly with the "Kespirometer." For sueh examinaÍHn my chai pf is three dollars, and U cnabtea me to glve cucli patiënt the true cerndition of 1 hb disease, and teil him frankly ffhether he will get we 11. The great roaon v,-hy physicmn"s Öo not cnre CoQt. finmption is, that they try to do too mncli ; they L-lve me; lclaea to stop the '-oiurli. to stop the n ght weats, hoclio fever, and hy so dmtig thèy ilcrange tb whol-i digestivo luokin up the Secreilons, andeevent' ually the i'aticntdies. Tbé" Puímonic öyrup Is one of Ihe most valuablo medicines known; It is nutriënt, powefiullj fönïc, and bAlin in itself. It coataina no opium k }■■: loasms the phlt-gin in the bronchial Inues, and naíüi o throws it off with little exertion. One bottte frèquéntly cures an ordinary coldj hut it will be well flrst to Kike a doae of Scheuck's Mandra&e's l'ills to clêanse tUe atomach, Thfl l'ulmonic Sjryp i readily. digestgd ai d absorbed intoblood, to which it imparts it hi-aUng propt-riies - lt is one of tho besi preparatïons of ïrouia use ; it is a powerful t'inic nl'it;i''f; anü whm the Soaweed Touk dissel es the m'ucu ín the stomacl), anals carried'off by Uu.' aid of the Mandrake J'iüs, a healthyfiowof giistriö juibe, roo'1 appe te, and agooddigerftipn foüow TheSeaweoaTonicía a stiinulant, an.l gorie r iñ requiréd when it is nsed. It is pure ana pit a iStit ; no bad eftertts Hite wlienusingBooi'bon whisky, which disordera the stomacb., t.orpors the Iiver, loiks up all tho secretlona, turns the blood iuto wnter, i.lroii:iyfieisin, ■ and thepawTit difeBSuddeoly. Bmirbon vhisky i's recommended now-a days by alra os t every Many patienta that ïi.-itmy roomF, both malt and fniml-, are stupeneil with flus poiKon. The relief i lemporary. If lley cpxxgh they tta4Oa little whisky ; if they feel weak and feeb'.e they tato a Lflüfte whisky ; if tboy cannot sletp, thoy take a little whisky : anid cbey go on in thie way, reQÜiring inore anümore unuí tnoy are Dioaiea up.anu mingina thuyare gettfrig fieshy. The Btomach, lir&r, an'l.drgestive powers re completeiv deatroyed, and lote their fippetite food, No one was evercured of consumptio i by thie procesa, where cavitíes bTebeon formed la tho lutigs A llttle stimul&nt íh freguently beneficia, I to coiiBuniíitives, su oh as pure Brnndy or good vines ; in nianv cases Lond porter or-brown stout ia moderate quam tifies ; but Bourttm whíffky bastens on lnstea1 otíJuringconsnmptíoÉt. The Seaweert Tonic produces lastirtR resute, thorougbly invigorating tbestpraach and digeslive system, añil enabling it í elimínate and n alie 'ulo kealtby bld the í'))'l wTiieh raay b ased Eor tlmt purpose -- lt is so womlerfal in iU effiectM Lh&t a wme-glassuU willdiííe.sta hearLy nn-al - mul a littii ni i'. Ulu-u bforo broakfaej ivill gwe a loan to tbc t-íomacb which few medíciapfl pomesR tbc power bï' di iñg. 1 The MA.i)I!AN5;: PVtJM may be tATíén wltíi èötlre safety by all fgét nn] cfintiitfóftí, pmducing all tlm goodresults tliut can lie bt-iiiH(t í' "" clumel, or imy of tlw mercurial me licfnt's, añ wftlioiiWttíy or Ibfiir liurtful or injiuKíiis resulis. Thcy earry outroj the avsíera tbe freulent and worn ontmatters looseA%á and d'idHolveU by my BeafeftBd Tcnir ívn.l 'iihticiiicSyruji.- It will be neon that all three oí' my medicines aro need.ed ia ratst cases to cureConsumpticm. AGENTS. ' G "rge C. (oiKlwin I Co. NEW YOHK- Demás Rnrncs & Co. HAI.TIMOKK-H. S. ]I:inn.o. riTTSnri:;_ iir. Seáis n. fcéjís-. i CINCINN'ATI-K. K. Suiru & Co ., uiid .ToLu D. J'avk. 1 CII1UAUO- Lonl h Bmith, apd ]!. Scovil. 8T. LOUIS- CiiKím ISrotluTs. KAN TBANCISCO- HüntcUtT, SmitU fe lian. 'c fUl bï allüiui.'iii'ita and Dra'et. 1595


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Michigan Argus