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9wxum jBmtitxi. i W. F. BKKAKEY, M. D. ■nlIVflCIAN ANTI SCRC1C0N. Office n Dï Hnven's r Biöck, ■?. -.ïiors Kast oí ('ook Hotel ResiSenco torner of Hnron and División ít.'eet. flVft door Eart 'of Pre-sbyterian Church, Ar.nArbor, Michigan. , W. È. OCKA.RÖ, i TTOBNEY AT I.AW AND NOT.vKY I'UBIJC- A CcnvoyancniK nd collectinf: protoptly atttn'led (n Tiounty, an.l Hack T'ay collccted. Offlce ín N'ew Rloek, Ut of lM.k's Hótól, Ann Arbor, Mlch. "ITïOiÏLLÊN. "RALER in Dry GooJs, Orocerics, Crockery , &a. Sc. i) M-iin Street. Ann Albor. PHILIPBACH. TYiTM.KftS in Dry (looil?, Groccries . Boots & Sboes, j) te, Mainst., AnnX'njoï-. RISPON & JB8NljKdON.. PVFVII'.KS in Hanlware, Stoves, hrnise furnishing J ftoit, Tfn Ware, Kc , kc, New Block, Mamst. "IaTjT" Sü ïtïER LAND-, AGF.Nl'fnt the Xew Yo-.-k Lie Company, Oificeoa Huron strect. Also has nu hanl a stock ofthe na8t approve 1 sewing raachiöes. 885tf GEOJÍG Ii FÏSCHEK. MF.AT Street-Genefal aa1er in Kresh and Sak Meats, Beef, Muttoc, Tork, Haras, Pmiltry, I.ard, Tallo-, &C, 6. "vvillïamT lkvvitt. IJIIVSICIAN' AN'Jl RURGKON. Offlce at his resi1 deucy, ftorth side uf llurün,tvo doors west of irision streot. M. GUITKRMAN & CO. 1THO1.KSAI.F. :m Kotail Dealers aud Manufacturera W of ü".iüy -SLcl-.i ClutMng. Importersof ClothR.Castfmfres, Doeskins, ie, Su-. -5, ïtKfitóit Bltók, Maiust: ' WM. WAGNER. t-vE.VI.KR in Ia.lo Clothtng, OIoths, Cassimere, J and Vostings. Öati, Capfl, Truuks, Carpcl Bags, &c, ftifleiiix Bló.ck, Main fit reet. - SL A WS !OÑ&r S O N . pROCKBS, l'rovisHui and CottrdlsBion Mercha"n'ts,ilrf Ij IVakrin Water I.1ne, .and Plantar, and Piaster f l'ns, uuedooï cast oT Couli's Hotel. SÖOTT & LOOMIS. M1!ROÏVPE ani Phntogttpll Attlst, in 0 rooms orcr Umpin' Clotiiillg stare, i'lueuix Ulock. Perfect satisfactiou iven. , c. b Dokter. JIJÜUKON DE'NTISÏ. OfficeCürnor of Main andHuron Ö itreft, ofer Bacil & l'ierson's Store. All cali (íoanOjr ittatf 4 lo Ajh-W'59 MACK & SOHMID. DEALERS in Fori'gn ! Oomestic Dry 5oJd,Grocerio. Hatsaíid Caps, S1o and Shoes, Crockery, te, Comer if Main & I.iberty s'ts. ANDREW BELL. DkALlíR in (ïrocericH, Provisinns, FtottV, Produces fzc, feto, enrner M.iin and Washington StreetR, Ann Arbor. Tlie Lihest uiarkct príct-spiiid lotcountry produce. 886 D. ERAMER, ATTORXEY k OOUN.SEilm AT I.AW, Afcent fot the Plxenix Kire and Connecti rtit Mutu ti Life ín flaiUdCompanies. Conveyingauü CoII(ctingi)rinipt.'ittondciM. Ofl;c over Stebbins 4. Wilson'a Store. M. C. STANLEY, Photograpliio .rtisit. Coraer Main aad Hurón títreets, Ann Arbor, Micli FHOTOGRAPHS, .AMBftOTYl'E.-í, &c. . re. , 'ïtbelatest styleB, and ovei-y eífort madt togiveaatlsflction. 956tf D. DbFOREST. WHOLESALE unJ totaildealcr n Lnmber. Lath, ' Slinigies.Sash, Dtiura.Blinds, WaterLime, Grand Ji'rPlMÏer,P!tcr Patin, aal Nails ofallsizes. A 'ullaud perfectisaortment of the afeove, and aüothr tnds of buiMin? materiaU conptantly on hílnd at the I "■; posible rates,on Detroit st ., a few rodsfrom the ilro.l Depot. Alo operating extensively in the ?i!ínt Cement Rwöfing. fljMBER YARD ! ij C. KRAPF, "! a large and ivell Btocked Lumber Yrt, on JeCfer Street, in I lis Soutb part of tbe City, and will keep toastautly on hand an excellent Variety of LUMBEK, SH1NC3-LES, LAÏH, &c. Thich will be sold as loV as can be affordedin this wket. Qnality and prioes stioh that no one need go to DeItoit. r CONRAD KRAPF: An Arber, Dec. 6th, 1804, 986tt XTËVV xMÜSIC STORE! Persons wishing to buy Pianos or Melodeons, UiiM ?otn WILSEY'S MÜ5IC STORE, bcforepurelnsintr elsewhere. Ho will warrant satisfaction to rfchasrR , and taken pleasure ia referring to tliose hn luve alroadv purchaBed of hina. He takes pride !" sying that he ha given tlie best of satisfactinn lw'faria.ndinten'ïs so to do ín all caspR. Any Piano " Hf furnfshefl that pnrchaser may requirp. He Tslies it to be dístinctly understood tliat lie will uot be XJ isr id e pi s o Ij jd 'lny dealer Kast or Went. 1. n.-Th latest SHEET MUSIC forsale, PIAXO ALV1N WILSEY. 'Arboi. Hoc. 2Ttb, 1604. l'S'.'td


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Michigan Argus