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Parisian Civilization

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In a lengthy article in tbo Opinión Nationale, a very curious llustration of Parisian lifo is contaiood. Tho article is entilled " Proteotion of Infauoy." The extract to which we allude is is followa: " It is a common practico in Paris, not ouly nmoug tbc working classes, but among the upper ten thousand, to sond infants out to nnrso. The small spaoe which in a Paris lodgiug eau bj devoted to obildrea's aooommaduuon s perhaps ono cause of tbia perntoiona custorn. The traiJt'im.iii's wife sends her infant to the uountry shu shares ber husband's ocoupations, and tbo femme de monde bus ueither time to spare from hor visits by day and ber halls by uight to givo to bur infant, nor eau she convert rooms iu ber residenoe required for purpuses for ruceptiou iuto nursories. Extranvea meet, and in botb oases Frencb, and rnost enpcckilly Parisian, mothers seud their cbildrea outto nurse. Iu tbu ease of tha poor man'a cbild, (bis custom hits ereated tbe diabolical trade of meneuses, to wago war a#ainst vpbiob the writcr of this attiole, Dr. Mayor, Inspector General of the Board of Health, &o , takes up bis pen. These meneuses are very mugaras, who come to Paris from the country to collect . the newborn iufauts of smill trades people, undertaking to put them out to nurse undor tbo most favorable circumstaooes, and thua making considerable sums of niouey. Tliey are to take the iufant to a distunt country farm ; tho journey por rail eosts 40f, the meneuse will do it for 15f., but a'ie will take four iufants ut a time, thus laakiug 20Í. clear. She agreos to put the child out to nurse at tho rate of 2Ót'. per month, wbereas ehe will pay but 15Í. to the country nurse. Stealing the cbildren's clothes, and bringing up half of the infanta eoLÜded to her spacious promises aumberon, inatead of giving them out to nurse, are inore items iu the list of abominatious revealed to the public in this article. A case was brought boforo the tribunal of oüo of thesa meneuset who catne up from the Nivro, tho result oí hur uiantcuvres having been tlie death of soveral children. In reply to the Advocate Imperial de Thevenard, aa to one of the dtad infantis whom it was proved sho bad never given uut to nurse, but had brouht up by hand, ehe replied, " I brought onoup vvhen it was perfectly bealthy." Dr. Mayer urges tbe necessity of estabüahing u " Sooioto Proteotrice," which would preservo tbe children of the poor frDm Huoh diegi'acei'ul inalpraoticei. Ag to tho ufants of the fashionablo world, ihey must take cure oí theniselves. "


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