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The Atlantic Cable

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We liuvü alruady published inuny fuBts Ín relution to the Atlantic 'i'olu gnipb cable, bit the foliowing additiffñfil purtiouliira, from a catefully compikd ur-icle of the N. Y. Wcrld, will be retid with iaterusf ; wiio oivxs tiie greaï cable. The cable and all tho werking stock of tbc Atlwitii! Telegraph Cojapany is tQ be puid lor by collsetions upon tho stook abares of the many thousand holders. The Brilisb (Joverument is hcavily interested in thü success of tho under taking, and givos it material and nanli cal asbistahce wilh, probably, a very great subsidy, if it ia guccessfully laid. But no American vessol will nssist this year in tho pnying out and portare of the wire, ha did the Niágara in 1858. - At the same timo tln-re are laany Americau stockholders, aud au Amoriean, Mr. Cyrua W. Field, has buen rnost directly and croditab!y engaged ín Btirring up foruitru capitalista to uudertako tho laying of tbe cable a second time. The wire will be mannged cntirely by this Oouifmny, wbioh will niake speuified charges fur uil iiiesaigi.'a pacsiog over it, and in course of time, lay othcr cabios. DKPTH Oï THE QREAT ÏKLEOBAPH WIKE, The present cable will reach froin Valentia Hurbor, in Iroland, to Heart'a Content Bay NowfoiiDdland, a curvilinear distance of 1,800 aiile, but by submarine irregularities will be in water of from 1,500 to 2,500 fathoms. DBSCRiPTION OJ THK CABLE. Tho prepcnt Atlantio telograph cabio is two tboüdand threohundred naulioal milefi in longtb, that íb twentysis hundied Ertgüsh or geograpliioal miles. - The core or central conductor is eompossd of scven fine coppor wires, " laid up" or twi?tod into ono strand, and íh insuiated uith Chattcrton's compound. Outside oí this strand are fnur diítinct íayors of guttapereba, each layer beiDg insuiated with the same compound which incloscs the c-onducfor. öutaide thia layer are wound eleven sti'ong iron wires, each of wbicb, beforo it ia twisted, is carefully " woulded'' with strands of hemp saturated with the best of Stockholm tar. The structure, therefore, contains no lesa than twenty-fivo tbousand milee of oopper wile, thirty-tive ihoiisand miles of iron wire, and more than fonr bundred thonsand miles of hempen sfrands, making a grand total of i'onr bundred and sixty thougand miles of I continuous fabric ; whiuh, if knottod together, would reach around the world i twenty timen 1 In ita manufactura about ?eventeen milos havo been made daily, and at times its outer coveriug Ïims beeu put ou at the rate of oue hundred and seventy thiee miles a da} . Every inch of it has at all times boen kopt uoder a eonstaut test of "oonductivity" and insu.'ntiou. The strength of the cabla is equal to a beiriDg s'rain of gevoa and iliroe-qua:ter tons, wbile its speciiic gravi'y s sr low that it can be depended on wiih safety to support eleven inilo of its leagth in water. It ha a b?en joinod at different places in lengths vary'mt from seyen hundred to eibt bundred mil ■ .-■. ÏHIi (U11LK TAXKH. The cable is stowed in throe large tanks on board of (he Groat Eagtern, all of tho;n beiug oí wrought irou and construoted in tho most fubstantLil manner, and in outward anpearance reaembling one of the great gr.Borneiers at the foot of Forty-seeond street. The first tank is locatod in the forward part of tho ship, and is fifly-one fect iu dismeter. The midehip tank il over tho boiler, ind is 50 foet 6 inchea in diameter, and tho after one is 58 feet in diameter. The firat contains a coi! of 630 miles ; the second, 840 miles; aud the third' 830 miles. Al! the tank are fiüed with alt wnter. and the cüblfi is Bpflóöd so tbat a current of ekclricity is cor.stantly png"ing through tho ooil and throngh its owu entire length. Thu woight of these tanks and their conteats ia npwards oí 5,000 tons. The grentcst care bas been taken to " shove" them up from the main deck, and to keep tluni down by the same procesa from abovo. Tbo gtanohiona and posta roach to the keelsons. Over four hundred loada of timbar were nsed in puttiDg in tbt'su shoreg, bracea aud strutt. The tanks themaelves are braced with heavy wrought iron tic rode, to the sides of the vessel. Tons Weight of cable, stowed in tauks filled with water 5,000 Weigtit of aoals sIsoO : Weight of ship and engina 7,500 j Total weight.... , 21,000 The register tonnago burdon of the veescl ie 24,000 tons. No suoh weigbt bas ever boon carricd over a single keel in any human sea. Tho discardod ends of cigars are careiully oollected in Parii. groiiud and eiftod, and then used in wine shop, where any porson taking n glaes of veine bas tho privilege of smoking any amount of tobaeco gratis.


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