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Estáte of Lydia Wilbur. OTATE OP MTCIIIOAX, Corxrv or Vasiitfn.w. ., j Nottoe ia hcrohy given, bv an order of the Probate Court of the Country of Vash'tenaw, marie on the ïllh ilay ofjitlv-, A. I), IStír,, eix months from-that date wevo ailoH-od for credïtovs t present their claims asjaftiBt the etfitfe of Lyffla Wlfbnr, late of snirl Couuty deceased, indthat all creclitors of saH deceasod, are rrquircrl lo piwnt. theft claim to aaid Probate C'ourt, at the Probate See iu tiñe ('iiy of Ann Arbor, far ciaminaÜOD and allowuuce, pn or befara the twiHity-fonnh chy of .T.innary next, and tlinr such claims will be heard belbi-c ;ia Profeste Conrt, on Satunlay. the twcniy-flrst day of Ocrolx-r. and Wdnéadar, the iwenty-fourth day of Janiiarr next, at teu ovlock in rhe forennou of ench of thöte days IITRAI J. BEAKBS, Judgeof Probate. IMai, Ann Arbor, Jnly 24tl, 18s. inio. A&OOD TREE IS KNOWN I5Y iTsriü'ir. Sü ü n c;.iorl Wtysicviiii liy hts uccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, Tin:;;:i:.TAx cki.ebrateu riivsiciAXOK tuï ÏIIROAT, LL'.NGS ANTI CHffi, Im 11 ovor the countri as the Cnlebrated IrrDIA HERIÍ DOCTOR! From í-'uuíli Ami'vica. A NK T rAMHILET Oftlio Íffá,sttrdy flü'1 ("ctensive rravels of Dr, Lyons i a ii i'c [)r'"cureil bv a'i 'liorti-sirr me, i'rce of Dr. L will visit the iftvesal pïaea as follows : .I.u'I-.m.ii, flibhard riouse,2pth Anïl Arlior. Monitnr RAuse.SKt; Petroit , Cftss House, nppnsiif Mich. Cut ra 1 Jjifjl ; each month, 52.-i aut] ?3rd, ExamistatiÖm.' - TKe'Öoctór discern? tliseafto By Le eyea . H,1 ;is'kr éö r nptionv imr req iir( ■.-: ;.,] t-i.Mi's to pxilnin symptom:-. [Xfflïied, cU)ö j anti bVn ywir -y 'Vn ánfliherocratioo of ytui dieate exiIuíi(? iNt l-í hLfjí6 ■ Í rL0 ALL PATKIOTS, -tó'I:IRISHMEN H PARTICULAR Graad Excursión andI.Pic.jf -BY THEFENIAF . BROTHEBH00D Tho Detroit Circle of the Fcnian R, .1 give b. ürand Eicunion to AríN ABBOR ."""S Wcdnesday, Aligue iGth At irbich placii there wiU 1 o one of tl,. Music, Slnging, Dancing on thülQree] and c verj othur amusement wbj -h the !,„. . '"Wai.! can .oasibly deaire. H win bltt !,'„["" Magnificent Excursión and Pie.Nio of the Soa.v.n. Tho splomlM Band of the lm, „ lars will accompany the excurMon ,,,"' "! Befrwhmenti will be served on the t,m„} . cbargoa, ""-"it The slwioui Fair Ground of tb i Cnuitv Agriaultnr! Society, „ith the il "' .ttaoUed, tave been kindljndere" bïift" t.uni.r tbe u.-o of the excur-ioni,!, i til0 clMne.Uwo.ahur there i shelter undir ,", '?"' íleaí-l8 sr"an'is f"r aT1) thöuiMod péopit, " tféwaów itá Pr m fat Cottum "sr" soul atirring miiiie from '""! TW: Kxefttiiun will Ieave the Central IW , cl,,rk ,„ ,he mornlog SBd arriïe at Aan Art?, Tickets, $i flr the Rotad Tíip Fof sais' evervwbero. % occfcr M the D. c, F. B 865. CHANDE Oí1 BATR PROFrRnrLYONS Would iBfouÚ PATÍBHfená1hrilrti 1hat in futufo he can bo se en ál thé ' MONÏTOH HOUSE, -ox Tin:21st OF EACH Month, hi-tsaS of th 20!h, and at JAOK3ON, OIT THE 80% instiad ut tho 21t. Tiiroat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, TheBlood, and allotliur óonrplicfaied clirAifo compUin'j twM succeasfuil , by PROF. E. J. LYONS, the well known and colat-ratöd INDIAN HERB UOCTOE! Cali ai tb o Mc ui Hf-ui'e. ADii Arbor. irherihidi be tonsulted 1K1Ê CHARdk, ou lheSllU Mu.-ilb, áurtaf 18 ciul In6. ItIOB. Estáte of John Price. OTATE ov MICHIGAN, Co.xty nr WASnmtl)! ' ' Ataaession uf thu Probate ('ourt for the CmüI of W ashtenaw, holden at the Vrobate Offlce, fa W City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twtt-secMllfe of Jnly, in thu year oue Uiotisand eiirht hundrwl fflí sixty-íive. freaept, Hiram .T. Beakcs, Jud'wof Protatf. Iu thi matter of tho of John Piw, dwawJ.; On rparliif and flHni; thi" potitinn. dnlr raittd, Anna Price, praying that Tt'omas Xilf'mrl)ej)oiiTtcd Administrutor on the eatate cf lid iextsea. Thereupon it is Orderetl, that Mondar, the foiir teenth day of August next, at tonücWtatelow noon, be aswisned tof the heaiing of sai Multo. that the hcii-s at tav of said deceasecï ana!nttetposotiü interested in said estáte, are reatüred tosppejtit a session of said Cotut, then to 1 holdeil atlhcProbate Offlce, in the City of Am; Arhor, and show cm if any thero be, why the prayer of the pctitib5erhi not be jrranteil : And it is' fnrther imlcrnl. that üj petiHoner dvc noticc to the persons intereitedh estáte, of the pendency of said petition. tiutHhelMing thereot by cauiibg a c;jiy of tbls Order tobcpoij !is;tr;l in the Mv-hwan Arpuft a iiew.-píiptT. pñnted Mí circulating in said Countv', three s;icivï''hileebr vions to sraid dayof htarir - f A truc r.opy.j HIRAM .T. HTÍAKES. lulo Judge of Pi E8ínteof Lewis Newrnan. QTATS OF MICHIGAN Cotntt or WasbiSM O At a session of the Probate Court Sw the Comll" W'ashteuaw, holilen at the Probate Oílicc, in tta ( rf Ann Ar?or, -on SaMirday, the tiventr-seroní Jj Jnly, in the yoav one thousaud ci-'ht himdral i mxly-nve. Present Hitíam .T. Rkakes, Judge of Prohale. In the matter of the estáte of Lewi Newmim. On rwidinjr and filiiv tbe petition. dulv venia Kegíne Newírían, pradng that Charles KalmbKW be appoínted AclniimstraEor on the eptate of s' cesaea. Thereupon ft is Orifcred, that Mondny, the lk of August next. at ton o'clock in thoforenoon.bowii1. ■ od for the hoaring of siid petition, and that 'kllj law of iid deceased, and uil other pprsons n'""; i in said estáte, are roqtiireï (if appear at "J1;! s.iidConrt. then to lic holden nt tho ProhateOnw" : the City of Ann Arlior. anrt show canse, Í "?"? be, why the praver of the petitíoner should w " granted : And it Is furthor ordered, that saU Peü'!m5 piTo notice to the persons interested fa paiii ? the pendency of eaid petition, :md tho lioariö" thr. by cansing a' copy of tlü. Order to be pnhtistec m w Afi'hi'jnn Ar-jts. a newppa]ior, printed and círcal'rí in sai;l County, threc succeisivc weeks preTionil9 day of hoaring. fA teas copy.) niRAM .T. BEAKFA 1019 Judge of W1 Coramisfioners' Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of VTMMfJJ'J ' i The andereigned having been anpoimw ? Probate Court for sairt coimty.Commissiiincrs '""?„,. examine and adjust all clainis and demands of ??L smi.s againa) the estáte of Lymau Corbin, '""f (hT(dj j ín said County. deceased, hereby pive notice u 1 Bionlbfi from date, arcailowed, by order of saifl Court, for croditors to present their claims 'Pff.M osiato of said deceased, and that rhey ivill mw' "_, cesidenco or Walter D. Corson, in sáid to í , day, the fourteenth dav of October. and ""JS p. twen y-Pocond day of íannaiy nex', Ht onc. ' M., of each of said days, to fecetve.exBOiD'" just said claims. THOMAS BrSSET, ? romnitsiom l.i:vi WESTFALL, 5 Co ..„ Datad, July eend, 18. Chancery Notlco. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Oi I O Chancery. Snit pending in the C'rfl"tCï[ the County of Woshtenaw, in Chanceo', '.i llon. Edwin f,awrenre, Circuit Jtidze f ('hli „ Ann AHior. in County of WashtcnaK, o twen y-lirtli day of July, A. I). 1Í6&. M.i;;i;io I'latt, Complainant, vs. John S. Platt, Defondant. ) , II appearing to the satisfactiou of tbc "i(1 '''J&ij. the iffldaiii of K. E., Solicitor fnr ilif fr%t ant, that John S. Platt i not a resident "('"Uj, of Michigan, tint a resident, of the State of Ion y bevond the uiï.-diotion of lhi Court : " , olhi' I B. E. Frazer, isolicitor for the Complrun;1111 -X I raiiíO, ü is ordered by said Court, that raio 'Vj-ríJ i John 8. Watt, cause hisappearance tobe enter jj,. I cause, snd notice tberoof dnly served on inri. K'Lt& I anl's Solicitor, within tu-o 'mimths f""11 „ kis jpthisorder: And in case tho Defomlant enn . pearance to be entered, tlsat he flle n'sl"lieJ5cJnftf' ]laiuani'ü üill, anda copy thercof lic scn'f1."!lfl.r ! iii'iinr for Complainant withiu twentyjMp rOj eenïce oT a copy of said l'.iM ou M """"Si-dlJ default thercof the said Bill be tok' -n !a]!',tüi said. Defcndant : And it is furtlier onlcrcd, u"' ( gg i tweaty da-, s tlie said Comnlaiuant cause .i copj b)t order tobe pnbllshed in the .iiiVi -"p ''„f. newspapei priuted and piihlished at the CJ u. fllfj Arhor. in sak! County of WnsMen, J,nÍ'"5.ntpnblication 1 oontinued once in each WC''K jorii'rlP cessive weeks, or that eho cause u copy e-r w1 (fft,nij lie srrc-il on said Dcfrmlunt porsonally, "'■''!Ltipi1 dayi More ihe time preserfbed tbr aüv Kppearancc in tlii.. canse. . Tlít. K. ÚMVREXCB. dMB


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