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A Great Want

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The Chicago Tribune gets off the followiag : Wanted, for a 8in;il! inuiily, - a cook. Sucli is tho tenor of itdverlisoinents in tbc pnblio Journal) vvbich meet tho eyea of readers, overy day, by tLu score. - Wantod - i cook. A cook n these days is bard to get ; yct tbc services of that queon of tho kitchen are an egsontial element in (lic hcalth, tho comfort, tha temper, the or.joyment and tho peacc of efcry family ; and it is truu t'aat the art of couking U lbo paiont of all othcr arts, a"nd that enting and drinking are tbo highest of all iriimul enjoymeote. But the race of cooks is becoming extinct in thü Uuitud !tates ; and n tbü matter óf foftd, wo are going back to barbarisin at a fcuritil paoe. The day was in which it was the rulo of every household to bo well ordercdj and in wbicb a bocoiniug table, suitablo to those who maiutuined it, was ovcry housewifo'a pride. Jiut that was vvhen motbors and grand mothers had sway, and when a knowltdye ot what good housowifery deiiiandüd for tho hpalth and comfort of tho family was not thought to be too low for any young lady's atteution. - Our modern systcm of female oducation, which is the rcsnlt of cimbined vanity and stupidity, has ebanged all tbat. - And it is tho rule of most families jn which manual labor of all tho members ia not dtmanded, to so rear tho daughters that they sliajl be. while uamarriod, of less refil use in the world than anytbing eie u[ion which tho sun shines. - They are taught to sputter a littlo French, of wbiob no nutive of Franoe eould possibly uuderstand a single word; years of precious time are epent, ia obedienco to a ïonsensioal dictato of fashion, Hl tho vain cndoiivor to acquire a littlo proiiciency on that most abusod of all good itistrumenls, toe pianoforte: ad f' the oxpiralion of tho upiluge tinds them able to drum out a couimon waltz or a mari-'h without agnizing all by tand era who know inusic, they have done woll ; and, if in addition, they eau sing a Germán or Freuchsoug in astyle which gives pleasuro to ueithor thenjsolvos nor auybody elso, they aro accounled prodigjea, ns indeed they are. A few of' them draw (npver a beeísfeak oö' a gridiron or a loaf from the oven) su well that if the subject of tho sketch is stater? in fair print underueath, the looker-on 11 know ut oucü what was intoadod by it. Biest of them pai:it, (wo bclievo rouge is tho tashion jqgt uow) but a thousand or them could not eara a. houüe-puinter's wages by the most assiduou8 exerciso of this acconíplishirient.Jleadjng is confined, for lue most )ürt, to ihe inevitable uovcl of tht) sentimental school and to the sensatioaal parts of the daily papers, wliile thesolid elepients of edncatiou are alinoat yholly neglected. In a word; those tb;ngs that are in their natui'3 pureiy Gruameutal, and wbiob, in nino cases out oí ten, aro forgotten long before ijiiddlo age is reached, are in.sistad upou to the exclusión of othcr things that are the business of avoi'day life, Yoijlh, the timo for pfQr paration for the dflties cf raiddle age, is virtually wasted. Nothing which relates to the great matters of maternity, to tho care of children or tho management of the liouscholds is taught. Ou thesq things, blank ignorance is tho rule, This raco of women who have had thia traiuing aro tho mothers of families, aud to them tho eduoation of cooks is ontrus'.ed. As ior tho cocka tbetnsulves, we need not say what their caily education was. They go to serviüo to leani, and what they learn from teachers who know uothing of what serwnats ought to acquire, let tho exporienco of nearly all tha lamiliea of this city boar Sfitness. In. .anotber geueration tho art of eookiucfwill ba a tost art if thore is not a reform. It is kept alivo now only by tho foreigners who como among us bringing tho training and cxperionce of their early homes; but thoy, too, soon foliow ín the wake of Ameiicai) "progress," and now Uridgot and Katrina thiuk that it is only ganteel to copy tho esamplo ot the daughtor to tho n) inof boni, and despise the art by which heul tb is proiKotad aud honje madscoujfortable. Wantedj a Cook. Until female educatión has a iicw direplji'i: ia this country tl. at want will be unsupplied ju thouaands oí weil to do lamilies, in. which the next tbing to uiarvation - staratioa in the. nr.dst of abuudance - is a cursa ouly tüinporarily aud at long iutervals relievod ; bncauso tho real difficulty is, not that Bridget will not leam, but that there is uobody to 'uutruct her. She bas good intentions aud is so lar human, that, for her own ea.ting, sho prpfers good bread to half-cooked and sour Jougb, íuk! a t.onder, juicy eteak to a burnt, tough and uupalatable chip. Sh( desire.s higl) wage as the reward of conipeteneo aud skill, in preferenco to .-mail pay for ignoraiice and unthrift ; bul eookiiig ia un art, and she bas and anu have nu iutruiition. lier cmployers are woi'se off tlian shu is, and maid and mistress aliko go huiigry. The truth is that the Aiuericuiis, ui the pioparatioa of foAd, ai'o oidy a few degroca removed fi'Oiïl the n:vages that thoy have dr.ven oil' tiii soil ; and in affairs of donioátio etiononiy tho retrograde jiiovctnent is tho -.auso of real aud jastifiablo alarif),-- Thero is show und uubouudyd expense, but as tho pomp eomee i üt te parlor dooi', comfort (.'capes tlirngh tha kitchen. Wanted, as the precursor of a cook, % kijsteio of fomjilo tiducation that shall maLo ihe diitias and business of Jií'o a lusttcr of primo concern, and that treat iiocoiiipüfshuieut.s oii'y aa tho garnish of q, .si.b.-üiiitial, savory and ï:oal tliful disl). At a íiotel in Oxford, N. H., thei) hiiugn a root of rye. containing 152 Stalkö from one kennel AIüo a r.iot of wheat 8 i CrojA a single graiu.


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