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After June 30, papers will de cirncd n ih mail free of charge to any diatnnce wiihin Ö milt from the place of publicaiion, il' sein b; publishers tu ilieir regular subscrilmrs. Our re;i ders ore nware thai we have afvvnys been oppos cd to ibis provisión as unrqia! and pnjost ui ti operation; but os it has becomc a In ol the land. nll who come within ita provisions, wil! wish toavail thomselvcs of iis advalitagcs. Wethere fore subjoin the following list of offices within 30 miles of Anti Arbor, which hns been furnishcd ue by our poslinaatcr. Wiihinihis disfnnce, the cost ol ihe Si'diI Will bc reclueed 5'i cents a t-enrf or one third. Surtly a wcekly paper lik tihe Signal nt One Dollnr a year and no poslage. is cheap euough. Thw circuit inclodes n popuia tion of about 50,000. Shall wo not immediately íeceive a large accession to our list from tliiá district of country? Who speaks firet? WaSHTFWAW Coi'.VTY. Ypsilanti, Sterling, Siinron, Renwick's, Dexter, Sylvan, Frcdonia, Northfielii. S.ilem, Lima, Fleasam Lake, Harrison, Superior, Elba, Union, Summit, Dixboro, Piitsficld, Manchester, Mooreville, Lucerno, Bridgewater, Webster, Lodi, Raweonville, Paint Creek. LlTIXOSTO.f CoUNTY. Brighton, Livingston, Umdilln. Howell, Green Oak, Plainfield, Homburgh, Pinckney, Marión, Pleasant Vallcy, Hariland, Gcnoa. Wayne Coü.ty. Huron, Brownstown, Borodino, Dearbon, Plymouth, Livonia, Wayne, Nankin, Northville. MoNKOE Coü.VTT. London, Raisinvillc, Dundee. Jackson Countt. GrassLake, Waierloo, Lponia. " Lksawee Coc.vtt. Clinton. Tecumseh. IS Oakusd Covhty. tc Kensington, Fnrmington, Hipkville, Müford, Walled Lake, Highianrf. IirOBAM CoOSTr. Stock bridcre. 6 ui


Signal of Liberty
Old News