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gOART) YA_TED For Iwo GEXIKEMEN ;.! tlUlr Wíl wh there ar n„ „her boarSer prsferni „ 'iu ■"j,: "IIU.VU'IO.VS " - - tiawfoerjy ficdsuq, DIARRHCEA, DYSJiNTElir Cholera Murbu, Flux, Hoar' Burn. a„j ,,,„' Comi.l.-.iuU. tui rel} vigoiaMe. Jllf, B'"l J'iari :m;l i-'-wiiic nti USBOKNKailOWE.l'rop'M.BucW.n j, , tiliwUy i Co., iMruit, Wli.,i;„i, Axfln, "{. Chaneery Notice. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, Fourtb Ju.ücul Vir"i IU Count; uf VabUrjiaw,m Uiaugeij. "" Klsu. A. Pulver, ■) ra. t Anthony Pult-r.J Slauof Michigau, an.l that l.e i, , rl,w ff Statnof S,-w York: On „.„ti,,,, ,,r "."„Ti ■ ■f UuiafiUint tilf.J ni tbii causo, w tlnn thn. f 3 h-oin e date uf thls order and 11 al ir, .i, ' Bf, tli Hd Bill be taken a bv h.5 tisfurtbiir unlered, tbat within twc-m v i]' v. i A" dateof tb. , r.!,ih. C.nipüiiiaDt e.úi, iuS Primeo m 8.l Cuu:.tjr, and that s'iu'pnbQá uiHdonc6in each week, lor ii mIW„?; th c„py „I tbis 0,der be servo,] „mh'A preCribed for hm appeáraiee. J f"" l.'ittil, July iOth, 18CS. J. CARPEXTKR, Juti i BtuBtiii.Coinjilaiaant'a Solint' fAlruoccrv.);w _!l2il BepotrKtgirtB Estáte oí Patrick Coylé OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasliten. . w W' 8essi(?n ol' tae Probate Court for thí SET. ashtraiaw, hotd n nt i he Probate office hfeHíí Ann Arbor,' 011 Tuesday, toe fuv-t da, „ ,' ■'" ni theyearone thousand ei-bt hundred andVh? Present, Hiram .1. Beakee, Jud-e of píri r "■ Ib the maller oribe Estáte of Patrick X i adíugaiid filing the petítion, diilv,eriw„, Morean O'Brfen, praying that a eertato hLg ou tile in thW Court, purjorüng to be tlw Jlesu.mcnl of said deceaseí muy be,.,:, _Tli,-n;.i,,(Mi it ■- Ortered. that Mond, u. eighthday of iugusi instant, at teu u'clock iniïïf n. ,on be asaigned for the hearing of said peütK that the legatee ■ ■ ai UvofmaUï sed, and all other persims iuten-sted ni - required to appcar nt a session of unid (,,,lt t;í holdeuattüe h ;,. .,„. , .tv ,„■ " and show rauw, ir any there lie, whv „n „f!' petíüoncrehonld no, l graatod: And VJ2Ï ordered, tlwt said give notl to thtiSS uuereMedüj said estáte, of the pendewy oflffi mn, and the hear mg thereoí by :■■ Order lo be published in the Michigan ,?,■ paper, prim-d aud circulatíiig i, ,aM : sueceesive weeks previene tosfiddavof I c;,j,y.j UIRAM j. I AtL" artgc ut I'ruian Estáte of Harriet. L. Brim CtTtEOF MICHIGAN, („, :.,.,,,, tV-AMTO,;: ' Ai a iHgii of the Probote fmni forthce5 Wasbtenr, ' buldeu at tlie ,,.,1 of Aun Aflinr, 011 Tufiwlay, ih li.-.,t ,!;„■' „i ,,.,] m Uyeai oue thoiiBand cight handredai Present, UiraraJ. !i -ak ■ . Rtateof H ulbi" and th.petjti1.ii, WrrtW. sed, praying ihat í censed to si-11 certaíu real eítúte 'wlu rcof i died seized. Thereopon it is Orderetl, üiat Wednesdst tte teembdaj of Septnnbur ix-.m, ai tni .vlwküiikild uoon,beaKigneüi'or ■ ■!' sakl actiiioi ( tbat the hcftx at latr of saíd rteceawi, aml allmte terested in sakl estáte, are reijnired tuimí .■i eessioil of said Court. then tobé holden at the A Oíttce, jn tho City of Aun Arbor, aml siioiv i any there be, why the prayer of ti. p.-titionnM not ! A-nd it is furlher ordtred Ika )Hii)iu'rs giw noli to persons ín;: esrate of ilie of sanl petítíiui. arirt ibeteing tinTcof. by catisiug a copy of this published 10 the M-higan Anjiis. a l:CH'Kpaw,H aud uirculating n said Countj, four saccosire ni previoiií to wud dav of llcarüig {Atrueespy.) WIHAM J. BEAUTB i'1-" ..w-LuofPlaWi Esíato i.f 'rudcn.ik C. Neubii TATEOFJIIUHÍGAX. C mvwS..,,,,..,, At a ■ , EUiw. hiikk'ii at ' . of AnuArbor; on V ■ dnofii-pust, in !niuxii;ilcÍL'Ut lm:irlr!imlsiaiave Present, Hinun ,T. Beakaü, Jmk-eof] In the maaerof the !!, te ,, Hul', dee Ün reading and fllii ,íohn NcHblmj;, prayüis; thíit he niv Amiinii-itrauir on the estáte of said i.. a Therenpon it QrtVmL that eignth d;iy of August instant, at ten d'iHwtiDltoo Ewoti, be amigned for the h. , ' lusirs a law .slhiih(Tr' "'ií'11 (lid estaU1, :tre reutóíeá to twir tt asessiíja of said Court, tlien to'be iOffice, ;ü the t ity of Aun Arbor, uva efco anj there be, :vh the prayer of the prti imrt be-gnmted: And it is fnrthor D.-ilfnsUtat aii ;iie6uunerg)ve uotá .;! iuwreaedaitl estafe, of the peudency of said pstaioii, ail Uicbeiiit Lhereof, by causing a copy of this Order to te pnblisra il the ■- Ui-inn A'jni:, a' newspaper, j,-rinted and df CHlating in said Coimty, three enccessive wdi viDRfl t" said day of heatïu" (A copy.] HIK.VM ■. BEAKH, 1H20 jf Prol'. Estato of Di)wdull - Minors. OTATE of MICHIGAN, Cocstt or W6u!U." C At a session of the Probate Court :■ of Washtenaw, holden ut the Probate OtncoiflüiN of Ann Arbor, on Wednesflay, the. second day ol Slist, in the ycar .-)ae thonsand eight Usndrei i B' ty-five.Present, Hirarn .',. Beafess, Jttdge of Pi In the matter of túe Estáte of John UoKdcH ert P. Dowdel), and Terressa Dowdell, müiort. J"; ael Cowan, Guardian of said Estáte, con aud represente that he U now preparod to rai'D! ü;i:t! account as sucb GnArdlan, Thercupon it is Ordered, that Tnesdsr. IB " ninth day of AugKst inst., at ten o'clock in thefwe be assígned for examáilng and allówing snch accoiB;iim1 that the next of kin of said niinw "i " other persons interosted Hl sairt ratste, & J (uired lo ajpear at a session of saM Court, ï.vT holden at the l'robate Offl., in tho CSiy ofin in said Coanty, and show cause, if aüy t)w'ft the said account should not be allowed: 4D11 further ordareö, that said Guardian tivtiioi"1. persons iuterested in said estáte, ol' ihe r""'"''r' p.nid account, and the hearing thereof, by cas''''-. cf thie Order lo published in th. newspaper printed and circnlatiugin Niidl snecessive weeks previous to said dav of WJ CA true copy.) HIIIAM 3. BLAKp1020 J,ulïBOfrn)1: Éstate of James VanderbütCT ATE OF MICHIGAN', Cor xtv of Wtóinf1,;;;, O At a sessiou of the Probate Conrt for the Coon'L Washtenaw, hokk-n at tho Probate OÜSce, O tH of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the Kiltiday.oi ■ the v,-ar onc thotisand eih't hundred ana Present, Hirain 3. He.ikes, Jndge of irototf. In the matter of the Estáte of James VaMWH deased. Cty Vanderbill, Exectttris of th"; , , j and Teatamcnt of said deceased, convs inlol our . represents that plie is now prepared to r:Dfter öer account as such Exeentrix. th, 0 Thereupon it is Ordered, that Jlnndav. x .lay of August next, at ten o'clock in 'lie. (I be assigned for examining and # account,' and that the legatees. oeviw o heirs at law of said deceased, aml 11 rL'tt Bons tatererted in said estáte, are remiired t'!',. sessiou of said Conrt, then to be holden at I n „j Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in said Co,il! show cause, if auy'there be, why the paifraccoi l (j not bo allowed: And it is further ui Exeentrix give notice to the persons mtereaw estáte, of the pendency of said account anfl "' ing thereof, by causing a copy of this Order ij Ushed in the Virhifan Argtts, a-newspaper, P1?, circnlatinj: !n said Oounty, three Buccesilve in ; vious to said dav of Hearing:. tp (A trae copy.y niRAM J. ,BfS llW( Jllll„'C!ltl__ lleal Estáte for Sale. CTATE0FMICHIO-ÁX, Connw''" O In the matter of the Estáte of .ludan ■ j,. late of said County deceased : Notico l' Jnj,t. that in pursuance of an Order grantwl '"" t eigned, Administrator of the estáte nf siiid 0„ui Hon. Jndce ol" Prnbate, of saitf "',' sul"1 tenth day of June, A. D. 1R65, there tr'_ "ji Public vèndiie, to the highest bidder, al '■' lJ(,tr' house on the premises, in said Connty, op i1 . ;n 0 first lay of Ai-u-t, A. 1). 1S5, nt two cnct,! afteruoon of that day, (subject to all f!;(;""c oí" mertgage or otherwlsf existing at tnR of5lJtT death, and also subject to the riirht f "''""yioi! I. MeLean, the widow of said deceased.) v d real .-state, to-wü.: The ' ' ';" t'haI p1 South-East qnarter of section bix, nduj ta of West half of the Sorth-EaSt rin:trl. i gjf wven, lyiog North of the hiijhivay, and pcn'rth.i!' acres, oh the Weet side of that part "f tl"1 : i' quarter of the North-East qnarter ni n „ seven,lying8onth of the highway. "'' , '."rof .11 three Son of range fonr East, i Wf iKim' WILLIAM PKHST0S,AaintalWg" Datcd, June Wuh, [868. yrt The above sale is poslponefl n'" J'f',':" I5.h, 1.-.;,. ar the same place aud ttae l' " :..,,, ,.: WILLIAM PRESTON, AU"" 0f I Da. ei August lat, lt-05.


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Michigan Argus