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A Valuable Corner

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-Tbc iiropvie tor of ihe New Volk licahl hr:s bought the lot uu whicli Burnani's Museum gtnotl, 650,000. The lot rnetisurèg 5(5 ft-i-t on Broadway by 100 on Anti, mei the feu simple was U JNIi s. íí W. Surgent, r,f Ncaburglt, to wh'o.m #450,000 of tbr. purchaae iiionuy goes. Baruum held u twelve years tease, lor which BennoU paid hirn $200,000 cash, wbioh tlie showman instautly invested ï: 7 3()'s. The lut is the finfst und most valuable corner iu the United States. Bennett iutends to erect tlicreon a 'building for the Ilerald, to cost 300,000, mailing bis wliole iavestiuont ncarly a milliou of d 1l.irs. Teaching üogs to Dbstboï Tiiisti.ks. - 'We copy the followiug frwn na Insh Journal : " Tramp on the buds of a goodly number of tbc'liirgeát jiluntH in the spring, and place ou tha ends a teaspoonful "f guit ; tben turn your hog3 on iheio. Tbuy will eat the roots of tlie salted root.tí ürst, and will thus acquire afondnesa thora and will continue to uat theni daily aá long as they eau bo found. If but ono bog be eduoited in tbis vvay, he will tcach the wbole hord to eat thcin, aud thüy will extenniuute all ou the farm;" It is understood t'nat order will be shortly issuüd returniug general officers oí volun teers to thoir proper ruuk intho regular army. Tliis will reduce a largo number of Major and Brigadier Gencr als to Captains and Lieuteuuuts. During next month 12,000 horses and 14,000 mules will bo exposed to public salo in the stables of New York, Penusylvania, Ohio, Dclaware, New Jersey, Indiana, and the district of Oolunibki. This will closo suoh snles by the government. Siiice thu lst of Muy the sales of animáis have netted $2, 000,000. There is a young lady in Ilcury coun tv, Missouri, not yot sweet sixtoen, who is this vear cultivating liftcen r.cres of coin. She does all the necessary work, including plowing, and has taken tbis oottl'Bfl to ob'.ain inoncy with wbtcli to edúcate herself. Mi-s Buchantó, once rallying a bravo .soldier on bis courage, said, " Now, Capt. , do you inuan to teil inc you can walk up tu a canuon's niou'.h without ii-ar ?" " Yt," was the prompt reply, or a " Bücbaiiarj'seither." And lic did it. A young farmer asked an old Rcotch' man for adv roe ra bis pursuit. Jie kolri 1 liiffl wliat had been tlie secret of hÍ8.owo I puccess i ti iurmitig, nnd conöluded vi h tho followiug wiirning - " Nevor, fe'andie, never - above all Üiiugs, nevcr pet in débt; bnt if you i.-ver do, lut it bo fór tïianure." The Stato Normal School oí Connecticut bas been in operation fifty years, and duriug tliis period bas recehed 2,258 bludentp, nearly all of whom have Í tausht ín the sahoola of the State. J


Old News
Michigan Argus