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!HI]SÏTÏiTBArRAILROAD; i V. ''f tranis iïów feave DetroS and the e 9 varal mi:.;.is in Lhis Goouty as iulknvs: CCIXG WEST. Mail Hy J)ixWt K.vou.' Nicrlil Train lx Ace. K Ex. Vtrnit, 7 IÜA..M10 iiO.i.v, 4 íi'iivn .'i.áM'.M ll.OIH'.Jl Vpliinti, .()■" 11-56 ' 6.1 Í ' i; r.(l " 12.SRA.M Anu Arbor, 9.(3 " U.J5l'M 35 ' 718 " 1.00 ■' Dexter,, H.S5 12.46 " 7 00 '■ 1 35 ' Cheláea, U &ö " 1--5Ü 7 50 ' OOliVQ KAST. Kvcn. Dcstcr Xi_-ht J)a,y Mail KX. Ace. Ex, . Kx. Train c;heUea, 7.:i."i .i i ;:-w: :.) i'.ji Drt-r, - 6,.Jl.v 7.S " "-4:' " -i'-0 " Vnn Arbor 4 .?S A.H .85 " f-20 " 4 ':5 '■ 5.50 " Yil.-mli 4 51 " 701 ' 8.40 " -l.-T, " fi 12 Doroit, r,.io ■' 8.25 " lü OU " 5.45 "7.46 " The Mail Train runs to aml from Ma!i;i!l. PeiïOas suffering witli Uyspepsia, and all dTseeses arising from a disorderod state uf the ítorúach, should at once obtain a botlle uf tlie R'd Jacket Stomach Bitters. No family ahould be without them. Th?y are for sale by all druagists tluoughuut the country. A ÏKÜE STORY. DKDlCAlfil) To TUK S1CK. Ihera dwelt iu the iwftmpi a palé, lulious iimclmnlc ; IHa niüscU k were strouthiess. bid Wood it was ch 11 Auí the náfe of his bosouj belioeJ, in her panic, Tliu lnish;uid .iliö woi-sIiíj.jpímI wás Lopeleöh ill. öwKiug daily for help, in her wifely U-votion, All Viiinly slie trieü piU nm [lowikr ainl potiou - Til! at lat, when o prey to grivTê wilOt'-it emoLinn, Of Hp3TETTEK'á BlTTEBö he hcjitd from a frieud. Mirch;,30fl the cordial, half hopinj?, Imlf 1 irftig, A praytr on Uur lip umi a in Ikt eye ; And taking hi haod, with TvorrlB kindly and ebeeríog, Hi.-aoi.igli t him tht: tonic for hor nake U tryAi he drituk, a new life thrüugh hif yU-ni f o m "l st taling, F;ic!. fotUjwteg drnuglit diJ its misOD ol 1 eil;ii:r, Untiljfltioc i" h'Hltli aiwl ino-st gmtoful in feuhng, Ho told iho M trutí aloi'v " Uere twiuel into bi ng. It is Jilso proper to st:ite tlutt tho Bitt-'i's are sflM e cluRivt-ly in ghtfis, and oever undar .iny uiroamBtanee bj lbo galloa or iho barrel. Imp.stors anl imitator are afrroftü, an.l tho oily afegun-d Ihe puMi: liavu agaiDSt th m is to see that tho Ritte t tlny bny have the HDfraved labl aafl do u ol hanl of Mesrs. Hoktcttw .K: Pmith, (mil uur roprietary ffcatop over the coik of tn; bcttle. WHISKEltS! AVIilSKEHS! üoyoo want Wlii-kursor Uuustaciiosf ÓurGrecian Citmppuud wili force lliera ïo grow on tli smootbe&l faceor cbin, Or liitir on bahl lieads, in Six Wetlis.I'rici',$1.00. Sent, by mail aiivwlierc, closelv spnloil, oBMceipfofprioe. Ad,l.(6S, WAUNER & CO., Box 13S, BrooM;n, N. Y. lv'JÜO. i TUK BWDA1, I IIASIÜK1Í, a.0 lvsay of Witrniiifr :iini InsiMictit.n fi.r Yinin Men- )u1í.-Ium] ly the iiüward AflJi'jeiation, aad 3ntfr e uf ch;uc in attlcnluárelupM. AWrr-s,Pr.J. SK1I.I.1X liorcllT'), :l iwaid AsaocLuion, 1 hila.U'lpliin, I'a. Ij999 AidtOOB TREE IS KNüWN Bi rrsi--i;riT. 8u s H f ■■'■■ Pliyioliin b.v liia suooeiif ui wórk. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, -T1IKORKAT ANH OELKBRATEH I'IIYSII IAX 01' TUI T1IKOAT, l.l'NGS AN'll CBÊ T, Kiidwti all nvcr the countr' as tlie Clebratt-tl IIVDlAi IS EHK HMJTÜli! Fiiiin ,-tMiih Ain.-riri'. .[. i? 'AMTIILKT Of the Hfe,Btulj and etteosive trveU oï Dr. Lyopi can be procured by all uinirteshvone, in-v of cb&rge. Dr. L wül 'iil tlifi Kt'V' placea mt'ollowí : Jacksjm,HibbrfnÍ Íluun,20th Aun Arbor, Monitor Don..' 51-t. ñetroil , lídii-ic, opposift Uicb. Central [e] n1 , eaéh month, SSadnud Kírd. MTPK rV ("XAMI-VÁTION.- Tin DKito( ■! i --■ r II ili ■ .1 ■ hv tlieeres. Bp"Therrtb'.mtlí " qtipthn( nor ' c 1 q.iireftp'afaieotB to fexplaia ijnïtupin. A:l)i. ted, eyin I fvtirt ht .-♦- your --y mp'nnn in 1 Vir-lij.,: - uf j mi 'li.b Be . 1 (-aint il 1 1 ■ ' 1 G-hai a 'TG PATÜIOTS, -ANDimmiH IN PARTICULAR! Grand Excursión and Pie-Nic, -i: Y THEFENIAN BEOÏHERÏÏOOD! Tlie Detroit Circte öf tbe Feriian Krutlicrlioud, wIU givf u Brand Excutahin to A'.' ARBUK, on Wedaesday, August lOth. Al whiob place here wlll ' : one of the must rxtuive l'ic Nies vur Lul ii thU Slate, toctuor wilh Music, gmging, Dauciug on the Green, iui'l ocry other rmnreuteul ivbi 1) the Ucart ot an excursiuiiLst eau podtiibl)' deSire. It will Uu ilit aiost Magnificent Excursión and Pic-Nic o: tUe Scasun. Tho apltmdul Ifcim) of the IWh HeguIn rs wil) acoonipaiiy tho xcu i-iu party. The A nu Arboi' l!;iml ii aho etl};agt'l fOT tho i'ccasiuii. ïhflCiPcita uf Hontiacj WyaiMotta, YpáílanH, Anu Arbor, Clilsea Jacksou and liattle Creok. will joic iu tlie l'ic Mr. ReJ ir.hiiK n.s will bo Bei'V 1 uu tho grouuds ut unnlemte ehurges, Tha .l Fair Qjouuda of the Washteoaw ( 'm nt y Agi eulf urn I S'fici_ , witli i bu benutiiu l Grord fttbiched, have beec kfnJy tendered bv tlmt Associ;tton i.u' the iist t' iIjl' excurionistB. In ca.-e nf in. clenieiit weaüier tbere is Stéltor uder tio l li íUU UK4 o!' these grouade lor tivc llio.isund people, A ntro L u a : - A Genuine Irish Pipcr in FuU Costume, will disco irge soul stirriiig musiQ f rom hia nncient inThe Excursión will leave the Central Depot at tí ONSlock i u tlie murmug aud ari'ivu ut Aun Arbur at 10,a o'cludï. Tickets, $1 for the Round Trip. l-'ur Balfl fvcry w licrii. By .HM. -rol the I. C. K. li. QCIIÜOL KEPOKTS & 13LANKS. The BÏanka forSi liool Inspectora aal School District Ofllcers1 Aimuiil Reporta have 'htu reoelvei at this ollien, umi itrn röftdy fot itiatribution. Al8o, tlie Annaai Report oL tha Suerinteniltint of Public Instruction for iSGl. ïowiifeliiii tlerka tue tequasted to end in tluïir orders. K. U. l'ONI), Countï Cleik. Ann Arbor, July lStli, lsi 5. Swlüis. ÜX THE Komis of Waslileiittv County, AT 1 PER CENT. INTEREST, n pay V:tiT;inJs drawn on the Voluoiper IMief Fuiul. The iivi'.stinrnt is safe :mi the a s;uod une. Apolv inwne iatfly - l'Hll.II' IÍI.U.M, Cuuuty Treasvter. Anu Arbor, .lul) 17th,lSf5. iwlOlrf nUTÏER W ANTEDI I want f'jr lbo NEW VORK MARK ET! alltUeUUQD BUTTEK made in ihe Couátj ;, for wliict I will pay "Cash. 011 Telivery. Tur eitber Lamo or Suiull l.iH. JOIltf H. MAYNAHD. llly7th,186ö. - ünilO16 HER MIRKOK MAY ïut' fj :i luly flut lier Ana la faultleas, but 25c nvoited in "Spanish Houge," Tor polïehing SMvöi'wfcrö aü1 metalr of 11 kiuiln, wïll :il,i tn-Tf t e the brlght and cheprful appearaacé f In-r iii'iO' hoíne IJian one huüdrtíd dollars expended in no ware. LAIUKS jriv,. it untt tn-1, rui'l 3"" 11 joio vith uö ui sayiiig tiiat ii ïittpro ■- the apparnuce of jour l';ic1 .ra i'itnl Kit.-ÏHMis o nu lumïrcil per tent. F'r furiher purticula vm i ■ Wv j du to uur mlvertiseracut in Detroit l'u!. l'apprs VTALL.ACB Si KRLSO, WfeftertJ Wholesale Agent, Meïriïl iilock, curner W(iodwrd aiíá .leliVrson a nu es, Detroit , Michigan. SÏKBEISH Si V1LSn ;i nU. Aun Arbor. ïulOlö Rille !? actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Suecesiors f o A . .1 SuUierlantl, iianufaeturers of ünd Dealers in Guiis,Pistols, Ammuaition. Fascs, Pouehes Gamt Bagt, and Everjotber artieïc. ii. t.tiatLine. 3FI 3E3 IP A X 3SFt 'X 2W. O doneattUeshortent o"ticp. u.ud mtuokstmannfr. i fullass.)iini.iiiii!wiivKHcil onliand mul madordei' t v-._ Süop nrnér Mam :i ml Washington ttreciK. Anu Arbtr.Uct. d, L.-ti. 873tl NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. A HtltM Hxqni-ile. BrffalSM :"1 FlliBiuiil I'i'i'liiinr, lir.tillrfl lioln ■■■■ air anti kCí-:tnti íiil Kloivci' (rom liil-h t Inlte-s ii-; linmc. Mauufujtural only ly fHAI.OiV & SOX. JdF" Beware of Counterfeits. Sold by diugiüta geuerally. $j) J tíOUVJ-NTCE f f i?) THE MOST SK EPTI CAL. SS) 5f THATTHERE 13 UNEDUALLEQ "$ j. jm vjrtue usr the 1 1L BE 3AWMT% i f TlARÏ HERBS . L& t They Btrengthen and invigorate tho ? aJ flystem. rV&fTt Tfe' Theygive a gooiland healthyappetlte, t'P jw( W They astiiat digestión. 'X ir!D Vr K They are tho bcst etioiulant in existeuce Ar, íffe cf CsThey wre a prevfcntivepffever andana v ■ vi W" They cure nervous headache. 5 1 h They are períectly pure unU palatable. ,tv ' U ■ The Rctl Jacket BItUn uru huid iu qunrt V3 f m tle by all drugieU aud dwüin ia the country. Tï K 9ENNETT PIETERS & CP, Vtó S 1 RIVER ET. CHICAGO "J ■ÍmK SOLÉ PBOPfílETORS. 1 O i ,'r ; u s íti w irt, j bu-i


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