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I 'MÍK KOOTtí AND TILE LE AVES ' JL BULLbefortlrtHea]lLgoithNt!on8. Bible. Prof. 3FÏ.. ÍT. ZiYOMS, ÍIIfIOHEAT AXJ) CELKBKATEI; PHTSIOAM of the TilHOAl,l.U.Nl..-;, HkAKl.l.lYhU AM TUK 131,001), k!io u ullovei t tiMuuutrj as LLe i : ::".!LATKl) INI3IA.1T HBEB DOCTOK1 Df -"- áupwlor Btreet, Cleveland, obio. yillviisit the followm placas, i A?eorTMBMTS FOfi 1865, lSESaúd 1807. Prof tl. .í . Lyons can bc coasultcd at thc fo]lovriug placen (. vojy muntli, vi: il, at )is-i JIou-ie, Opposiio Michigan Central D.'pot, oael' mu-rji, vüiid üiuJ jjSrd. Kalamazoo, BUrdlck House, each montli, lSih and 19 th. Jackson, Hibbard House eacli inouth, '.o. Aun Arbor, Monitor J lo use, eacli montli, ülst. !o, WaJ'U'íiU Uuino, each mon'li, 21tli. i'u'.i'l' Summit Stroet House, eacli muuth , ilStli ftnd CLEVELAND, OIIIO, RESIDEXOE AKU OFftCE, 2s2 SÜPEKIÜIi STREET. líitst of tb e public square, oppoaite tlte Pottofflffe. (ÍDiCL1 d:i)A t-aeti muntli, lst.'l, 4th, 8tb, Otl', ljLh. - OIBee ljours froin 9,A M. tuliM.snii fn.m 2 1' ■11'. JL On.Siili.lnJ r.-nni 'J tu 10 A U ..ttllú 1 tü 1'. SI . 4gHax!mBtilstl; iulherea tu-I gira s.itl b:tln:v.s Iülvm mistrify, - With enture or the law.s ol !ifL-, Witla blood tay baudal aeverdtai, Norpuison méu toease tbeirfalB. 7cis a ihysiciav indeed, mho Cures. Iridian Herlt Doctor. R. J.LYONS, cures the follownícom[ilainti,iut,lcinoiit obstínate stages of their leseases of tKTBrot', Ltmgs, Ileart, Livor, StomvcVi DropsV int'acL'hest, Uheumatism, Nfuralgia, Fits. orF'iiUÍMKSicUnes,aiiil(illutUernerTous.lerangemci!ts. Ais Lll.iisca.sesoftboblOoJucli :is Scmfula, Krysipeláa Caacers.FcYer.-íorcí, Lepruy , and al! othercoinplícátoO chroniccomplai-.itB. Alll'orm.-. of female dífflouWes attended to with th lulThopedtbatnoOMwmdespilr oía onr until thevliwcKivfii tlic ludían Herb iloctor'.-; Medicine u fairanítlifultríl. ftü.!)"1'11 tho Ductor', travola ín Kuiáuf, W(,st Indies, South América, and the ünited Staíes, be has been the instrument in God's hand to rectore to liealtu and vigor tbousands who wereiiveniip and pronouneediucuraljle by tlie most emincntold school pliysicians; nay. more, thousandf ho w ere on the vergo of the grave, are noiv living to the Indian Herb's Doctor'! skill and su'cessfollreatuient.andiU'edailyesclaiming: "B'os9eií botheday whimlirst ne saw and partook ofjhe Iniliiinllerbitoctor'h medicine." SKtwfaotoryreftjMBoeSofOBie filbf gladly and cheerfu'.W M-iveiMiheucvnrvoquircd. ïhnoctorpledgesl.iv..rd and honor, that he will in no wise.directlyor indirectly, induce or cause any invadía to take his medioinewitUout tlie strongest prob"■'1ÏÏ-' ModVofamination, chichis entirely.lifferent from thefaculty. Dr. I,yon professos to d.scer.. dleaseS by tlie oje. He therefore asks iioquestion nor dursIuM-equivepatientnoexplamsyiriptoms. Callone and ..ll.wdhavetliesymptoms and locatum of your aiseaseexiilaiBeífreeof etuarfte. ' tarThé pooi hall beliberally considered. is-Fostoü jyoNg m Cleveland, Ohio,Nov.S5. 1862 1i'880 TÜST OPENING! The largest Stock and beat assortinent oi CABINEÏ FÜRNITURE ? ever brouglit to this city, including SOPAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, 13 KD ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldings CD OJblJi-"''X2i' METALIG CxVSES, &c, " c, and all other goods kept in the best and lar ,-vst house ,r.untry. VVosflSpno second baad ... litare or 'O.':;s. Coflhi:; kept constant Ij n and, and m-iiè to order íty goOBS arí oflered at THE LOWEST CASH FRICES iadaï! O. M. MARTIN. Aim Arbor, Oct. 6, ÍS03. "ÏE:tt pP.EAT C LOSING OUT A SF-Ï.KNDID STOCK OV DEESS GOODS! C3rO23.ts' FUBNISHING GQPOS, CASSIMERES, Olofrhf Satinets, Blc.} I5OMESTIOS, SHOSS. HATS I CAPS, Crockei'y. GRO0ERIES,&c, Are to bo BoM,%t pria f'at v;ll guïrantec thcir salo N. n.- The larest Sloek of Ctiit,o and Hvo ■■ in tiic City at les Lhan Manufacturer's prieds. The hÏLihest pricc paid in Tradoor casb for a.H kinds of rixa MACK & SCHMID. piANC) FOR SALE ! RABS CHANCA Fni SAÏ.Eiivcry fine 7 nct-.ya l'JAN'O, manuTacturea by one 6{,tLa bo-L maicera iii N&n Yprk, anl in tone, Ií.ih-Íj, iind finisli, üucpf:tl}0 I. t tl I r lji'ouyht to fhi.-= city. i u;;]U gfiqd mtrumcnt :icp uy;Led 1 and '.■.;'.iuiubii. ' I na aire a.t tbe ARUUá OPPICK. Ana Irbor, !■'■. I'h Ui.;.. CCHEJSiJE.'S PULMOMIC SÏBOP, i SEAYEED TONIÖ, AND M&MliáKE PILLSa The aboTe ia a correct likeness of Dr. Scliwick , ju.-t after recovering f rom Consuuiplion. mnny yeavsago Below is alikenesa of hixa as he now apr.ciirs. When the ftrst '-víis tnktn hc weigfced 107 at the present tim hls treight ís 220 pounds. i)R. SCHENCK'S Í ' i i rïc-i ial Oi]k-(' -i- J.a!'"ratory is at tlie N. K. corner of SIX'IH and COMMKHCK treets, fifiWaÍplii where ali letters foradviee or busineshouUl be di rected. He will be found Lhcrc evsry SA TURDAY, profes simia 11 v to r:;:1 mi au huiys witli the Respirometor, for whtch his fee i threo dollars ; nli udvice free. In Xcw Vork at No. 32 11OXD Street, every Tl'Ká DAY.from 9 A. M. tó S 1 M. At the MARLBüEO1 IIülKL , llostun, Jannary 18 and 19, Fcbruaiy 1Í9 íkÁ lft, M:i' i .'.'.m Mi, A)ril ÏU and iïO, May 17 and LÜ, Jm.el4 imd 15, Julv IQ rfad -('. The tima for my bejeg iu BALTIMOKÍ aod l'ITTSUUi'.U, wili Be 8ia in the daily papVfefi of ttfd Ihe llhivry nf Dr. ScliéhcH. OlwJ u si ,"crïpi . u Iu :■■■■■ cural of a. ;,}; lt,n, Many yrurs ago, wlijUf ïVsïcIfng in Fbila!c' ; . 1 haapsogi'essci grartually into the liet Mae or l'ul i;,;,,;!: ylv-hinpti-'U AlMiopL-s t.-f my BOqpWffJ biO""iuasTpat '■■ ' Was'áavjS fl by my ].h: sicifiü, !;r. !,utirtU to remove into ihe cenntry. Moorestown, New Jersey, being ra y ia live; plací , i ïfas removed tbitlu rMy ftcther umi ■ .■ bad liveUaplíÜftd títere - and Oied of l'ulnrotmry ifcasumptiöi. On my nrriv.'i 1 ! waa put to 1 eéj boré l fa y for ] in wiit was deewed a h.opfclew cm.ü'. iirii. ir. l'liorn.tuu. n i.u had bei-n my father fámilv [livícifln, ríii liad ntU U"1 bÜíl i 11 Lil-Sl lill:r.... fclioflghi in v cacfie entíréíy heyc3bl tfhere cnoi aierlicme, at decided tbat 1 tnu&t die, and gav me one week to arrangemy téÜiJortfï affaire. In tlis"appstly bope lesa condi'tion, l beard tf the remedleii wbicb [now malie and 811. U scemca fo me ihat L coild ieeltbem rforl ing tlicu' way ) ani' peneti-utin ei i-i'y aetveibre, aii-l tissue bTm; syüfem,My lwügfi and liver put ob n new action, and thfi mor bid matter wi.fcli for ycav I:fad accunnilated andii i tated th different ofgaaabi ttieboSy, elimintit&l, tlie tubercles on m tuugf riened, and I expertoï-ated from lij ■ fcficli ai 31 Mat oi'yoln.v. offoiifive .:!;;■..'. , ■ ■ . .;tut f mat■,. iiu'i, tlu; i'evorabaloil, tin; palo leftme Ebe cough céased to brasg me and the oxhaiísíin s.-.fiits were ad l'Öuèi' KnïJwti', and] Uadj aleen, to wMoh l had long berii l straugor. fify appetitetiov arn. :.! at i 1 f.m.-,. culi, to rest rain lavfeeíf frooi eating tob;mneh ; with tula return of iiealtb. I . . ■ ■ . aud now shj. 1 am now a l.raiil.y in.m, i-Jth-a large l(f.:lvi cioaui ; ..... right lung aad tïie lowcr 'obt; ï ep:ttiod witli completé adhesión of thepleura, The left tuitgifl sound, and fche upper lobcofl a one is in atoieiaoïy &%ltIiT condition. Cor.sum-ption at tlitit time wastltoiiRlit tobeanincuralile diseaae, by every oiw, phyticiana aswellai Lu medicine- capecii cunea as A-ere rudueed tpi) cotidition 1 was iu. Ti:l induccd ■'-;il)1(-' !l1 1"'i '"'"■]j ''ecóvcrj only lom porary. I nw prepared and gitve the Bieöicfeiea t coaeuiHUves fos .'ie tnej a'il Pwle maHy wonder falcares; aodthedemand focreaseá t;o rapidly tliatl iute: rniueü to Qlïer them to t i ■ ivublic. and devote tnj Irtdividei3 atlention to luna: dÍía?CM. Ïij truth, I wa next f" fort-cd tó 'v , ■■ ■ ■ .■ ' ml ia-ar, to ujcoi'ttiii whther thc-ir cases wcrelikc For many yeara, In conjunciiou witli my piiucipa ollieoin l'..i ' ■■ '' '■■ ! l mftlting uegilar pro. .i visilfl tp Kew 'ï'ui-li, Boston, liitiümoiv, uu Pitt?bwr& Fop aevoral JftT8 paH I bave made ik nuny as live hundred examjnation weekly wilh the "Reflpfrómeter.'1 For suéh examinaton my charge is tbree dollars, am: jt tnables me lo give each patiënt the tme condltion ol iiis disease, aud teil liim irankly whtWier ho will get well. ThejEtftat rra=on wBy phyaicians do notoureCon sumisión is,fht tlnv ti'y & da loumucb. ; tboy gtv me felaes to sto'p tlie íjoue;!! , to stoj tb o n gbt weatrf, hecile fover,aud by üO dajLog they aterang tji wholi digestí v e system.. lockiu uj .ccrctiun.s, amleventually tlif patï o Th 6 rulmouic Syrup ia one of the most valimbW medjeinps known. It U nutriënt, powöïfallj tonic, and liealjn in it-selt. H containa no upiuin, vet loaen the pb-legra in the broacbial tubes, and nature throwh it 'ilt v illi liti ]t; i-i-i ■li-ui. OM i uit lic frequent I y 0VM an ordii.ury coJdj but Li will bc jvell first to tak a áosf of Scheack'ft Man9i tikiV i'ill.s f o éteahsé tbe ïi The Pulmuüic ynip i.i raadily dlgeated aL-d absorbed toto biooil, to wbich it j n 'o rt its h-ftaWng rop rties.-l Ft is oöe of tbs bos1 pieparatíona of ironía use ; it is a poweiftt' too ie í ii t : and wu n tbe öaweed Ionio ri--(ti estilé in tbc stonaacb, apdfe cairied ofl by the aid of the iTaiylmke I'iiU, a luatthy íw oí ei e fuU'e, poo'l ■■ i!' ( ■' ■' ;iI"l ;l K ut! diiíe.ííion Ftíliow aweed Tonio ia a stímulant, and ojrne othor is refuírtíd when it ia --i, '. ir ld ptne a-ad iloas;mi ; no ■ bad otibcts lik! wlifii ueiog Bourbon whisky; w iiich disorders thestpmih., tQrpora the llrer, locks up all thè necretipns, turn tbe blood into water, di'opsy sets iH, and the-pationl die ssiiddw. Bourbon Vhisky i.s rocomuaendei] now-a iln;sby:Umost evoi'v phyaii ian. Uany patienta tbat yittt hit roomr, both mal ;uul female, are stupefied wltfa fchft i.oison. The relief is temporary. If' tbey cougb the !;ii.. a liltle wbjsliy ; if they foei weat añd feeble tbej Lafeo a Ut.tLe wlii.-ky ; if tboy cajfcnot sjt'i p, thew take a littltí vtfld ' , ■ ;',-■ tböy gfï en !,i1:i: .. iy, '■■■■!i;irii!:.r more aafl moie ttfltil tb.ft) ftjre bloatftd up.andliuajjini 'ii'y:irï (CQtting iltvby. Tby Ptojnach, lirrr, anü di. . ari' OtHïpltel? dl siroycil, and thcijoppetite for f'ood, No one was evBrenvt d of oonBumïtio i by tl iïH prociBs, whsre ca vit tea havo beso fbrmejl iu the "lungs A titl'e Htlmulaït frcíueníl;ci;il to coDRumptlves, sucb as pure brandy or . fl vint's ; in mauy ca.süs I-ondoji porte r or brown wtoutin moderato quantifle-; but Bourbjn wliiaky luistens on tnütead oí carina c inaumptioö. The SëawecTÏ TojTTc p?0(TïT5üB lasiinc WHiitëf, thofr oughly nígorating the Aomacb ;md dlgoalive ayxteitL, and enflbting ii, to ollminate and naka into hoaUhy blood tbc food whtch may b used for tlial parpóse - - It is so wo;i:!rt'ul in its clTn-ts lb;.t h wnid ;;bissíiill ■will dlgest a hearty meal. and a lüth of il i irken befo bVa] fast will give i Lene to t.1 stomacb. which fe miUclne9 pö&eesn tb,e power of doing. The MANDBAKK PïiLfl may be Uken with ontire snfety by all íítvs ind conrlstions, pr.iducinK ali ibtgood resulté thntcau bc obtainedfiom calomel, onfcnj of tho raercorial roetllcines, and withoofrany of their !ii:il)';il or iiijurioiis rc-sulls. Tlx-y carry out of tlie system tl u1 i'i'i'ulenl ;uid v-orjtk out ma ttera loo sen cd nnd dJeao)vd l-y my eawèed 'I onlo and Pulmón te Byrnjv-f II will bc sf ,i tbat all thred oí my medicine! aro needl cd in cacs to euro CunsujupUiüi, AGENTS, i;osrl"ON- (,'cor.ït' Í'. (oodwin & ('o. NKW tOKJcUemM litxnon & Co. lULTIMOSK-S. P.lïani-o. Dr. OTÏL8 H. Knyser. flnN;;ATi-.j' :. Sujre Co v and .Tofcq I). l'arli. CHICAGO- Lord íl S.ilb, ;,iul JL Scovi'. IOUi-S- CoLlintt BrotiiCr;,. 9AN FRAVCÏitCO- BosUtUü, Pjnilb -l.Vau. ■' "- i"iii bv AtlDuffgUts'and Dealers. l?LMHI


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