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Removal Of The Observatory

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Prof Watson, Director oí the Observatory, has placed before the businoRs iren of Detroit, a proposition to raise n fnnd for enlarging the Obervatory, providing t for the reoeption of new instrumenls, and a!so ns an endoivment frrm the procoeds of which nn Atsistant Observcr raay bo paid, nod an unnual report of observations publistied. Ilia propositinn is being gcnerouslj responded to, and tuero seems to bo evcry prospect that tbc required sum will be obtained. The eitizons of Detroit contributed tho funds for the establishment of the Observatory, and feel a pride in enabling it to keep paco in advancotneut with tbeother Obscrvatoriesof the country. But, belore tho building is enlarged our citizens are interested in procuriog its reaioval to a move suitable, central, and get-alaltc location. It has been for years conceded that a mistake was raad in locating tba Obervatory. 1 is too distant from the Uniyersity grounds for the aocommodation of the Direcior, the Faculty, and the student wbo may wish to use its instruments. And, besides, in its detached location it is very ineonvenient of accesa to strangers, and uine times out of ten our eitizens are eom pelled to let their visiting iriends leave our city without gettiag a look at the instruments. Before Dr. Bbuknow resigned, he recommended the removal of the Observatory to the Uciversity grounds, and we believe that Prcf. Watson is in favor of a removal, and does not reooguize any force in the reasons origioallj assigued for selecting the present site. It is, thereforo, proposod by a large number of our citizens to ofler substantial inducements to the Regents to secure the remova!, or rathor the sale of the present building, and the ereotion of a new one on tho Univeraity grounds. And to facilítate the niovement, a petidon haa been largely circulated and generally signed, asking the Mayor íind Council to cali a meeting of the taxpayers of our city to consider a propo sition to give material aid. We trust the cali will be made, the meeting largely attended, and a liberal response made. In building up the University we ai e but advaneing our own interests, and the erection of another large and elegant building on the University grounds, for the accommodation of an Observatory second in reputation to none in the Union, will both add to the credit and wealth of our city. - Sinee the abovo was in type, the Mayor has called a meeting, for Tnuraday (last) evoning, to consider the project, but we go to press at an hour too early (Thursday afternoou) to announce tbe action. Howover, the followiug list of names appended to therequestto the Mayor to make the cali, will show with what favor the proposilion ia received by onr oitizens : E. Wells, Risdon & Ilendsrson E. B. rond, Henry Krauee, Y. Chapia, G J. Peaso, Enoch Jamos, E. Fleming. H, J. Beakes, G. f. Lutz" D. L. Wootl, Kmanuol Maun, John N. Oott, Marcus Weil, B. F. Granger. Alpheus Foleh, Aug. Wideimiann, E. M. Henriques, Geo. P, Williams, James Kingsley, E. W. Horsan, John F. Miller, ' G. W. Aiubrose, L. Davis, L. lodgp, Wm. Hulburt, H. Bower, John Wst S. M. Webber, W. W. Wines, 0. Eberbach, - C. H. Worden, Wm. AHaby, A. DeForust, L li. Stewart. O. Bliss, N. A. Prudden, S. Sondheim, 1. 8. Piwsoh, E, J. Johnson, G. Grenville, T. F. Ilill, J. 1'. Polléft O. 11. Thompson, D. Godfrey. John Clancy, S. N. Henioii, Wm. Leach, Wm. Lewitt, Conrad Krapf, N. P. Piirsons, Jacob Snapp, Adam Seyler, Thomas Earl, J. U. Maynard, S üay, John C. Mundy, Frank L. Stebbins, James Jones, O. lï. .Milieu, W. C. Voorheis, . Embree Bullard, Solomon Slann, Patrick W. Quinn, Luke Coyle, Wm. Bnrke, James Coleman, H. B. Dodsley, John Iiiuighlin, D. Wines, J. W. Lawson, W. H. ilallory Wm. M. Sinclair, N. M. Schoff, Sinelair & Swathe], A. A. Terry, O. C. Spafford, D. Henning, Stephen Webster, H. D. Beinett, Pat riek Wall, L. R. Buchoz, S. Bowen, Alfred H. Partridge W. D. Holmes, A. J. Sutherland, Fred. Sorg, C. B. Thompson, C. I, Kichmond, Wm. A. Hdteh, A. M. Doty, Daniei Hiscock, P. & J. üonnelly, James MeMahoo t. E. Slawson, M. Clancy, Jamos M. Oole, C. T. Wilraot, N. Strong, F. Muehlig, O. W. Moore, Chas. Tripp, C. D, Goodrich, John I. Thompeon, H. Schlotterbeck, J. F. Royce, A. Hutzel, O. M. Martin, Wm. Wagner, John Kettner, J. Gerner, F. KeLtioh, C. Mack, Wm. McCreery, Charles Behr, Uriah B. Wilson. #" The shore end of the Atlantic cable having been succefsfully laid, the Great Eistern commenced paying out on the 24th uit., nt 4.J o'elock P. M.-At 80 miles signáis slopped, and a defect was diseovered, which was ropairod, and after a short delay the cable floet steered westward. Signak were kept up until the 30th, when, at 700 miles out, they ceased. Cause not yet known, but a failure is feared, as Hoart's Content Bay should have been reached on the 8th or 9th at the latest. However, we hope that the delay is not trom any fatal defect in the cable, or from any accident from the running out that can not be repaired. IT Gen. Grant having mide a trinmphal progresa through New England and Canada, was to reach Detroit yegterday. Ho remains there two days, and then goes to Lake Superior.


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