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W. H. Gardner

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-wo don't kuow him, but we have an dea tliat he is a raan of grit - has started a paper at Iotiia, whi'.h lie ha named, The laaia Counly Ci'iten The editor saya he " expocts neither failure nor great, but experts to go ahead." Tlia political creed of the CUiztn 9 thtu (jriefly ind tavtly sumnied up : " We shall favor the taxation of V. 8. Bottds eqnally with tha property of the pooi wen shall favor Stares arranffing the sufirage question to suit theniselres. We believe in Andy Johnson, and in a National Governnient, and in coeroing States and inditiduals refusiug obedienoe to tho Oonstitulion and laws of that General Government - tho United States of America ! " We believe not onJy in constitutional power but in administrntive power, and expect to stand up for and obey both. If yon want to liarn more of what we beüeve, subscribe for lüe d liten, pay in advanee.and read." That sounds about right, ipecially the last entence. i i EP Tbe first mateh betweon the Wolverine Bttie Ball Ciutb of this city, and the Cenlral Club of Jackson, cnnie off UfKyn th-e grcfnnda of the lattev, on Monday last, and Ithough the fore part of the (,ame was spiritedly contested by the Wolverines, tfee gama wns won by the Centráis. The return match vi be played upoa th grounds of tlie fonaer, in this eity, on Monday, Áugut 14tk. -We alio underetand tliat a matsh will be plnyed between the Wolyerine and Salem Clubs, to taka place in thia eitj, to-mcrroor fternoon. L3T F. Botcb, Eeq., bas been ppointed Collector of Iuternal Revenue for this sub-district, tice Bell resigned. Mr. Bell has made au eilicieut and accommodating Collector, and we eiii iredict that Mr Royce will give equal eatisfction. He may lie found at the store of P, Bacd, - The Detroit Board of Education hut eleoted Duane Doty, Esq., Superintendent of the Public Schools of that city. Mr' j Von is a gradúate of the University of high landing, and has won a honorable reputatkm as a teacher. We wisb. him saecess in ti aesv field of labor, C5E Nest Weduesday is the day fw the great Feoian excursión, and our ' tns may look for an ramease gathering of patriotic Irishmen. They are coming by the thousand, and, the weather permittiug, wili have a " big time." C3C" Tho barn of Mr. Brehm, in the Second Ward, was burneti at about the ■ hoar of 2 o'clock on Friday morning last. - Asiaall lot of hay and a valuoble cow were lolt. Cause of fire not deflnitely known. L5C" It will bo seen by an adverUsemerit in another column that Cook's HoW is in the market. This property is centrillr iocated, and ought to couimand & good price. trT Ground waa broken ycgterday, 1 (H corner of Hurón and División Streets 'w the new M E Church. We hope that the "orle may be pnshed forward. - ■■-■ ■ ■ in The Worlil't Washington special snys Cónsul Gen. Hale, at Alexandria, Egypt, ' 'nforms the State Department that there ere 1,785 dcath8 from choiera betweea Juoe27th and July 17th. Á


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