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rpHE OOTS AND THE LEAVES X W1LI, be for thu Healii.g ui Ihe Xntionn . Biblt. 'x-oT. JEl. 3T. LYONS, TUK (iRKAT AN;I) CKI.KIil! A TUI) I'HÏSICIAN of the T11H0A1 , 1.C.NUi, IIKAK'J , UVhft AND THE BLOOD, Knuwu .illovei thecouulry as the CKI.KJ1KATKD I&IX1IA.1ST HERB DOCTOR 1 Ui' 282 Superior Street, Livrelunü1 , Ohio. Wtllrlitt the follnwing places, vi. AITOINTMKXTSFOK 181Í5, 18üüand 1867. Prof R. J. I.yons can !);; consulted at the fnllowing . placesevery month, via: Detroit, at Oass H'Uise, opposite Michigan Central ! Di3i.a, iach numlli, SBitB and :r-. K-daniazoo, LunlK-k Jlouse, cjich month, IS th nnd 19-h. Jackson, ïtibhard House, each month, 20. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, each month, SÏIst. HHltfdale, Waldron House, each monh, 24th . tlfi; ftvtimirtt StreeS House, uuch month, !5th and 2 61 CLEVELAND, OHIO. RKSinENCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STIÏEET. Eatít of Lhe public square, opnosite the l'óstoöice. Office ilaj'8 each mouth, lst; 3d, 4th,5th, Oth, 15th.- Office hours trom 9 A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 1'. 51. to ie. M. Onciundayfrom 9 to WA: M.,aml 1 to 2 P. M. -Maxiuis.trictly adhtred to-I jlve suc'j bftlm as liTíe do atrife, With nature or the lavs of !ifet Withbloodmy hands I nTerStatS Nor poison men toease theirpain. He ia a physician indeed , 7i Cures. The Indian Herb Doctor, H. .1. l.VON'S, cure the following complamUin the moat obatiuate stages of their exi-itence, viy.: Diseases.of theThroat, Lag, Heart, I.iver, Storuach, Dropsy in thcChest, Kheumatism, Neuralt;ia,I''its, or FaUiniSickness,andaHothernervousderangemeuts. Also alldiseasesof the hlood,such au Scrofula, Erysipi.las Oancers . Kever Sores, Leprosy, and ttUothercomplicálcdchroniccomlilaints. Aüforms of femftle difficulticn attended to with the hanniest renultfl. It ishoned that noone willdespnir of a cure nntll thev have ven the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a fairaudfaithfultrial. fl.Uuring the Doctor1 trav, el in Enroñe, West Indie, South America, and the United States, ho has been the instrument in God's hand to re-itorc to health and vigor thousands who were"venup and yronounced incurable by the most emineutold school physiciaus; nay, more, thousunds whowereon the verge of the grave, are now living uments to the Indian Herb's Doctor's ski!l aiiii successfultre.itnu-nt, andaré doilvexciMining: "Blessed be the day when nrst J6 saw and partook of the Indian Herb Úoctor's medicine." Satiafactoryrofercncesof cnres will be gladly and cheerfuUy iivViiMheneverreiiuired. The Doctor pledgeshis word and honor, that he will in m wise directly or indirectly, induce or cause any invaliino takehis medicine without the strongest prob" " MoáVor esamination, which is entirely.lifferent from tliefnculty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern disea-s by the oye. He therefore asks noquest.ous nor doche reqnire patientsto expla.n symptoms. Callone anali,indhavcthesymptoms aad location of your Bisoase'explalnenfreeof oBarge. fg"Tlif poorshnll beliberally considered. yPoSt„fIlcea,lclreSs,box 2.L3. j( Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 25, 1862 1y880 TÜST OPENING! The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITURE 1 ever brought to this city, inoluding SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CIIAIRS, Ijools.las Gtlasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, ' c, and all other ?oods kopt in the hest an.l lar ? houses Ltl-e country. We seepno socond hand urntureor Auctiongoods. Cofflns kept constantly n and, and rnado to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH FRICES iÍtaSdTcf withoutdetay. Q M MARTIN. AnnArhor,Oct.6,1863. 925tf rj.REAT CLOS1NG OUT A Sl'I.ENDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! Grents' FURNISHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Clothí? Satincts, &c.? DOMBSTIOS,. SHOES. MTS CAPS, Orockeryi aROGERIES, &c-, Are tobo-solcïat p?ceH tliat willguarantee theïr sale N. B.- Tho Wrgcst Stocls of Citlico and BrowUotton in the Cityat Lhan Manufacturera prices. Tbe highest pricc paidinTradeor cash för all kindw of Produce MACK & SCIIMir; WANTED- Married Ladios, Prof Von Vorae'K Diainoudliiops, a never falljffig an-1 liarmless renii'i-ly for all obstruotfona and irrrpulavities. All married ladies will fin.l this a never failid? preventivo, for which i t in wiirraDte.l in every ïif i-i'1 atei'nríHd In n3'a i-cil stam f i'ór aenculai-,or$2.-ÍS fav fr bottïe, to FRKDKRK'K STEARNg; iggia1, genera] astfr Mlcftiwn fnrihé Dirtmo ad Drops, P. O. I)ia,.ser 44ö, Detroit. DenlprH ipplieáat propfíotor's prices . 990016 FOR SALEf -r HÓÜSëS ANÖ LOl'S, worth tïoin 81,060 t 'J ii.OUÜ. Aláo oevei-dliiniiroved FAKMS. A. .LSLTTIIKKLAND, 4i iibor, Pb: 2á,tS66 9Mtf CoVnmercïlAgiit, ! QCHENUK'S PÜLMONEC SYRUP, SEAWEED TOKIC, AND MANDRAKE PILLS. -i6 á The above is a correct likenoss of Dr. Schenckj just after recovering froro (jQftSHtaprto'all, many years ago Below is a likenefw of liiin au ho now appears. When the fust was taken lic weigbed 107 pouiids at the present time his weight is 220 poumlrs, ; ; K JDR. SCHENCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory ia at the N. E. corner of S1XTH and COMMERCK Streets, Philadelphia where all letters foradvice or business shonld bc di rected. He will bO fouud thero every SATURDAY, professionally to examine lungs with the Respirometer, for which hts foe s three dollars ; all advioe free. In New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TÜES DAY.from!) A. M. to 3 1'. M. At the MARLBURO' HOTEL .Boston, January 18 and 19, February 15 aud 18, Maicu 18 auj 10, April 19 and 20, May 17 and 18, Juuel-1 nnd 15, July 19 and 20. ïi.c tiine for my being m BALTIMOKJ5 and PITTSliUKGj jvill bc peen ia tliu daily papers, oí' tbosecitítís. ïke IlUlory of Dr. Sckencc's own L[(.-■', and how he was curtd of Coii&utnpUon. Many years ago, wbilst residing in Pbiladelphia, I Lad prögrëssed graoually into thu Jast stage of Pul monary Consumption. All hopes of my recovery beng .:issipate!. 1 was adVfsed by ray physician, Dr. Parrib to rrmove into the country. Moorestown, New .Jeisev, U-ini; un uaüv pía'--1, l was removed thithtr. My fatber ind all his fumily liad lived and dicd there - and died of Pulninnary i oiisulnplioii . Ou iuy urrival I was put to 1 ed, whe'ri' 1 lay tor many weeks in wbaj wasdeemed a hpeless conditioD. Dr. Thornton, who had been my father's family physician, and had attemled him iñ liis last illness, was called to see mo. Be thoitght my case eutirely beyond the reaciiof medicilie, and decided tuat I must die, and gave me one week to arrangemy temporal affajrs. Iu thi.s apparently hoieieöa condition, I beard of the remedies whicb 1 now make and soU. H seomed fo me that I could feel them noïkhïg their way,ni pcuntraling-erery nerve,8bre, and tissue oí my system. Hy lungs and liver put on n new áction, ana the mor bid matter whicb for years l:ad accumulated and irri tated the different organsof the body, was eliminated, the tubercles on my hings ripened, and I expectorated from my lungs as much as a pint Qf.yeUow offent-ive every morning. As tliis expuctoration of matter subsided, thp iever abated, the puin leftnie. the cough ceasod to haraoa me, and the exhausting nightsweats were no lünger known, and I had re'reahing leep, to which I had long been a stranger. My appetite now began to return, and ?tt times I found it diificiilt to restrain mvself from eating too much ; with tuis return of health, I gained iu strength, and now nm fleshy. 1 ara now a hcaltliy man, with a large healed cieatrix in the middle lobe of the right lung and the lower lobe hepatized with complete adhesión of the pleura. The left lungis sound, and the uiperlobeof the right one is in atolerably healthy condition. Consumption at that time was thought tobean incurable disease, by every one, physicians as wel) as those who were nnlearne.din medicine- especiallysuch cases as wore reduoed to the condition I was in. This induced man; pooyle to beliove my i ec.overy only temporary. I now prepnred nnd gave the medicines to consumptives for some time, and made many wonderful cures : and thedpmanil incveased so rapidly that Í deteimined to oll'er them to the public, and devote my undividodattentioi) to lung diseases, Intruth,Iwas next to foised to it , for peopie would send for me fiir and near, to whetlier their cuses werelike mine. For many years, in conjunclion wiLn my principal office in PhÚadelphia, 1 havo been making regular professional visits to New York, Boston, Baltimore. nud Pitt-burg. For several jears past I have made as many as five hundred examina tion weekly with the "Respirometer." Kor sueb examination my charge is three dollars, and it enables me to give each patiënt the true condition of his disease, and teil him fraukly wbether he will get well. The great reaon why physicians do not cure Consumption is, that they try to do too much ; they glve ma i' iues to stop the coueh, to stop the n weats, hectie fever, and by so doing they derange th s whole digestive system, lockine; up the secretions, andceventually the patiënt dies. Thé Pulmouic Syrup is one of the most valuable medicines known. It w nutriënt, powerfullv tonic,and healin in itself. It contains no opium, yet loosens the phlegm in the bronchial tubes, and nature throws it off with little exertion. One bottle frequently cures an ordinnry cold ; Uut II will be well flrsl to take a dose of Schenck'a Mandrako's Pilis to olíanse the stomach. ThePulmonic Syrup is reádily digested ard absorbed intoblood, to which iiimpavts its healing pinperties - Itisoneof the best preparations of ii-on in use ; it is a powerful tonic of ltaelf; and when the Seaweed Topic dissol es the raucos in the stomach, and is carried off by the aid of tho Mandtake lilla, a healthy (low of gastricjuice, rood aiipetite, and a good digestión foliow. TSe Seawccd Tonic is a stimulant, and none other la required wheuit is nsed. It is pure and pleasant ;■ no bad eft'ec-ts liKe when using Bourbon wllsky. wbich disorders the rtomach, torpors the liver, locks up all the secretions, ttirns the blood iuto water, dropsy sets in, and thepatiol diessuddenly. Bourbon ivliisky is. recommettóed now-a days by almost every physkfVn. Many patients tbat visitmy room?, both malí and female, are .stupefiod with this noison. The relii-f is lemporary. II' tlcy cough they take a IHtle wliW,y ; if they feel welk and fneble tbey take a little whisky : il' Uiei .urn. il. aletp, they take a little wliisly ; and they go ou iu this way, n r;Hg more anflmore un'.il they art bloated up. and Imagine ítoy are getttog fleshy. The stomaoh, Uver, and digestive poweïs aro completelv de!troyed,aiid lose their anpetite lor food. No one was o rer ourcd cl con umplion by tuis process, where cavities hovebeen formed n tho lungs. A liu'.e stimulant is frequently beneflOial to coiisuni.tiv(.s, sucdi as pulid bmndy or KOOil mini's ; in many cases London porter or brown stoutin moderate fjnantilies ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on inatead oícurlng cOraúmi tion. The Seaweed Tonic m_oduC8S lastino; resutes, thoroughly inyigoratinjr the stomach and cHgestiie System, and enabling it to elimínate and iraké into hcaltliy {lood tho food which nmy b1 used for thfit pnrpoüe- It li M wonderfc] in its eSecW thi,t h wmn glassiull will digest a Uearty meal . aml a little of it tiiken before breakfast will give a tone to the fUiuiach which i'iw medicines possess tbc power df doing. The MANDRAKE PILLS may be tuken with enfirc safety by all i ges and conditions, producinjr all the good'resultstlmtcnn be obtained from calomel, or any af the mercurial medicines, and without any of their hurtfvil or Injurione results. They carry outof the svstem the ft'cilh'iit and wovn outmatters loosened and diesolved by mv Suaweed Tonic and Pulmouic Syrup.- It will be seen tlat allthree of my medicines are needed ín mest cases to cureConsumptioa. 21x0 ZijL O l A ti KNÏS. BORTOX- neorge C. Goodivin & f'rt. NIOVV YO1IK- Demás Bal nes i Co. r.AT.TiMn!:r:--s.P.i[aiic" PITTI-'ni Bc Gcorse II. Kcyscr. C1NCINNATÏ- F. E. Suire & Co ., and .Tofcn D. Tark. -Lord R-nith, nnd'H. Scovil, ■ ST. l'cdlins Brotbers. SAK FRANCISCO- Hostettti, Bmith .V lieaa. jiu c.i.l bvallPruitgists and IValera. jyOOü C1L0HENCE SEW9NG MACHINES. PÍJOTOGRAPH ALBÜMS, P1CTURES, FRAMES, THIlEAD, SILK, T WIST, MACHINE O1L, fa TUe undersigned no oirers the pilblte TUE BEST ir j uve i m, y SEWIIMG MACHINE IIT USE. FOB DURABILITY, BEAJjTYoJ STYLE,and VARlETYof WORK, it "STANDS OP HEAO." It needs only io be neen to be app recia ted ■ Runs the wiuk both ways, tukcfi four kiiidn of stitches, hems, fells, ga thora , braids, bind', quilts, K&ttaers and sews un % ruil! it tho same time. Sews frorn the thinnest to Use tlüekest fabric without changing the stitch, tensión or needle, or without breaking the thread. - 'The Wonder of the World í Ais,) a variety of tlie racst beautiful PHOTOGHAI'H Al, HUM?, P1CTDKES and FRAMES n gi-eat varioty. and piciiu'os íranied lo order at short notico. AUo.RAUNUM'S SELF-SKWER or TUUKER, which can be adjusted to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sign of the FLOREXCJÍ SEWING MAf'IIlNE, a few doors East of Cook'a Hotel. Stilching Neatly Done to Order, Also, on oxliibition.thecelebratei " WEE11 SKW'l.VCi MACHINE," which took the premium at the .Michigan State Fair, of 1804. W. D. HOLMES. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2Sth, 1864. 989tf QOODS AT IIALP PRICE! GOLD IS DOWN! COTTON IS DOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS AEE DOWN! WOOJLEKS ARE DOWN ! (ROMES ARE DOWN ! and ttow is the time to buy your SPRING COODS! - o - Has just opened a conplete assortracnt of DRY GOODS, Dress G-oods, Cioths, Groceries, &c, &c, bouglit since ihc snrrender of Lee anl the grent fall in jircieri. Cali immediately and examine hisstock. Ann Arbor, April, 1865. 1005 THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOGKAPH ÜAIS tíMOfíi As the name indicates, it not only renews the growth o( tlie hair when thin and falling ofi', but it positiyaly bkniíws thk color tu ts origínalshade when it i.s turning gray ox white, whether caused by diaeaae, grief or oíd age. ït will certainly do what is claimed forit, a fact to which hundreds, nay, thousandewho have used it, are nady and williug to testify. Where one bottlo is ikirly used, in any cummunity, its reputaiion "spreads liJe wild ñre," and is the best advertisement and rec(iininendation we desire. In the Eastern States, where the"RKNEWKR" onginated, it ík used by all Young I-adiesana Dressing, and istobefniod on the toilet tables ot'Younp Men, (also at their barbcr.s ; (wbik Older Men and Women will not bc without it, asa renewer and rcstorative for their grey locks and liald liciuls, which it changos to their entlre itati.sfaction. We are sclling in the city of Bowton alone, upwards f 10,000 bot tleK per month, the dealers giving the KENE-WER the prelerence overall other HairPreparationi. ]f notsold by Drugprisis in your town,a trial boUJe v ril bc srnt, to j wi by Kxpress, upon receipt of one dollar bymail - th"giving yonan opportunity at once fin testing tsexclU-nt virtues. UrdiTS for Trial BotlUs, must be addressed to ourgeneFftlAgeni forthe Northwestern States. C. A (OOK, Box 0994, ChUngo, 111. All such orders will receive prouipt aUcution. R, 1'. AA, - ('O., Pfoppietors, Na-lnia, N.H. Tl'o tradc supplicl a I Afanvjaebwer jfHkès by FULM :it, FINCH &PLLLI ïijWholesalelHuggists. Chicago, Illinéfe. , Unios 099. Kf S'r.l) AT WUOLKSAT.E in Detroit, by Farrund, heley & Co. Chancery Notico, i-TATi; OF MICtHieAN, Fonrlli Juliri.'il clvruii. in i ( huneciv. Suit peiidiug ia the Circuir Court for ttio Coimty oí Wíwhtenaw, in Chanccry. Preffifent, the IIoii.-"Eflviii T.awrence, Circuit Judge ut Chambers, t Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtcuaw, on the' tweatyfth day 6f July, A. D. 18íí5; 3Ufeggie Platt, Complainaut, John H. riatt, Defcndanf. ) Ir, nppoai"inir to the satisfaction of the said Judge, by the ftfliOavit of K. E. Frazer, Soliciior for the Coniplainant, that John 8, Platt is not a resident of the State of Michigan, bnt ft resident of the State of Lonisiana, hi-yimd rhf jurisdietiou of this Court: On motion of ít" ÏÏ. Frjizer, Solicitor for the Complaln;uit in thrs canse, it is ordered by said Court, tlwvt eaid Defonii-mt, John S, Pljitt, cfiiiBC liis appearaitce to lw entered in this and notice thereof unly served on the Complainants Solïcitor, wfthto two ihonths from the date of (liifj order: Xnd in case the DefentTant canse Wa nppearance to be entered, that he tilo bá SDffffet to ConvnlainjQit's Bill, anda copy thereof be served on the Sbitcilor for Complainunt within twenty days after the .terviee of a copy of said Bill on aaid Defendmit, or on dcfiuUt tlieroof ic. said Bill be taken as confessed In' . aid l'-'ïidaiit : And it te ftirther ordorcd. tttat within twenty iLi the said Compltónant causo a copj of thii örfler to be pubüfthecl in the Michigan 'Atv a üttbllc dewspaper printefl anti jniblished at the Ct'ty of Aun Arhor, m said C'ouuly m Walttctuiw, and that such imblic-ition ) contiimcd once in each weeS lor hïx successíve weka or that he cause a copy of wnd order to i r : HM n mi -.uil Drlcndiiut pi ivun.iUV, at, 1i;ir.l twenty (!:)_vs before tüe Ome presci'Ibecl for eaid Defendaut' appearnnce in tJiis cause. E. LAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. K. E. Fra-z.t-r, uliúLyj, and üf Counsel for Complainant. 101G Estáte oí Patrick Coyle. OTATE OF MICHTO AN, County of Wnshtcnaw, sa,- O At a sessiou of che Probate Court for the County of Waohtenaw, hulden at the Probate Oflke iu the City of A nn Arhor, on Tuesday, the llrst day of JcHgnat, iu the year one thousand eight huudred mul plxtj-üte Present, Hiram.l. Beakes, Judgc of Probate'. Iu the matter of the Estáte of Patrick Covle, deosased. O reiulfiijr anti filing the petition, duly vcritieil, of Morgan O'Brien, pïayfng that a certain Instrument on flle in tilia Court, imrpurling to be the laat Willand Testament of said deceased, may be admitted to pi'ohate. 'rbercupon t is Orderert, that Monday, the hfolityelghth day of August instant, at ten o'clock iu the foiviioon, beanigaed for the hearing of BaM petition, and that the légateos, devipecs and lieirs at luw of said deceatad. nnd all mher persona tatel-eeted in said eptate, iirt reqaired to ajroearat a essioii of said Court, then tobe 'Hililcn al the Probate Office, Iu the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there bc, why tjie prayer of tlie pètitioner shouW not bc granted-j And Itiaftirthei ordered, that said petitioner irfve notice to the persons hitereeted tn sald estáte, oí ihe paodancy of id pni Kon, md the hearing thercof, by cansiug acopy of this Order to bc piiblished in the tuihigcm Anus,' a newspaper, prfrrtpj and circulatiuj; in said County, three sucicssive weeks previons to sald day of hearing. (A truc cnjiy.) HIRAM ,1. l'.EAKKS, !"- Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi-n-tv Wasí;tj:: fa BSt O In the matter of the Estáte of Judali K. McLeaii, late of sald County dweased : Notice is hereby givcu, that in pnrKliauce of an Order granted to the under signed, Ailminiiitrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the llon. Judgc oí Probate, of said County, on the tenth (Uiy of June, A. D. 181, ïhere will be sokl at Public Vendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the dwclling house on the premises, in said County, on Tueeday, the flrst day of August, A. D. lStiü, at tvvo o'clock m the afternoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrances by morlaire or othfirwise (ixisting nt the time of his death, aud also subject to the Eight of dowcr of Mary I. McLean, the widow of said deceased,) the following describcd real estáte, to-wit i The West half of the South-East quarter of sectiou six, and all of that part of the West half of the WoHh-East quartcr of seclion seven, lyiug Jïorth of the highway, and fifteen 42-100 acres, on the West pide of that pait of the North-West quarter of the North-Uast quarter of said eectlon seven, lying South of the hlghway, all being in tmvn three South of range four East, in the Stilte of Jlichigiin. WILLIAM PKESTOX, Admiuiatrator. Datcd, June lOth, 18I55. 1013 The above sale is postponed un(il Tuesday, August 15 th, 1805, at the same place and time of day WILLIAM PRESTON, Aduiiuistrator. Dated, August lst, lsiis. 1020 Chanoery Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit in Chaocery. Suit pending; in the Circait Court for the County of M'aahtenaw , in Chancery. Klsey A. I'ulver, ) va. l Anthony Puh'er.J It appearing; by afli'luvit lile] in this ciiuso, that the eíeiirtant, Anthony Pulver, is a non resident of the State of Michigan, and that he ia arisidentof the State of New York ; On motion ot' Jcslin & Iilortfret, Solicitors for Cüinj)lainant , it is ordered tl.attheDefendant, Antli'iiy 1'olvfr. a]ipear and answer the Bill of Complaint iiled iu thi3 cause, witbln three monthe from the date of this erder, and that ra default thereof, the sniil ïiill taken au confessedbj him : And it i.s further odered, that within twrnty days from the date of thU orcier, the Complainant cause this order to be published ín the Michigan Argus, a nstrppaper printed in saW Cour,ty, and thf said publication be made once in each week, for six successlve weeks, or t':il:u-i,])j of this order be served on the said Defendant, personally, at least twenty days before the time pre.scribed for hls appearance. Dated ,July 20th, Itiü5. J. CARPENTER, ("ir. Ot. Com'r, lui Wash'w Co..Mich. Josr.lx & Bi.oBUKT.Coniplaiiiiint's Solicitors. ( A true copy.) Tracy W. Root, 1029 Deputy Register. TTTAE MOST ENDED ! CHARLESTON TAKEN ! ! r 0 GUITERMAN & CO., Bcins coimectcd with one of the hirgest houses iu N'v York, whiclilias beteer tacilitiet fbi Selling Gheaper thao any otber hou.e. Are bound to be not 4CB CC_J rJT M9 O l&tf . by any establislimeat tbat now exista. Having employcd anexpeïlenced direct from NEW YORK CITY, who has had long expex'ienco in thebusiness, we guarantee to giyethe best SATÏSFACT1ON to our numerous CUSTOMEES & STÏÏDENTS of tbo University. Keeping on hand the largest stock of CLOTHS, CASSUIEBES, VESTIR6S, togéthir Tith the largest stock of Ready-Made Clothing, GBKfTS' FURNISHING GÖODSÜ &c, &c, &c., whichwo will sel! cliftíipír iban any oher establishment in the city. All we ask isthatourfriends and Stttdenta wlll give usa cali and satiafy lhemslves. M. GUITERMAN. & Co., üifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Succeasors to A. J.Sutherland,] Manufacturers of and Dealers in Guiis,Pistols, Ammunition. Flasks, Pouches Game Bags, and Everjother article ïl that Line. Allkindi of done at the short est not ice, and intnebestmanner. a f ii 11 ft.síortmen 1 lvfyi kept onluind and marie order Vb"%, Shop oorner Matnand Washington gtiefts. Ann Arbor.Oct. 8; 1862. 87ñtí Real lístate for Balé. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County ofWaénte'hW, es. In the maller of tlu: Estáte of Lvim Pratt, of the Connty of W aáhtenirw, in the Sfate of Michigan, a minor. Note is hereby given, that iu pucuuance of au order gratitud :to the niidersigned, Gfuardisn oflbé i raid mlnor, by tlie Son. Jadee of Probate for tlie Countv of Washtenaw, ou the flrst day of Juno. A 1) 1866, there will be sbld ai Ptíblic Vendhte, to the hiiet bidder, at the late residence oí' Becker l'ratt, decaeed in the Townahip of Sylvan. iu ífie Cbonty of Washtenaw, iu said State, ou Wednesday, the tliirtíeth dav o I' August, A. I). 1868, at ten o'clock in the forenooii of that day, (snbjeot to all mcnmbroncee by mortu-a"e or ot&erwise existiug at the tiiuc ofihe sale, and a!so"subject to the right of down' of Isabej Pratt, wticOt of Beofer Pratt, dc-cascd. and also subject to tlie right of dower of Cornelia l'ratt, widow of 'Salmón Pi-ai i demased, toall ekeeptthèflfst two Iota belowmenttaned,) the {ollowing described real estáte, viz Lote ímnibcí tejí and eleven, n hlotk tramber tliirlcen in tlie Village ol Sylvan the undivided one-sixth part of eaeh of the foljewing tecribad parcela of lund, to-wit ■ A piece of land CDmmeUfclng on the séctfon lino cight chaina and srvrniy-five links East of the South qoartwpbstflf Hedió t.wenty-one, in township two South of Kane three Baat, und Kftmfng thence NbHh forty-flve mtnates V, est ijarullül uiih lúe qiiarter line" tvcntv-.i -c rliains and tweuty-eifíbt links, tíence North forty iegtees Kast unie enfilas Hd,ttrent-flVe alón"' the centre of road, thunce South Kast thirty-two chains, thence West atong tbe sectión Ime six chains and cighty-s-!n links to tfie place of be._rinmna contaming twenty aerea oí land the Nortli 'half of the South-East quarter, the N'orth-East qnarter of South,West quarter, and fhfl Sonth-Wcst quarter of North-East qnarter of gection twcnty-eight, in townBtop i two South of range thrce East, g the State of Michigan; lots six and eeven irr Work twelví'. in tlie vmage of SyiVán ; and that portioji of lots eight and unie in bloek twelve, wording to the pial óf sald vfllapre, hing West of the hkhway running South from sáid villaje; and that ;nrt of lotí six and feveñ in blork sevi'iiteun running South to the .Mili l'md, rrtnWest of said highway ae belbre described ; lots four alid flve ni block seventeen, lot one iri block tliirtecn, and the land lyine and embraced in Williiim Street, between Clinton Street and the road running Sontti from sant village : the land embraced by Livingston Street from Main Street Houth to the Mili Pond; the land not heretofore deeded by W. S. Maynard, that borders on or Is íucluded in the race and oíd bed of the creek, in block number nine, and also the land lying and einbraccd tu Clinton Street, from Main Street to thc Mili Pond; beíug iu tilo Village aud State aforesaid. ISABEL PKATT, Guardian. July 8th, 1SGS. 101T Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ge, In the matter of the Estáte of Eli Riggö, of the Connty of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, deceased. Notice is hereby glvfen, that in pttrsuance of an order granted to hè undersinied. Adniinintratorof the cetate of said deceased, by the Hou. Judge of Probate, for said County, on tho third day of July, A. I). 186B, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highegt biddei-, at the dwelliug house on the prerüises, in said Connty, on Tuesday, the twenty-ntotíl day of Xagnst, A. 1). 1865, at two o'clock in the afternoon of that' day, (subject to all eücumbrances by mortgae or otherwise eaduting at tbe liiiu' of the dea'th of said docoascl.) the fellowing described real estáte, to-ívit : Tl:c nndividcd half of a parcel of land commencing seventeen and a half rods North of where the Case Koad inteisecfs the Chicajro lioad. in section twenty in tywnship fotir South of range flve East, and in the centre of said Chicago Koad, running thenceNorth twtenty-ight and a half d West, to the Dell Ditch, thence Nortli and West the above named number of deirrees, and along the centre line of said ditch to a stake in said ditch, on the West half of thc Sótaxh-West qtiarter of section seventeen. and onc hundred rodw and six-tentha of a rod from the centre of said Chicago Koad, running thence North uveiif.v-one (librees o ti) a etaïfe in the entre line of said section eevonteeu, which stake is flfty four rods East of the quarter stake on the West side of eaid section serentéen, thr-ncc West to the NÖrth-West corner of the Eait half of the Sonth-East quaru r ■! eighteen, same towu aud range, thence South along the West side of the abovc described eighty acres to the South line. thence East. along the said South line to tho eectkm corner, thencc South along the West line of thc West half of thc 'orth-West quiu-tcr of section twenty to the Chicago Koad, thence North-easterly aiong the centre of said road to the place of beginning, con' taining one hundred and thirty-six acres of land, more or less, ín the Townsnlp of Saline, and State of Michigan. ANDHEW W. KIGÜS, Administrator. Dated, Jnly 3d, 1SC5. 1017 Real Estáte for Salo OTATE OF MICHÍGAN, Connty of Washtenaw. U - O In the matter of the Estáte of Helen E. Wolcott. of the County and State aforesaid. a minor : Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order grantëd to the nndersigned, Guardian' 6i thé estáte of Baid minor, by tlie Hon. Jadgc of Prcbate, for the Connty of Washteaaw, ou the 26th day of June. A. D. 1S5, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, ::' the dwelling house of Mrs. Haf riet Wolcoct, inthe'town ,;' York, iu said Cijunty, on Wednesii., ntn day of Angtwt, A. 1). 1S66, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that Jïiv, (subject to al! encuuibrances bymi or otherwise existing at the time of sale,) thefollowinodescribed real estáte, to-wit : Fiftcen acres on the East side of the West half of the East taE{ of the North-Wcst quarter, aud on the West half of the Bast half of the West quarter of section thirtv-two, in township four South of range sis Ea-t, in Uie State of Michigan, beiug the eame land partitioned to ,-aid miuor, by Comraissioners appointed for that purpose.1 bythe Probate Court of said County, as appean bj their report flled in the Probate Office of said County, on the ülth day of July, A. D. 1803. JOS1AU HATHAWAY, Guardiau. Datcd, June20th, 3SÖ5. 1015. Real Estáte for Salo. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. In thc matter of the Estáte of Horaco Bidwell, late of said couuty, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of au order granted to the undersigned, Admiuistrator of the estate of said deceased, by the Hon. Jifdge of Probate, for tbc County of Washtenaw, on the thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1866, there will be sold at Public Ven due, to the highest bidder, at the dweUing house on the premises, in said County, on Monday, the fourtb day of September, A. D. 5 se.-,, at two oMock in the afternoon ol' that day, (subject to the right of dower of Mary J. Bidwell, widow of said deceased, and also subject to all other eucumbrancey cither by oaortgaeeor otherwise existing at the time of the death o: said deceased,) the following described real estáte, lo-wtt :- The West half of the North-East quarter of section thirty, in township ouc South of range seven Ea-t. coiitaining eighty acres, more or lees, Id thé State of Michigan. GEORGE SUTTON, Administrator. Dated, July Iñth, 1SU6. 1018 Estáte of Lydia Wilbur. QTATE OF MTCIIIGAN, Corsiv or Wasii 1 i:.v.iw, ss, O Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court of the County of Washtenaw, made ou the 24th day of July, A. .1), isür, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims agaiust the estáte of Lydia Wilbtir, lata ol said Gwtalty deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased, are required to present their claims to 6aid Probate Court, at the Probate oilice in the City of Ann Arbor, for examiiration and allowance, on or before the twenty-fourth day of Januiu-y next, and that such claims will bc heard before said Probate Court, on Saturday, the tweniy-fiTst day of October, and Wednesday, the twenty-fourth day of January next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. HIRAM J. BEAKES, Judge of Probate. Dated, Ann Arbor, July 24th, ÍStiú. lol1.). Commissioners' Notice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. O The nndersigned Inning been appointed by :he Probate Court for said coimty,Comniissinners totecento, cxamiue and ailjust all claims and demands of all persons agamst thc estáte of Lyman Corbin, late of Salem. in said Couriy, deceased, hereby give lïotice that sbc months from date, are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased. and that they will meet at the residence of Walter IT. Corson, in sáid town, on Saturday, the fourtcenth day of October, and Monday, the tvven'y-second day of Jannary nex', at one o'clock, P. M., of each of said days, to' receive, examine, and adjust said claims. SVTwIItfIS;}0-1-- Dated, July 22nd, 1805. 1019 Commissioners1 Notice, STATE of MICHIGAN, Couííty oi-"Tasiïtenau, ss, undert-igriw} haTtóg been appoülted by the Probate Court for said CouiJty, Comnuaaioners to receive, examine, and adjust all cl;iims anti demands of (I peíons agaiuwt the cstatc of Eliakim 'üker, iate oí' thc Township of Salem, in said County, deceased, herebj 'ive notice that six months from date, are allowed. ly order of said Probato Court, tbr creditors töpreseni their cïaimfi againöt t!ie estáte of said fleceased, and lliar thoy will meet at the dweliin,i house of ]SIrs. Kancy Walker, in thc Township of Salem, in said CoTiiity on Saturday, thc fourteenth day of October, and Monday, the fiftcenth day of 'January next, at one oVlock, P.-M., of each of eald days, to receive, examine and adjuf-t saiil dalm?. Dated, July löth, ÏM. lOlStd. Commisbioners' Notice. STATU oFMT(%1IU:A"N Connty Of tVshtenaw, bs. . The uiiderigied haviug been appoiuted by the I'robate Court for said County, ComnÜgêloners to receive, examine, and ftjust all cmstts and demands of all DerRons airainst the estáte ol' .1 u.-lin Qoate, 1 ; i ?. _■ oftheflity of Ypsüanii. iu said Cimuly. deceajaed, hereby give uo"tice that six uionth.s from date are allowed. uy order o Baid Probate Court, for crediiors to preseat their claims agatost tho estáte uí' ñd deCeased, and Üiat they will meet at the oftice of John Carpen'er, in g.iid ei y. on Saturday, fourtei'inli il;ty of October, and Wedueja day, the teTi'h day of January next, at one o'clock, P H. of each of said days, to receive, examine, and ad- just said claims. Da'ed, July 10-h, 1805. 1018 Commissioners' Notice. CÍTATE OP MICHIGAN, Cofxty of W.snTi!NAW, ss. I O The ondenogned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said Coinit w (VnimiIi uiers ra reeeive. examine, and idjugt all daima and deiuauds of all persons against me estáte of Miriam C'oats. late ol thc City of Y)silanli, in faid CN.tiiily. deccased, Herebjgive notice t.luit six monihs livm date ave al lowed, By order of 6afd Prott? fjpurt, for creditbrs t" present theii1 ciainis against the estale of ;ÚA e ■ eaBed, and that they ivill meel al, office of John Carpenter, in Baid city. on Siiturday. tbe rónrtecnth day of October, and Wednesday, the toi.tU day of January i,ct. al one o'cloct hi the afternoon, oreach i davs, to reiviw. i ca [itViUat saWtlaims. FRINCE l-i:-' i . . JOHN MoCKEADY. ] -on""sïio"'l; Uatcd. July inth, 1SU&. 1018 Estáte of Harriet L. BtWg I QTATK Oí' MICHIGAN. (',„ N1 v ,u, ,,- "6 ' 0 Ata se) b A ashteuaw, holden nl the Probate Offlí V "Ulltt of Ai,.. Arhor, on Tnesoay, ih, tir-t Ï ' '" "'Hl iu the year oi.c thousand efeht lmndred ,UI'; ,;' , A ut, Hiram .T. Beakes, Judce oí pr , '? 'ír In the matter f the Estáte of HarrM T n ■' ceased, "' J' Jir':-"js, , Faunv'LÓa'-n 'nnd Am!? öfesxfeSïkïS'il Kstaieof said decensed, pravin rliit tl re "f '■■■ ' U ■:■ Batata real estete wheíof S? b( Therenpon it is Ordered, tliat Wednesdav tocnll. clay nf September jiext, nt leu ovlïï-'i U!c " noou. be assigned for the hea. na Al s-iid ,.'■', . efl that the lu-irs at lawof eaid deceas. .1 .,',,, '.".V11 ". eons interested in eaid ejtate, rc.uiiv, . "thi a SBSefón of said Court, then to be holdenni a ''■ Office, in the City of Alm Arbor, and , lc rrl anj there be, why the prgyer nf the ueti i, ca " Dol b granted: ,■.! il ■pfcrther n&ftí petitlonerfi gl+e notice to the persons imcr . i ■ fl estaij of the pemlcncy of saiS petition „XI1" ing thereof. by causing a copy of this o,} ho puWedin the Mii-higan Ar. a n?ZLL?& aud urculai mil' in eaid l ounty, four t,uci',. p ul prevïons to said day of hcaruïg bulve Ci trae copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKBS, „ 10- __ Judgo of ft Estáte of Frederick c7Nebïw OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Covsty ar ïr,„ Ö At a session of the Frobafc eiort I r tl éTw'1 Washtenaw; hoJden at the Probate Dflke W! of Aun Arbor, on Wcdnesday. the sscöud ,1,. 'T,' gust, in the year one thousaud efeht bnndredatófi l'.vsent. Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Prubat ]nt ie matter oí the Estáte of F.cdwitk c . i On readinjr and filin.L' the petitioD, duly vmiirf John Neubïing, prftyfiig that he ,uay berifflS Adminístrate on the estáte of saidtteéeiiáS 'í""11 Thereupra, it is Ordöed, that Monday, the taÜÜ ejgbth day of Aiifrust instant, at ten o-dock ntoS noon, be assigned for the of said i, that the hei, at lawpf ik-ceased. andïïSS cous 4itereted in í-ukI estáte, are required tu an„Lv a Bèssion of said Court, theu to be hol lei, at t„?i?' Offlaa, in Ihe City of Ann Arbor, and M , y ' ' ar.y there be, why the prayer of the BCülkff, Bót.beêlfOTted: And it ís fnrther ordírVdfliSu pet itioiier.'ive notice to the persons iuterestedtaM estáte, of the pemlencyof said petition, and tKS thcreof, by Camtog a copy of tfiis Order to !SS in the M, ..',,::„,, figus, a nuwspaper, „rim f 'S cnlatrnginsaid t'onnty, thrce successive vcoH vions to najd day of 11081111" " W CA truc copy.} IIIEAM J. BKAKJa 102 Jmfee uf Probate. Estáte of Dowdcll- Minors" OTATU MICHIGAN, Cototy op Wübhb,., , C5 At a bession of the Probate Coun f.,ron', f Wishteuaw, bolden at the Probate OflmmaX of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the second dav er fv'ihe"1 the iear nC th0ll'i!"ltl etSht "udred and , "t, Hiram J. Heakes. Jndge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of.íohnDo ert P. Dowdcll, and Tenvssa Doyrdcl], m aelCowa, Soardian of said Estáte, romes intoConr and represente that he is now prepared to ronderhi final account au sii.-.h Gnardlan Tberenpon it is Ordcreil, that Tnesdav. the hvmh ïuuth day of Angust inst., at ten o'clock tathetbiS be jss'.gned for examining and allomng rach tLB and that the next of & of said mi:,ors, SS otter persous interested in said estala are Í qmred to appeav a; a -e-sim of faid Court, thejtoS holdeg ,i the Probate Office, in the. Citr of AunArtoi In eaifl Cóttnty, and show causé, f auy there bafi 1 ie said account shotild not be inditi further ordered, that said Guardiin rivo ik tire m ü pereons iiiterested in ■ id -state, of ihe said account, aud the hearing thereof, by c of thls Order tobe pubnVhedm the Ml .. ver prmted aud circnlating ín sai:; e successivo weeks previous to said ilav of headm (Atrnecopy.) HffiAM 0. BEAKE$ lu-l) Judgc of Probitt Estáte of Jame3 Vanderbilf. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cockttoï . kj Atasession of the Probate Court for the CêintVef Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Offio.-. iiMlirt'i't of Ann Arlx)r, on Sahmlay, the 29th dar tl Mt fi' the year one thonsand eight hundred aiidVis-i.' Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate ' In the mattet of the Estáte of Jam deceased. Caty Vanderbilt, Exccutrix olttwlastVUr and Testament of saM deceased, comes intoComfao represente that she is now prepared t rcudtr hei ül acconnt as such Ezecatrtx. Thercupon it is Ordered, that Jtondiw. the ilay of August nest, at teil o'ciock in the foren! Igned for examiniii!; aud allon-ing sas account, and Jhat thu legatees, éfevüeo, ui heirs at. law of said rfesé all other pïso is interested in san! estáte, are recfnSred to ppeafi ofeaidConrt, thentolje holden at thé Prol Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in saM Ccnmv.iii ehow cause, if any there be, why i i not bc allowed: And it is further urd Executrixgive notice to tné: persons interested ij (i caíate, of the pendency of said acco; nt aud tbét ing thereof, by cauaing a copj of thli O lishsd in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper, prittMlll circnlating in said Connty, three snecessjve wwkspiiYions to said day of hearing (Atmecopy.; IIIEAM ,T. BBAKB8, 1020 Judge o( Probate, Estáte of Johu Piice. STATE ot MICHIGAN, Corurr nr Y .■.hutf...: At n.ftm of the Probate Court for the Con? of WasMeuaw, holden nt the Probate Office, i tto City of Ann Arbor, on Saturéay, the twentycauddiij of July, in the year one thousaud ciirlit linndredutir Pre ent, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndge of Probate: In the matter of the Eetate of John Prica dtuMB Onreading and füing the petition, ciuly wrifieii, dl Anna Price, praying tiiat Thomas N'imli mavbetppointed Adniinisirator on the estáte of said deceased, Tlicrenpon it is Orderc-,1, that MoEiis;-, ihe fewteeiith day of Angnst uexti at ten ovluii is fte&W noon, be assigned for the hearing of said ptliüon, sni that the heirs at law of said decca3ed, üidaKotherpcrsons ui.erested in said estáte, are rèqu&éfl toappearftt a sessi f said Court, then io be'hoWciit the Probate Oltiie. in the City of Ann Arbor, and sta cause, if any there be. why the praycr of the petitioner shutuu not. be granted : And it is" further ordered that sW petitioner give notice to the persons interestefiin e estáte, of the pendency of said petition, fliid tlie Uesring thereof, by caiising a copy of this Order to be pvj Hsnetl in the Mi-In ,m Arn v a newspapcr, priiiOTMiff circnlatiug in said Connty, three siica'fsi e weekfi previous to said day of hearing. (A trae copy.) ilIBAJI J. BEAKEP, 1019 Juilge of Prohtte. Estáte of Lewis Newman. OTATE OP MICHIGAN CorrxTT or IV, .imsAT., O At a sessiou of the Probate Conrt for the Ce-nat' Washtéiiaw, holden at, the Probate Office, in tlieöB of Ann Arbor, on Katurday, the twenty-seituid dajK July, in the year oue thousaud cigb't ioiidrfd m sixty-five. Present, H.eam J. Bk kks. fodge of Probate. In the matter of the. estáte of Lewis Xevman. On readin and ffling the petition, duly vcriSal Iïeji::e Newman. prayini.' that Charles Kalml)flc? be'appointed Admioistrator on tfié estáte of si g ceaed. Thcreupon it is Ordered, that Monday. the WtbW of Auorustnext, atterfo'clockiii thefoivnorai,besped-for the heaiing of said petition, and that the bcirs law of said deceased, and all other persom in paid estáte, are required to appear I snid Court, then to bc holden at the Probate OftB the City of Ann Arbor, and show catise, if any ? be, why the prayer of tlic petitioner shotild nol ". granted : And it is fnrther ordered, t hat said petitw'give notiee to the persons Juterested in said estáte, w the pendency of said petition, and the hearing therc bv caiising a copy of this Order to be pabïisnwJJ'' itichiéan -if;!'s."arewspapev. priuted (uid_circnHJ% iu said County, three successive weeks proüoui w day of heariii1 {A trne copv.V HffiAM .T. BiLiKES, 1019 " Judge of Probo Estáte of Williaüi H. JobbW. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi nty ,., ■ Wakhtisavt, ss . At a session of the Probate Conrt for ttoOooMtfJ Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, i" ■''! i of Anu Arbor, on Satnrdav, the eighth ifmJW'm the year one thousaud eignt himdred andsHj!';flTe' Present, Hiram J. Jleiikts. Jndge of PkY,.(i liIn (he matter of the Estáte of William H. JotW7 On reading aud filing the petition, duly ''c,j Mary E. Jobbitt, jiraymg that Daniel Avlswortli be appointcd Administrator on tlie e-state ot w ccased. , ,._ t Therenpon it is Ordered, that Monday, the "'S August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ''""t.t for the hearing of said petition. and that law of said deceased, and all other persuni in eaid estáte, are required to appear al said Conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Ot. the City of Anu Arbor, and show canse, ifW T2 be. w hy the prayer of the petitioner fhonld n granted : Aud it" is further ordered, that f"1'1 If , c gire uoticeto the persons interested in sa („w the pendency of eaid petition, and the hearir.!.' i"! .;e by cansing a copy of this Order tobepubl Argus, a newspaper, priuted aniUii(".u."_-..j said Connty, thrce suacssivc weefcs nrcvions daY of hearing. ,._, fAtruecopy.) gggfe Estáte of John Avcry. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coi ■ of W Ai a sessiónof the Probate Conrl lor ?;,l-ïlW of Washienaw. bolden al tlie Probate Ofl", Oity of Ann Arbor; on Monday, the tentt gJLJLE Lu the rcarone thowMnfl v:ú luMjdred aiifiHM; Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndaeof Pn; In the matter of the I-Mate of Jolt TfS3 of Onjeaitag and flling the petition, (lulv vi n w Joarina Atery. fcraying that she and Am'f, jjiiiesome other suital)le persan may be appointea autiators on the estáte of said deceased. )h(,FCteii Thertufoa it is OrdeiTd, that Monday hefCw dav of Angust next, at ten o-clock ta the ton" tM aSgned for the hearing of said Iietit",'". . i ; ' „. heirs at law of said deceased, and all othe" iRJ:ta(terested in said estáte, are re.qmrcd to "P J?, , yr„lit6 sion of said Court, then to be holden ' "' ' i(aiij .Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, andshowcs" there be, why the prayer of the K"1;"",',,,) ssidl1'' begranted: "Andii is further ordered, tl. ■;_.,;,; ,,. tioner give notfce to the persons latcrccteu fiefn tate, of the pendency of said iwliUon, aa thereof, by aoêiacacopy uf tais OtiaLSuiáX. in the." ■ h newppaper, ]■■' lat int' in saidcouniy, threo suoceíSiví w to said day of hi ,.t'iKT?, (Atru-o,,-,; HIHAMA A KXABE oue of "■ beit a1" made- entii-tlyncw. Iuquirt atthc


Old News
Michigan Argus