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The Michigan Argus

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Fublinhelevery Friday tnorning.ia tliethírd story of tio brickb[ock,ceroei-of Main and Hurca Sts., ANN ARliOK, Mich. tíntra.üoeua Harán Street, oppositethe Frnklin. ELIflïï B, POND, Editor and Publisher. T jMiiJi, &:í OO aïnir In Advmice. Advertíalas; - One square (12 Hoes or less), one (rok, 75cents three weeks $1.59-; and 25 cents f or rry ínsertion there tfter, lesa than three months. One square 3 saos 44.0O ; Quarter -col. 1 year $20 9e square 6 mos 6.00 ; Half column 6 mos 20 One square 1 f.: 9 t-iO j Halfoolumn 1 y-ear 35 Twoaq'res G mos 8 00 ji One column 6 mos. 36 Tvro q'res 1 year 12.00 Jl One column 1 year 60 Car ds in Directory, not to exceed four lines, $4.00 Adertiaers to the extent of a quarter coltimc ,rgtit(f ttwough the ytar willbe eutitled to have thtir fmT3 in BirtTy without extra charge. "ï Advertïseraents unaccompanied by writtenor rerbal'Hrections will be published until ordered out, b cHa-rged accordingly , Legal a-lvertlfiementfi, tirst insertion, 50 cents per flio, 25 cents porfolio for eacb wiksequènt icsertion. OThena pnstpcneraent is aflAeárto a JiAvertisementthe rhole willbtícharíedtheaarae asfor fir&tinsertion. Joto Printing- ParaphletH, Iland Bills.Circulars, rds, Ball TicketB, Labels, Blanke, Bill Hebds, and ther varietiesof Plain and Fanoy Job Printing,execu with prompt ness, and in the best style. Citrdfl - We have a RuggeK Uotar-y iartl Prens.and alarge variety of the latest styles ofCard "type which enables us to print Carda of all kinds in the neatest posstble style andcheaper tkMi any other houaein th city. Business cardR formen of alt avocations anfl proTessions, Ball, Weddinjiand Visiting Cards, printed on short Qotice. CaiiaadHee samples. ROOK BINDING- Connected with tbe Office is a i Ctfok Bindervin charge oí tiro competent worbmen. - ■ County Records, Lu1trers,ieurnalR, and alTRlank Books tn#deto order, and of the "best stock. Pamphletsand Tt rioiicals bouuAina neat and durable manner, at Dev-.itprices. Entrance to Bindery through the Argus . Jffic.


Old News
Michigan Argus