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mmm mttít%. W. F. BKEAKBF, M. D., PHYSTCIAN AN'D SURGEON. Office ín Dr Haven's ■Block, 5 doa:s of Cook's HotM Resii'ence corner of Huron ano. Bivision Strecu, flrst-door Eau of Presbyterian Cimrch, Ann Arbur, Miobigan. W. E. LOCKAED, ATTORNEY AT UW AND XOTAK5' PUBLIC- Cc mryanomg and colleeting promptry atteiuled ■to. Bonntv, Pensions and Kack ï'ay collected. Office in N'ew Block, Eat of CookNi Hoti, Aun Albor, Mich. C. H. MILLENDKVI-KRin Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery(&c. ftrc. Muin Strt'ct. Ann Aibor. PHÍ!LÍ PB AC H TBALER8 m Dry (ïood, Groceries. Boots & Sloes,) fee., Main st., AnnArbor. "rÏSDÖN & ÏTENDERrfON. TVEAI.KKS in Har.hvare, Slowes, houati furnishing U j.wls, Tin Ware, íte , ice, Níw Bflok, Mnmst. XORNttor tlie Xew York T.ifc Insurance Company, j Oinceon lïtirnn stroet. Also has on hand a stock c(tliy lurtñt approve l suwing machines. 885tf GEOBÖÜ W19CH.EH. MKAT HARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in t'reah and Salt Meats, Heef, Mutton, Pork, Haros, Pnultry, l.ard, T.tllow, Ice., kt. WíLLIAM LEWITT. PHVSfCTAN AND SURGKOTÍ. -office at Ma Fesiiece, Tiorlh side of Huroa, two doors west of pivisi'in streetM. GÜITJEJIMAN & CO. WHdH-KfAl.F.nntlRetaïl'Dealer ani SannfactuMir. of Realv-M'la Clntliing, Importersnf Cloths,Casimore, Ilneikins, &c.,No. 5, Phojuix Bluck, Main st. WK. WAGNER. DEAt.KIlin Rfa.v Ude Clothin, Uloths. Casiei,und Vwtingí, Jíaí% Cíes, Trcrtks, Carfet Bags , &c. , PUctnii Bluck, Mxw tMBt, SLAWSÖN &, SON. R'OCKRK. ProviHÏon and Commission Merchants, and UT Dealers in 'Water I.ime, Jand Plasr, and Piaster of Paris, oiiodoor ?ast of Cook's Hotel. SCOÏT & LOO U ÍS. AMBKOTYPK aad iPhotogiaph ArtiniR, in tlie rooms uit 'ani]iiün' Oio thinfe store, Phcenïx Block. Periect satinfactiongiven. 0. B. POKTEE. CtüROEOS BJSHTIST. OltoeOïrser of Min asáRuron Í5 treetg, over [lach & Fiersüii's Store. Ali calis fromptlyattended to Ap-rl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Forfijn and Doroestic Dr &o3 , Grce . ries. aatsand Cups, Boots aad Stoes, Crockerj-, te, Corner of Main k Lrberty sts. ANDREW BELL. DKrVLRR in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Produeesi se., ftc,, corner Main aud Washington Streets, fcnn Arbor. TIa kigefitnjarketpricespaid iorcountry produce. 8&6 D. CRAMER, ATTORN'EY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Agent for the Phttnix Fire and C.nseetUut Mutuil Life Infnranco Conpanie9. Conveyingand Collecting }romptif utended to. Otn-ie over Stebbine & Wüson'fl Store. ; M. C. STANLEY, PUotogx-aplaic A-x-tími-t. Corner Main and Hurou Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, &c. . Sc, ia the latest Btylef),and everyefFort mado togive satisfction. 956tf D. DeFOHEST. tHTHOLESALE and retaildealer in Lumbcjr ,Lath Shlnles.Sash, Doors.Bliods, WaterLime, Grni Sirer Planter, Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes, Á 'alUndperfectassortraeatof the above,and ai:othei fials of tïuildinji materialsconstantly on hand at the owest posible rates,on Detroit st .,a few rodsfromthe Ititroad Oepot. Also operating extensivelj in the fMent Cement Rooflng. ■Tumbee yardí C. KRAPF, fli % and well etocked I.umber Yard, on Jefferton Street, in 1h South part of the City, and will keep eonstaoüy on haol a,n excellent variety of LUMBER, SH INGLES. LATH, &c. which will bo sold as low as can beaffordedin this mirket. Qüality and prices such that no osa ntíad goto Detroit. CO.VRAD KRAPF: An Arber, Dec. Sth, 1864. 986ti JEW MÜSIÜ STOBE! Persons wisbing to buy Pianos or IVEelodcons, honM o to WrSEY'S MU?ïC STORE, beforepurchKing elHcwhere . He will warrant siitisfaction to P'irchasers, aul takfifl pleasure in referring to those ho hav iilrearly purchased of hini. He takes pride Itt sying that he ha RÍveii tlie best of aatisfaction thus far, and so to do la all cases. Any Piano ill be furninhfid tliat purcliaser may rehuiré. lie Wishes it to be distinctly uijtlcrstood that he will uxt be TJ3sri3EK,soXiX !J ny dealer East or Weet. V.B The latest SHEET MUSIC fnrsole, PIANO WOOL-i, fcc. ALVIN WILSEY. Ano Arbor, Dec. 2Tth, 1864. 06nW


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Michigan Argus