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Important Decision

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1 The papers have notices of the decís on of nn important slave case before th U. S. Court at lndianapolis. The fact! 'S f are said to be, that a mnn in Kentucky, o holding slaves removed to Illinois, wherc n he purchnsed land, erected a house, anc improved hts land, by the labor of hú ; slaves. A few rnonths nfter he look his ; negroes to Missouri and sold them. They escapad frorn the purchaser into Indiana, wherethoy resided. Tlie Missouri purchaser discovered them, and attempted to take them back, but was prevented by the defendant for which suit was brought. The points made by counsel are thus stated: lst. That slavery is only a State or local institution; 2. That slavery is based on local laws, not sustained or 'supporlcd by either moral, natural, or nationnl law; I 3. That if a slave escape from the State in which he is held in slavcry, either by accident, consent ofthe masler, oragainst that consent, he is forever free; 4. That the ordinance of 1787; organizing the North Western Territory, only guarantees the delivering up of fugitives from [ labor or citizens of the original States, and that as Missouri (from whence the slaves escaped,) was not one of the original States, the citizens of Indiana we re not bound lo deliver up to Missouri her runaway slaves.- t Jiidge M'Lean, who presided, delivere _ the opinión of the Court. He admitte e the correctness of the propositions, 1, 2 -and 3. but overruled the demurrer, deci - ding that if Indiana had remained a ter " ritory, under the ordinance, shc woulc not have been bound to deliver up the IslaveSJ but, having adopted a constituí ion. } which in part abrógales the law or the j ordinance, she is bound by the U. S. Conr stitution; and Missouri, being one of the great sister family of States, is entitled to all the rights and privileges of the orig, inal States, from all other States in the Union. The Judge held that had indiana remained a territory, she would not have been bound to deliver up slaves from any new State. Accordlng to this decisión, slaves escaping into Wisconsin from the new slave States, cannot be retaken by their masters.


Signal of Liberty
Old News