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An Epidemic Really Coming

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That thero is au epidemie truverfiug Ear'opo, cast and west, ind emanating ■ffótV) Asia, it would. bo foily to dény The ï'rivy Council admit the fact by issuing an order tü tho authorities of all British posta, and eoveral" governincuts havo'rcsorted, moro ór lesa rigiSly1, to fchp principio of qusranti'no. In Franco, e irlier than in England, the danger 13 c r)fe".-cd; but, on both side3 of the e.iannel, it is umnistakably arguèd that wi.h the pubHo Ui tho chïef re,ponsibilitv of guarding against intection.' B=td water, covrupled air habite of disorder, sloveuly lodging hounes, putrid drains and persona! uocleanjiness ao count for many a depopulating epidemie. A disenso is thua oreated whialv wc desígnate as cholera. It is not now to the world. It 8 known amod the old ost traditions of Bocial calamity to India. China and Russin; it haa been ealled eolio and nausea, bufc it tf, aa a ru!e ioseparable from thosa customs vvhich travelera have ascribed to tho inhabitauta of Muscnf. Peoplo fanoy when thoy rend of preprecautions adoptcd at Soufhampton and Huil that thoy have got thé secret of securiiy. Thcy read the hiahiry of the epidemio in its progress from tho Ganges in 1817 to ita " óutburst OTer Ersgland in 1831 ; thev watch its movement from Hamburg to London, from Suthorland to Edinburgb, and through tho triple punios of 1853, 1854, nnd 1859. What are we doing, howover, to arrest the contagión, now inanifestly spreadlng ovor the north and cast of Eiiropfe f In England the Board of Health reoommends an enconragemeut of puro air and water, tin; uso of disinfectante, doodorizing preparations, and tho rumoval of dirt in every coneeivablo vray. L'rom France, medical writors assure ös that the cholera follows tho linea of tho sea coast and of great rivers ; that it is generally a niiafortune of the vnrt highroads connecting differ ent oonntries, that in the east it is often tra:led aloug tho path of a ouravau ; that in Europe it naiially spreads frora populous centres; and that by rigorons preeautions its approaoh may bo pravented. 'J'hus has it been kopt out of S.ixonv, Ilanover, Saxe Weimar, Go'ha, Anholt, Iiesse, Brunswick, and Mocklouburg, which have qnarantined themsolvo? into a state, sa to speak, of medical isolation. But its travels are rapid, nevertheless, and whother its influence be contagions or not is a quostinn ho longor to bo dispnted. All .ve have to do is to recognize the faet that, direo'Jy or i:jdirecliy, wo are menaecd by this frightful eennrgo ; that it is roaming Europe; 'that ít has visited Egypt, Turkey and Italy ; that it ereatud apprehension in Franca ; ft.nd tliRt our own administration has beon rou-cd to issriG a public narning


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Michigan Argus