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Terrible Disaster

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TLornjinlU-r Mohair':, which arrived this (Friday) morttiíig, bfou'ght intoHigenco óf ttl$ ■ ni J-o tnariue .dias: tor vvhiê'h liau oce'urred on tlio lukes for muny y.o.iii;. About Lult' past eighl ' o'olod;, on tho evening of Wednesday, tho 9th instant, the propeller Pewabic, vf the Lukü Superior line, with a largfe load of [;:e;:gLrj gjid ;': i.i;;lit on board, oollioled vi'.-h flio propeljor Meieor, of Uh) öfttnoUf -upwtm! bouixl, whilo otf Thundor 13y, Lake iim-ou. Thü. ƒ.-; wabic hád on board nbout 175 aá trovv üi U6!)p 15 passengors 'j civw arj auvud, the utheri '-. '■ ' . ;vm atrituk on lier pint bow just uft'tlie whepiiiouso by Ik: Melt'or, Mid, saiik .' ■.'.:,, i five tuiuTÚÓBe w .,.-]y uipiu struet, or wwv íivkv i up by Ju siiwii boats oí ihc. '.-,. Th-j aecidéiiÉ i;ecurred a!outsix miles olT Tb ' t, v.-liicb v89 eloarly víhí'jIo.' Jt 'jas scareely dürk and th'e bo'ata suw . cach ytlier .wheu six milu spart. Wlien aproach'iu, tbny exchangfccl the uxuu' qignals iud Lhie l'av.'jic boro off io }y.ifis, tLo IVUieor, 6Lmo wvxpiaiüod róesogturiied in tho sarae diroctioii, aud utrtruii' the Pewahic as fibove stutod. Thü Mcteor gtoppod, aud iramecüatoly loworod ber mail boatB, tp resoné tho paseDgérB of the ill-fatod "Pewahic. - The latter was heavily loadod, as will be oen !y her cargo, which was as fotlovvs : i5 tona copper, Ontonagon ; 25 tona copper, Englo Harbor ; lö.5 ton, Quincy Mine; 65 toos, Portage Stamp Works; 175 tons irou ore, Marquotto; 200 sbjpkneea; 250 halfbarrels fisb ; 27 rolla leather ; 10 tona uiisoollaaeous freight. Sha sank at once. It boing aiter dark, moat of the paescigors woro in the cabina at that hour, aud waro ënaulfpd ia the vviivea. We give bolow a statement writtea by Mr. W. n,;II. Ruscll, which convoya a vivid mpretísíon oí' tho terrible event : STATEMENT OF 17. Ií. 1. RCScELL. At about 9k o'clook on. the evening of ! tho 9lh instant, (Wednosday) ovening, ! tiie pr-opcüer Pewahic, (Ca t. McKay,) on her d"vn trip, about six mües from ; ghor, cante in ooihsioíi with thu propeller M.eor, (C:tptaD Wilson,) on bes up trip. Tljo. ÍYIcIcur struek the Ptwabic just. uncfi;!1 Líie püot house, Jitorslty .s;usi!-i .?. Tho boats wore runnioí ni Sha bate of aboat 12 iuüob i per .hour. Tho icriswn vvaa awfnl and ! iViUtcuiri, bkaáag the Pewabic to go j iu hu'ahurt apaeo of throoor four j raínu.teM. A numbor srere ktileu by tht! oraahiug timb.era, and but fuw of ihu pwftits-ííera oí' the Pewabic had eveo i timo to ji-irap írora her deoks on to those íh; 'ero tho deek of tho Peiétbát tank eíitirely out of sight into tho ,aoLthing WíUprs. Xbo sigiit was mosl terrible ana hoartreiidiüg, and tho cries flud ■ of tbo ■ -uníorlunwto paeBongors rono: upon-th rolling sweile of the surgi-ng biílowB, The tifa boats of the AJeíeor wei-a lowered if due time, and a nnnvbor snvod (rom aa Untimely acd wñtory grave. HfiMrnl fluida and horoic incidsnta occurred- worthy ef í One or two in particular, the most inemorabie of which was perii)rn)od by Misa Ada Ji'i:sb, oí Dotroit. This l&dy, by ber cuoi nnd deterinined efForts, not only saved her own lifo by espert swiraming, but that of Mrs. 0. í. Wright, also of Detroit, whoae huo!and Bsnk down, with a lady clinging to bis neck. JVIiss Brus'a 89 Mt Wright stroggling in tho water, souae distanco from her, and with grcr.t proaence of tnind she swam to her, pusbed a fioa'kg upar up to her, and thus saved her,. from tbe meíaneholy late of her chsrishod husband. The inatnfcstation o! Huoh fortitude on the part of ladies will ovor be rornémbered by tliose who vitnessed the agotúes of that drendfnl night. Mre. L L. BIcKnight, of Detroit, and others whose ñames have not trauspired, displayed, on the awlul öceasiün, a apiriL -And dstermiaation seldom witnessod. Captain McKoy . wan ono of the last upon the wrook, and in loaving the einking ship of which bo was so proud. He Haved l'uc üie of Mies Jane, ot New York. Mr. Cleveland, the mate, worked to tho last, and out looee one ot the liie boats j-ust as the ill-fatod Pewabic was going down. ]Ie was one of tha very last on board. Mr. MoKiuglrt did not leave the wreek until he was taken up by one of the crew and throwu upon the deek of the Meieor. The afñible and ready clorlr, Mr. Charles A. Mack, wbs one of the first in the liie buats, and would not rest ! til he had rendeicd all the assistance ! possiblc in hip power. He Raved the seoond ongineer, beforo the boats got into tho water. Mr. Jaokson, tho engineer, was a ! trusty mnn, ánd woll qualiüed for his position. He stood tíianfully at big post, ■ and, wUh bis wifo, went down with tho boat. Tho tsar that bear silent tribute will often bo shed in meinorv of this viilorous dood. ! Tho s'eward, pilo!, nnd each nud"a!l of the c.vw, niLiit nnd will have our best wiïhes aud respect. The nijfht was iotrjiy and forobodinp ; jut il thu timo, and before tho bonts btruck, thev vvero seen respectively by each six miles on. Tbere -.vore abont one hundred and fKiveuly-i'.'.'o or t'.vo hundred (jjssogers on bóaqj [rje Pïtcabic. Wo have tho Dames of yeñty-fiv oí tho lasgeuaers anl t.wenïy-tWo of tbocrow say,ed. We are ur.ablo to asctü'taiu thu loss of Ufe, I but, as rjfear as can bu rcckont.'d, we ealimate it at about sevi Mefcöf KetTiidaed ucnr'ulicre the wreek k.tii!; m.iil morning, u' order to j fi-h n the ;!o::ii bodius. Thc,,3oWp, was Biiiiiled, üu ;.iiy eniijii to Uu: reaciie. The pirnp:! ui' (ie Mètêèr were wpflved lor srifi'ty triid pïfccn'ü!ioi), :i.s she had rus.tiiiii! d stight ii.juMiH trom the siiook.- : - i! ïTtte Fijght thé böati crui&ed I nrnüii'.l ;::I0i!g the Üiuti;::.; hhris to piek ' up pap$èng-i, but, bo long u Iilhi o'.üpsed rTotrè n'éie fouiul flio ]e-ik of , fyè Meteor w'hs oir-c(u.,liv checkcd, nnd hbjUBíBd ou fcer ,vr uj, to í'ÓTt,ge 'I lio üfêftamk, witil th o survivora of j 'cwaíic, caino ..i o tliis city. 'flip officer of the MohtuvJi ha&e many hbsrly j thanks for tucir timélyiatisistauce. OápS tuin Gibaon i á ccurtéwja and val offioér, well calcuhitod to couunaad a ."ut upo;! tiie Ulna rolling waters of the ! great lak es. May ho nsout with uuiimited nuocesi, and m;iy the wnteraof Lake ' Huron nover agaiu leceive such a preciousxargo, but bo p'aeid and calin to the pltiaBuie-seekera and tho gaj.


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Michigan Argus