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The Tribune On Courts Martial

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The New York Tiibunt, in an artielu in which it maintains ts statement of the oost of courts-niartial ngaiust the auiinadversious of military correspondeuts, attacki!, still more vigorously, the unurpations of military tribunals. It says : " Wc object to.the sy.stein that lampera with justice, does violenco to the right of tho people, creates scandal atnong tho nutions, and places in the hands of any perdon who may be war minister, as much power over lila and person as is held by the Czar of Russta. We de ; nouuce t. en every grouud. PeansylvHifla. bas öourts and ofiicers of law whose duty it is to decide theto' quet:ons. Adminl Stewart haa beea in the navy 67 years. Half u niillion Northern mduey has beon investad iu Maryland Iaüds. The valúa of property in London is egtimated at L900,000,000. Otie ccunty iü Illinois wiíl produce a million gallons of wiue this year. A ('(inteingiiry snys of a party, " The excursión was a souroo of pleasure and deliglit to these who enjoytd it, Major Goiiüral Burneide, has gooein-j to bu.-Muess iu Rhode Mnd, wiiere hoj w.iil continue to iiqeide. W. L Johnson, tho brother of thu President, has been appointed eurveyor of the cub-tokjd ut (Joluiiibu, Texae. A new use for Confedérate rnoney has bee: found. A lady in Texas Btuüüd a matlress with ivo hundred thuusand dolíais worth of it. There are said to bo soventy four divorce cases now awaitiug trial at Lü Crosse, Wisennsin. Every complaio aut ia said to bu a soldier or a, öuidici-'a wife. A battered minnie ball has 'jns't been extractad froui the head of a reoovered New Haven soldier, after remaining thfre 102 days. Itanr Adinirul Dupont has bequeathed 175,000, the amount of . Iiis pnzo mono)', to establish a National AbjIimd in Washington, for the orphana of noldiera aud sailors. A broker beiug asked, the other day, " What w the intere-it of the country at the present naowent ?" proinptly replied: " 7 'ÁOy-Hts. Grundy. . George B. McClellan ia suid to be a candidato ioi' tho poBÍtioh of engiueer of a "western railroad, with a salary of $10,000 a ycar. The wire suspension bridge now con8tj;uctiog across the Ohio at Cineinati is of fiftprn hundred and fifty-seven feit span, longer than any other wiro suspension bridge n tho world. A whole family were po;soued n Fond du Lac, Wis., recontly, by vating beef that hud been isalted in a stone jar the ghiaitiy of vvhieh was composed ol load and arseoie' whïontne brino removed. An honest Tlibernian, trundling along a hand cort coutsiping all hig movables, was accosted "with " VVell, Pátrtcit, yoü are tnoving again, I see." " Faith, I am," he replied; " the times are so hard, it's a dale cheaper hiring hand carts than paying rint3." A design for the y a uit for the recoption of the remnins of President Lincoln has been submitted to the Association. The s'.yle ia Gothic, the material to be Joliet murble, highly fmished. - The details are elabórate, and will no doubt be expensive. The proverb tells us that idlo persons can novnr find timo fór aé'JtliiOg ; and tne rea son w that tboy have alvvaysa huge bundle of' a: rüius t engro.ea their attsbtion, They can do little or notbitig because they aje alwnys intendintr to do a vast tcí1, or, more Ftrictly Bpeaking, böcause they havo alwiij'H a detd wailin'af to be done. The ruw ñoíton iinportod intó the United Kidgdom in 1864, of the oomputeii valuo of L78 200,0111), teil more thaa doublé the priee puid ir 18Q0, for the largogt import ever obtuini'J, but tne'qiiaqti'tj iu Í&60 exeeo4ecl 12,000,OOO'cwt., wluli) the qii'arAi y in UCÍ v;is lrss tliun 6,000,000 cwl, nud was in fj.iii aljotit, tho auie quauti tv ii llmt ri'coived in each of t he yuarp 858-55, ju.-tt belure ïhv great airide lijudu by the trado. lf" Siivor medula are to k3 utvurdud ! to u bavy of y au Dg hiditf, wbo provo Uieuiselves the bost cooks, at a oooking muleh uow )iug arrauged in. a town put . Wes. Jt ix-c.tnnatt'tj that Jmsband.s wil) be pul up ás pns, eaob man marked with tho valuo of bis pcMonul and real.Cötat'c. rJ'Lia girlá. wbo 'iiïUnd Ü v.utcr upon tbe contest have büün dobatiug tho prize question, iind ask tho promoters of tlio affuir to buy wcddiug dresees for tha chief prizes insr.ead of tbc ilver medula The chscussioa croated a heap üï fiiu, -oulsiiJefs óffeiing to add all tho parrtplmrnaüíi for a completa wedding outfit if any of th.e sri'rls would ugrcu to tuke tbe risk oí' winning a male prize. " Mr. Peuk," saïd Dr. Hutton, vicar of 8 oíHekl, ono dny. to a veiüriuary surgoon be had employcd, " vvby dou't yoii gend ■tno yöur bill-?" ' Oh i I uever ñ'-nd n li!; t )'" a ■ gniii iian ■ ■■ : reply. "Butifyour employer forgets to pay yoü v,!;;!t":i"'you do V" " Then, I oonoindu lio is uo t-tóiiJuiiVUï, ia tav bl!l áüoordingly?' .Au '3 -pTt . !wi;i)uici' .is amusiüg the c'tizons of Fall Kivor, Mas. He nl1 iws liimsdli ló ba thrtvu iutu tho wter with liis hauds and feet tiod, and wüi release hiinstfclt' and peïiörtn other yyondei-ful iots.; .. In the largo Southern oitiea at least ono-iourth of tho oolorod population livo on Government rationa.


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