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J i&HÖS E; A. HORAN TS PRF.rAREll to v-ive teMona n W F-uit.and jVlowoT makine. also otlier branches ot Ornamental Work. Reai lence on Detroit Sfteet, opposite tUe Agn cultmalllall. Cm102" W. F. BKEAKEY, M. D., PHYaICIAN' XD SUBGEON. office in Dr Haven's Block, 5 door Eat of Cook's Hotel ResWence corner of Hurón and División reets, flrst door tast of Presbyterian Churoh, AnnArbor, Michigan. W. E. LOCKARD, ATTORNEY AT I.AW AND KOTaRY PUBLIC- CfiiTeyancuiK an.l coHeetmg promptlj attendcd , Bouuty, Pensions and Back Hay ooUBcted. Ofhce in'Xcw Block, East of Cook's Hotel, Ann Arbor, Mich. C. H. MILLEN. DfcüLEB in Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, ttc. bc. Miiiu Street, Ann Albor. FhÏlTFbach. TAKALEKS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, U ie, Main st., Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERóON. DEALERS in Hardware, StoveB, house fuinisbing ■g„o,]s, Tin Ware, to , Sc, New Block, Main st. aTj. sutiiebland, 4 GENTfor tlie Nrew York Life Insurance Company, A. Oi"ce on Hurou street Also bas on liand a stock JFthê innstpproTeÍ8ewingmchtoes. f:H-lf GE O KG K FI BCH E H. MFï MABKET- Huron General dealer in Fresh ;in,l Salt Meats, lieef, Mutton, Pork,Hams, Poultry, i.iird, Talluw, Sec, &c. william" lewitt. JinYStCiAÍÍ AX!' SüRGEOH. OUice at his resi,!í;., north side of Huron, two dor west ol División streèt. ' M. GUITERMAN & CO. IirHOCSS VÍ.F. uil Itetail Dealers and Mannfactiuers W (if.Bead)--lLvU Clothiog. Imnorters of Clotha.CaB limerns, Kooskins, &c, No. 5, I'hacix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DE U.FR n Beafly Made Clotuing, Clotiis, Cassimeres, an4 Festinga, Hat?, Caps, Trunks, Carpcl Bags, Sc, Phocuis Block, Main street. SLAWSON & SON. nKüvKRS, Provisión aml Commisaion Merchants, and UT Dealers in Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster of P;u-is, onedoor east of Cuuk's Hotel. SOOTT & L O O M I S. 1 SIHROTYPK awl Photogiaph Artisis, in the rooms A over CampiOB'i Olotliiagstore, Phoenix lilock. Perfot satisfactiongiven. C. B, PORTEE,. SURüKON DK.NTISÏ. OfficoCorncr of Main andHuron ireets, over Back & Pierson's Store. All calis atU'iidcd to AprlSSO MACK & SGHMID. DÏALER9 in Fnrolgn and Doraostio Dry Good.Groceriel. Hits and Caps, Boots and Slioes, Crockery, te, Corner of Main k Libertj sts. ANDREW BELL. ÜPOAI.ER in Grocerios, Provisions. Flour, Producesc, &c„ corner Main and Washington Streets, itrn Arlror. ïlie highest raarket pricespaid lorcountry produce. 8e6 ï. ORAMER, ATl'ORN'EY & CODNSHXLOB AT LA"W, A(rent for tlm riuc-iix Fire and Connecti;ut MutntI Life In■lOrïnoeCo npanies. Conveyin?; and Collectingprumpt1 attonded to. Olïi;e over Stebbins t Wilson's Store. ' M. C. STANLEY, :EMa.otcs":SPÏï0 -A-i-tisüt. Corner Main and H-iron Stroets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOORAPHS, AMBROTyrES, &c. . c. , nthe la test stylefi, and evcry effort mado togive satisfattion. D, DjsFÖRÏStT" ÏITH0LE3ALE and retail dealer in Iiumbeï Latli 'V ShiníílcSjtíasU, Doors.Blinds, Water Lime ( Gran Siver Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes. A 'tilland pei-fectassortment of the abore, and all othei als of bijilUing matorialrf constantly on baad at the oves po33tblo ratee, on Detroit st .,a few rodsfromthe lilroad Depot. Also operating extengively in the Uitent Cement Roofing. JJACK LINE. M. M. BOYLAN ïs prepared to carry passpngers and baggage to and fpom the depot to any private residence in the city. - He also has a JUt oí' Boarding Places, and wül direct stunents and strangers where they can find board and rooms. Orders inay be left at his residence, Brst door South of theM.E. Uhurch. 11. M. IÏOVLAN. nn .Aror. Ani-u-t Hth. 186S. 6wlO22 ]v JiW MUtíiU STOKE! Persons vriahlog to buy Pianos or Melodeons? ikoaH o to WILSEY'S MUSÏC STORE, beforepurtattiitg elaewhere. He will warrant satisfactioD to purcliasers, an'l tiikcK pleaaure in referring to those wlio h'ive alroii-iy purchnseü f him. He taken pri'le 'i laying that lie lias gima the best of sati.sfction Uiuv f;ir . ;mh int cTi'is so to do in all c.ises. Any Piiino "II bc furnisheil tliat popcliftser may require. He Wishes it to be di.stinct'y umler.stood that lie 11 not bc TTIsrZDE R,S OXjJD dealer East o r West. S.B.- The Utest SHEET MUSIC forsnle, PIANO ' ALV1K WILSEY. Ana Arbor. Dec. 2Tth, 1S64. Bbütd '


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