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The Railroad Meeting At Toledo

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Haviug no Toledo oxobange we are without the proöeedings of the Bailrofcd CqnveiitioD held n Toledo on Thtirsday of ast week, fnr the purpose of Bonsideriog tLo proj-ict of building a railro,ad hom Tokdo via Dundee, Salino, and Aun Arbor, lo Ijolly on tLo liue of tbo Detrait and Milwaukeo Kailway, atid the jntictioti of toe road to Suginaw. - Wc learn, hovvever, froin Mr. Mayxard, that the meeting was well uttemlod, the soverui towna along' the (rapQsed ILna böing all repre'euted, and that muob inicrest was iianifëstèd. The meeting organizad by niaking Mr. Mayxaiíd, President, aud J. F. S(jott, ei' Toledo, Secrotnry. Dolefrotea ii atlctidarioo made liberal promises in beha'.f of tfoeir oonstituenes, of right of v,ay, grading, stook ubscripfior.s, &c, and tho dolegatetí 'rom our city report a detnnuination to ïlér upon the work oí making prelimiary suiveys. Wo have no doubt of tho feru-ibility f the j roposed road. It wiü run írough a level and well titnbered eounry, especially South of this, and can be OBstructed with liglit and easy gradea, iid as uaar an air line as is desii-ible. - Ve have as littla donbt of its imporrance. It will open up a largo numbor f Towuships, give them better markets or every thiug Ihey produce, and in ,wo year's time advance the priee of iioir lands more than it will cost to put iie road in running order. For Dstance, tizens of Hilan, nearly throügh the euter of whioh town it woulii run, e3inate, aad not without roason, that it would tidd 5 to the present valuo of ach and every aere in that Township ; nd it certainly would benefit other owna in tho saino proportion, varying of eourse as they are noar or distant from tho Central and Southern roads. The direot beueüt of tho road to our city it is hardly possible to estímate, bat it would be immense. It would open to our merchantR and produce dealers the Toledo and Cincinnati markets; it would connect ua with the South shore line of railroads, giving us winter coinmunioation with Cleveland and Pittsburg - important point3 - without going a hundred miles around. It would ohcapen freights aud fares to an exteat ,hat would pay our business men handsnme dividend.s on Inrge subscriptions. :t would stimulate the growtli oí our city, and impart new vigor and strength. Extended North, the townB between this and Holly would be equally bene ited, and to us would be opened in a direct line the Northern pineries. reduoing to us the prioo of lutnber anc shinglo. These ttrngs sbould all be thougbt o: oj mcrehant, mechanica, and farmers and all should jcsia in an effort to pro euro the carly survoy, location, com nioncoment, and completioa of the work - Siuoo writing the above we learn ;hat a Railroad meeting ia to be held in ;his city, on Thursday nest, Aug. 31st at which overy towoellip between Tole do and Holly ought to be represeuted The towns North of here should Bene in live delegatinuB. It is hoped that a preliminary organization may be elfoctec on that dny. tOf In. another column wül be found the proceediugs of tlw meeting of tho County Monument Committee, held ou ïuesday afternoon last. It wül be seen that a committeo was nppointed to confor vvith tho liogents of tho Univüraily upon a pi'opnsiiion to unita n the erection of tho p'roposed Monumental Chapel, and also to lay the earne subject befure tlie State Monumont Association, - Dr. Haven, of tho University, was present with the Committce, and, by invitation, set forti) distinctly and oleariv tho reasou3 fur preferring a Monumental Building to a simple shuft, and we are gratified to knovv that reasoning convinced scvcral mombers of tho Comtnitteo who were strongly committod to a shaft or column, that tho do.sign could bo better acoomplished by a building, that the lattar would be tho more appropriato and onduring monument, would the better preservo the records and Ejemorials of Ibe labors of our sol dior brothers, and woald with tho moro ccrtainty bo prcserved and beautified. Tho ICommitteo aüjourned for two weoka, aud we topo that at tho nest meeting every town vvill bo representad. SSS" We give piaoo n our columns this week to the letter of Gen. Cox, Ixepublican candidato for Governor of Oíi'io, on the subject of negro suffrage. It is a eandid, and we thiiik able, document, and bas not proved very acceptablo to his radioal brcthron, whö imagine that tho nation has no future unloss overy right of citizenship is immediately confarred upon the aiillioDS of iguorant freedmen of tho South. Wo comïrand the letter to every ronder. Mr. Robert Lincoln, s-ou of the late President, ia shortly to be married to a daughter ol' SecreUry liarían.


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