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A State Soldiers' Monument

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At a meeting of eitizens of Duiiat, I held on Kriday, tho IS' h innt , a i mittoo appointed nt a previo:is meeting, to report a plan for au orgaiijbsatioa t.o secure íhú Ciculion of a Statu Monuiueiit that t-hnll iitijngly ootumemoratö the heroio deods of tho Michigan soldiere ia the rtruggres for the Union, ífro foliuiving rcrpiu't was sulxnitted : KKPOIIT ON OKOANIZATION. Yur (Jommifctee, to wkcra it was refotïed to .repare and report a complete and thorough organization for t!e"Monutneiit As-ioiiiation," anJ to present auitaUe namea for tho saverai offictra desigiiiitcd, répori : ïiüit at a jubilo fnfeiing held by the eitizons -of. Dotroit, the 2ütb day ofJaty, A. D ïm, ït ww Rcsoinecl, To erecta moninníwt to the noblo di ad vho id tallón in defensa of the Uüion; and Judgu Withercll, Col. ! E. Badki, Mesara. Tmvvbridg,,, i nina íind Morrow, woro appoioted a eoinmittee to uarry out this reaolútion, with lull powt-ra to add to tlieir Ó'umThe ccmmittoo mot on tho 6th day oí August, and crganízed by the appoiotment of Judgo 'vVitherell, Cliairuian, J. W. ïillniaii, Treasuror, and T. W. Palmer, Seoretary. Aftcr sovoral meetings and conaultat:ou vvitb friond8 of this saered object, it waw deumud íitivisaMo to postponu i mediato uction, and await tho glorioua and íuocnssful tc-rmination ol tho war', I tbc criishúuff out of tho robellion, whiob they felftnust come, It has come. - Now success has crowned the eflbrts, tho toils, the hardships, sufierings and death of oor soldiors. The bapliísm in blood of a whole peoplu has not boon in ruin'. It has atrengthened and purified, redoemed and regeneratod tho naíioD. Now wo can appeal to a grateful and aaved people, blessod with reíurned peaje and continued plsnty, favored of Heaven as was never nalion before, to unite and rear a monument to the memory of the men vvho vvor.t out with their lives in thoir hand.-: to uphold, rnaintain áad deferid tho Uuion, tho Conetitution and the Laws. To accomplish tliis, your committee reoommepd the raisiog of at least fifty thousaod dnlkrs, (50,000.) and we oonfidenüy be'ievg thia can bo dono bv a vigorous and aystematio efiort. 1 1 isa cause that strongly cornmends itselí' to the hoarts and symp.'ithies of our people, and we trust will rer.dily en the pursep oí all whu in (he faintest degree realizo the boundless debt of gf üitudo we ovvë to thfi men who periled heir Hvcs that ira might have a country i wbich to livo. We submit tlie íollowing plan of organizütion : l'sí. This Assoeiation sball be called the " Michigan Saldiers' Monument Associcitinn,1' and ite object sball be the ereption, in the cily of Detroit, of an appropriate and lasting monument to the gaUant soldiers of tho Peninsular State, who porilcd their Uves in the "War of tho Gffat Rebellion," to maintain and defend tho Unitfn, with all its priceless privileges and inestimable blessi ngs. 'ld. Al! persons wbo sha!! contribute to the " Monument Fund :' shsll bc confiderod tiiümbers of the Association; and all perdona who aball contribute the sum oí 500 shall, upon tbo completion of (he york, bo entitled to recoivo an appropriato certifieate of mocubership, with a fiae eugraving of the monument. All returned soldiers of Michigan aro aleo bereby fleclared honorary members of tlie Association, and aro moat carnestly invi'.ed to cooperate in tlie purpnses of iis organiza tion. The Govenior, and the officers if the Siate of Michignn, civil and military, and the offiyers oi auxiliary asaociations, are hereby declared honorary metubers of this Association. 3d. The business of this Assooiation shallbe manugod by a Board of Directora of tho folloning citizens of this State : [The Board numbers over one hundrod promineDt business men oí the State, representiog every eounty. This county is represented by llon. W. S. Maynard, of this ciiy, aod Hou. 8, M. Cutciieon, of Ypsilanti. - Ed. Akod.?.] 4th. Said Board shsil have ful! control and direction, shaïl iill all vncancies in their on n body, shall desiguato their own officers, who pball be "ex-officio" tho officers of tho General Association, sï) all muke all necesaary regulations aud by-lavvs for their own government, and shall, upon the completion of the monument, take tho nocessary steps for its contioued preservation and exercise due care and watchfulncss over it, aud shall do aud perform all that is necessary to iurthor tho object, intorcsts and aiin of tlio Association. Thoy shall keep a full and complete record of' their proceedings. Ten membera shall eonstitute a quorum for tho transactioti of all businesa. A meeting may be callod at any timo through the Secretary, upon the writtcu a'pplicatïón of soven Uirectors. 5th. The Board of Directora shall be organized by tho appoiotmeut of a President, Vioe-Presidont, Treaaurer, Seoretary, Associato Üccretary, and Auditor, and buuh sub comruittces as shall be necessary, who thall do and pörfoim all tho dutios appertaining to their severa] positions, under such regulations and restriotions as shall bo hersafter providud in the by-laws. O'.h, All ïnonevs shall bo receivcd, aeknowledged and depo.sited to tho credit of Iho Exenutivo (ïoinmitteo by the TreasutM-, iu such bank as they shall desígnate. Tth. No moneys shall be paid out except upon proper vouchers dnly certified by the Auditor, and up:.n the chocks drawn by the Treasurer and counter signad by the Clutirmai) and Secretarv of the Exeeutivo Uoramittce. UECOMMBNIIAÏIONS. Your coinuiittee would further recoinmend : lst. "i he irrrmèdiate appointment of au agent, wbo shall in all proper ways bring tliis subjuct to the noties of tbc people, and secure the foundation of iiixiliiii'y societies, and the collection of funda in every school disirmt in the v Stute. Believing tbit irueh oí' the C(vss -'! tilia umiertákiíig dependa Ufon Lis appoifittneiitj jour eorrimiftee having cvefalljr cousidered this matter, and liaviig entire coofideuco n the integrity, ability, and pafriotism of (;,:. Iíenry A. Munow, do in-.Et eanitstly rucoflimerul hirn na emh.ently tbe wnu to pro.sent fliia eauno to tlie people. and to urge tbeir bearly eo opanrtiou with u, and that Le bo rsjqueated, ihough we well kmw t!:c sacrificè wo are asüíng al Lis bonds, to devote a liltle mora time to tho sorvice of his coün'rymen, in belping to erect n taouumont to tho ftuUacI tíefoDder aud preservers of tbc Union. 2d. We also aubjmt tho follovviog addi'eso : TO TItE MK AND VVO.MEX OF .MICHIGAN. On the receipt of tbe news of tbo firat battlo of BuH Run, at a public meeting hId by the citizons of Detroit, a com.nitteo waa appointed to tako lueasures. fúr thu ereetion of a monument U) tbo memory of our soldiere. By uiany the movemeut was considered prematuro, aud aotion nieanwhile waa susperded. Now, however, our solduTs, ' al! that is ltíft oí' tbein," aro returuing. Sball we who reap tbo reward of their labora accept their saenficea without a token of gratitudo for their cfforts, of syinpathy with thuir suffering, or admiratiop of their valor ? Impelled by tho purest patrioÜBm, they forsook tbe endearmonts of home, and oa every battle field havo ataked ! thoir uves a freo-wül offoring to truth and huinanity. ' Thoir blood has watered a soil made sterile by treason and crime. Amid tho pestilence of the camp, tho fatiguo of the tnarcb, tha esposuro of '■. tbo bivo'jac, they have evinced the highest quálities of men and aoldiers. In tbe thickcat of tbe fight, tbe blems of our intertwinod wi(h the flag of our country, borne aloft by them, bas ever been found in tbo path to giory and honor. Tboy sleep on evory hard-foaght field, from Gettysburg to the Kio Grande. Aa yet thoy icst in obscure grave?, unhonored by funeral pageauts, undistinguished by " storied urG or nnirnatüd bust." The citizens of the State, thnmgh their Commit'ee, desiro to embody the sense of our pooplo in a uioaument tobo erected on some suitable sito to ba he:eaftcr selected. Ita size will be commensurate iTith the contributioos received. Within it oïn be deposited tho namea of the slaiü and n-ounded, tr:iüfcriptgof tbe raaster rolla of each rogiaieni, and relies of the fiuld. It should be made the Valhalla of tbe hcrooa of our peoplo. For this purpose we aak individua] . subscriptions and the co-operation of braneli committees tbrougbout tbe Siate, Surely, if one State more than snother can glory in tho prestige of bar s'"ns od the battle-field, Michigan cao blazon her record to tho world. Let the rioh give of thoir abundance, and the poor cf their neeessíí:. Lat it be a tT:onurat'ut of the People oí Michigan to Michigan áoidiers. Let a responso to our appeai bs heard from city and hamlot, trom jjlain, hiüsido, ' and valley, vvhenco bavo goae Éorth the defenderá of our country'n honor aud, tiio avengsrs oí ber wrongs. Lat U3 raiso a shaft that shall stand an iciperisiiable record of their beroism and achievo:ru;nts. Lot us impersonate in stone the sen timen ta which pervado snd anímate uï. Lot tho survivor?, mayhíip woundod and mutilated, find in it a m.ute but eternal approval oí their valor - ■ " A token Ihey who live may claim - ■ The peerage of tbe brave. ' And althongh nor prsi?e nor blsiue may reach " the etiil coid ear oí death," yot f the spirits of tbe departed liuger near tho scènes they oice loved, let us ooovoy by some sigo to the souls of Miose who went doivn 'mid the carnage of battle striking for the o'-d flsg, an aasortion of our appreciation andgratiínde, that althougb " deacl they y et spoak; " although doniod, porchance, the ritea of Christian sapulture, ihat bare their mausoleum is reared where their fair fame wil] be jealousiy guarded, aud the'tr mouiories cherished in tho hearts oí a gratüful people. 8rd. ïho inauguratioc of the commencement of thia undertaking by a grand public meeting at Young Men'e llall, Detroit, with proper addrusaes, appropriate music, and such others, services as m:iy be suitable, tho same to taku placo under direction of tho Esecutive (Jommittee. 4th, ïho early incorporatio-n of tbis Assouiation, to the end that corapeteut authority may be vested, in legal guape, n proper persons to pi'eperve tbe monument lo íuturo gonorations. 5th. Tho preparatson of a roll of honor of tho Michigan soldiers, on which ■ siiall be inscribed the name of any porsou who bas been mustered into the service o} the United States from this Stato dui ing the " "War of tbe Great Rebeilion," with dates, casualtiea, etc , so far as the sanie may be practicable. Cth. That a meeting bo immediately called of all the Directora nained, by tho Secretary, to be held at Merrill Hall, on Thursday, August y let, at 2 i o'cloek, p. m., and that lia be, and i hereby, iustructed to seud with such cali to easli Director a copy of tho artiejes of assooiation and address, with a request that they signify their wiHingness to act, and their approval of the design ot tho assooiation, together with óptico of the publio moeting to bo held in the evening, That the public meeting reeommended by your Cornmitlee, be held on the eveuing of the samo day, (Thursday, August Sist,) and that the Executive Oommittee are requested to make immüdiato and suitable arrangement s for tho same. AH of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed Try the Cominitt;;e). ' ! On motion of O. f. Walker, Esq. the report was aecepted, and, after full discussion, was unanimously approved ind adopted. Thu Committeo to desígnate officers presentod their report, which was nccepted and ádopted. Thu following persond werp declara! the officers of the, Assoeiatioi : President- Hein. B. F. Withereü. Vtm Prcitdemt - ( A. lloliow. Trranufer-j. W, Tillman. AliJiU-r- lioii. Ju),,, QWeD Sffietartf-T. W. Primer, '&„ ]m;.s. 6Vc- J. M. Rornevn L, EsKChlive CommitUe-Uon! V"' TruwlrKJao; Li( n Joli,, n ' Ii,in. II. P.'lriwi, l)hD' Ho,, II. N. Walker, S'ft !-]■, D,troi W A Butkr a? Detroit; Ex-Gov. Blair, Jacksou ■ ' Gutciieon, Ypt.ilatiti; wth Hiep dent, Treasurer and Secretary, .„?■ Ou motioii, tho Esecutive CommiT wero directed to invite Genorak f Sherbian, Thomas, Me!í(], L, ' 8„n ttt! other distiuguitflied persons from ab'ro.! to atteud and takö part in the mauff,„ tiou meeting, to be held ,,„ Thursdl ' August 31st, at YoHDgMou's Hall Cn motinn, it was Resolved, That tho country prc8t , rnoBt eai-oestly requested to co-oper i wit!) thiH Association, and alo tunnL lifh in full these prooeediugg. üu tuotion of Gen. Morrow, the meet ing adjourned, to meet at tho cal] of il Executive Committee. '


Old News
Michigan Argus