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Resolutions Of The Democracy Of Maine

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The Detuocraoy of Muine, lepresented in Statu Uonventioa ou Wednesday lust, i put forth a deoTuration of principies tbe full text tif whiób is as follows : Jiesola-J, That willi sentimentaof profoucd gratitudq to j üod wu rejoice that the cJush ui' arma is uu louger heard 'm ■:;; land, and that íka ex tviiDiimtiug hwor oí war hss couHtid, Í and that peaoc, uitli ifs gratei'ul uuti i healing iniiuuuco, pravades our border, j Muy that paacti be perpe'uaL leed, Tüa! w vi,l sacredly cherish the uawuory ui' the countluss dcad who have fallen i:i (ho great struggl i for coualiUitional govenimont, and with gratei'ul heurts wil! do honor to Üiu Uviug who have perilcd lifo and iortuue ui liiü s:;mo gfeat causa. Resolved, That wilh tlie eessation of war ita bloody and barburous spirit should be banished fïom pur inidst, aud with the return f peace, hatrod and vengeauee should yield to Ghristian oharity and magnanimity. lu'iolvtd, Aa wilhin the scopo of souúd coiistilutional principies nnd to re nstab lihh at the eaiiijst practicable period, it ia the duty of the Federal Goverunieut, actiug with as little oxocutive aud legigtive interferenoe as possible, to obterve the true constitutioual relations betweeu itself and the revoltod Statei, aud to executo all legitímale power and Dfluenee to prouiJte and perpetúate that universal harmony, frateroity and unity whieh are essentiul to the peaee, happiness and glory of the republio, tuuv destiued to ba " one aud indivisiblu " foro ver. Resolved, That the Democracy of Maine do here re-assert and declare their fundamental principlea of action, to be equal aud oxact justLee to all uieu of whatever state or persuasión, religious or political ; penco, coinmeroe and houost iriendship with ail nations; eütaniliug alliauces with none ; the support of the State governmeu'8 in all their rights, as the most competent administration of all our domestic concerns and the honcst hulwark againat anti-republicao teudencies ; the preservation of the General Goverumetit in its whole eonstitutioual vigor as the sheet anchor of our peaeo at home and our safety abroad ; ajealous care of the right of electiou by the peopie ; a mild, safe correetion of abuses vvliich aro lelt by the sword of i evolution ; and whcre peaeeable remedies are unprovided tbsoluto acquiescence in the decisions of tho majority - the vital piiticiple of república, from whieh tnere is uo appeal but to force - the vital priuei })!e and Lm medíate paieut of deapotam; a well disciplined müitia, our best ruiiauce in peace and in the first moment of wur; the supremacy of the oivil over the military authority. Resolved, J'hat the ballot is the right of esery Amerioan eitizen, to be restricted üuly by liiuitations, as the publio anfoty may requiri', aud that the Consiitutiou reoognizes the right of the people of each State to proscribe the qualiQcatioQs of electors, " a power the peop!e üf the separate States cornprisintf liie Federal Uuion havo rigbtfully exercsieed from tho'origin of th Governmeut to the present time," Resolved, That inasmuob as glaring inequalities iu tha distributiou of the public burdens work oppressive injuatice to individuáis, and teud directly to overrun the public faith and eetablish a privileged elass iu tbe commuuity, we therolore demaud and pledge oor utmost endeayoi-s to seoure equal taxation as ahko required by justice and the genius of Government. ïlcaohed, That tuesums advauced by Staten, m,d by oouaty and municipal organixaiious, to aid in uppressing the rebellion, are a legitímate aud equitable charge upon tho Federal Treasury, to be borne by the vvholo country, and the Democracy of Muine are in favor of their payment by the General Govevunient. Resolved, That, banishing all minor party considerations, and aeting in ths spirit of an enlarged and generoua patriotism, we wül cordially support President Johnson in the policy whieh he has avowed, and in all sueh constitufional measures as he may inaugúrate to barraonize tho cootrtry and restore and cement the Union of the States, to enable the States late in revolt to put their go"ernmentsin practical operation. Rsolved, That we congratúlate the whole country (hnt among the tirst acts ot President Johnson's administration, we return to the botter days of tha Kepublic in his deulination to accept voluntecr gratuit ies while holding office, and we regard it as a proof oi integrity in marked contrast to the bribery and corruptiona whieh havo rocently characterizcd and disr:iced official station. Resolved, That the assassination of the President of the United States was an act of unmitignted barbaren), alike destructive to civil government and abhorrent to the pentimont of Christian men throughont the world, and reciivcsthe most decided reprobation of the Convention.


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