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I1UÉ i . ULBOAD. Pasíongpr traína now lodve Detroit and Llio ' stations in tliia Comity as followB: UOl.Ml WEST. Mail l)j . I r Kvi n. Ni-.'hl ' Trn in )'xA.-i-.. )0x. Es, Detroii ,71 ,r.iv 11 OIü'.m l :. 8.40 " 11 65 ' 6.12 '■ 6.50 " 12.66 U A .ju Arbor, 9(5 " 12.JSP lui 35 " 7. o " 1.00 " ■-. " 12.40 ' T 00 " -:.K '■ , U 50 " 12 .55 i 7.5U " , UOISO KAST. Evin. De x ter Night Day Mali Ex. Al-c. Kx. Kjc. Train. Chelaea, 7 ..'ín a.m :í-:c p.m 5 0') p.m DaliT, - e,09,l,H 7.66 " S.46 ''f). 20 " Ano Arboi, 4.25 u 6 35 " 20 " -Í ('5 '■ 6.IS0 " Ypsilanti, 4.50 " lul ' 8.40 " 4.25 " 6 Vi Detroit, li.,10 " 8.-Í1 "10 00" 5.45 " 7.45 'f Tlie Mail Traiu [■una tü iiud from Marshall. liJfT" Persona who have beconie debilitated from loss of' appetite hould not despiir, as the greát Iiidiau remedy, Red Jacket Bitier, will invlgorate thssystom, tone the stomach, tnd tntike a lifa oí misery ona of health and atrength. F "oh thsTarmy fok thFnavy, AND FOR EVERY ONE. The worM Ia Bt) inundated aow with medicines of every dfeseription which are warranted cures for everj known nml uoknown apeciB oí' (ljrtcase, Ihat tbö .suifererfiods it áipiost imjvossibï to diaiicgnish botweon good tin3 bail, Somi of thes& wonili'rl'ul llui'ld i rofeüa to cure every cotuplaint known U the Materia Meioft. In Bpe&king of Hoatetter'a BUters, we refer to a preparatiou whioh limita itself to one depa.rtuient of the body - the stomach - tbo irrogularities and disorders of whicli it not only claims to cure, but does. lts reputatiuu lias bacome wurUl-wíiíe, nud froin tba Pacific to tliö Atlantic, in b(tb bemispherea,and iu evury latitmto aud zooO, it ia knowu and emplomad as a remeiliul ag;nt. l'c-son.i vlio Iiave been repcatcdly deceived, perhaps, cannot be convinced tbat Hostatter's B:tter.i will effect suré, rapid, aiul permanent oerres But tbïs asaertion 3 confirmed by lOdtiumuiu.1 lettöra from the most dibtinguished mea in the country. All who have once used these bittors keep them non by their side aa a safo-guard, believing tbat "an ounco of prevention 1 bette tban a pound of euro." The digestivo organs which have been violated and prostrated by exceasive or irrtnlar iudulgonce of appetite, will bo löstorcd to tLeir nurmal condition by the uEe of this wo; medwirtt. - Botton Traveltr. rROMproN's w X CERTAI.N REMBBT FOB DIARRHCEA, DYSJSNTEBT, Cholee Morbtia, Flux, Hear Burn, and alllïowel Gotaplaints, Entirely vegetable. A spe ei lic forC&ihp Bíarrhoeá OSBOKNE & IÍOWK, Prop'M, Bucbanan, Mloh. Burn ham s te V'hq .Fchaack, Chicago, and Fan and, cUieeley & Co., Petroit, Wholewalo AgentH. 3ml0i0 Do yoo want WhiakHi'sor UutHteclifisf Our Greclan Oompuund Will force tbeza to grim o tlie fací! ir chin, or hair on bhld headfi, in 8ix WocUh.- Price,il.00. Sént by m:iil auywhere, closely seared, rmreceiptofprioo. Adds, WARNER & CO., Box 138, Bruukljn, N. Y. ljJ99. TÏIE BfHUAL CJIABiaiSÏÏ, aa Eay of Warmtij and Insti-uctiou tor Youug Men - published by the ïiofl-iird AHBvuiiation, and Bant fr e of charge in sealedcnveli.pes. AWreaa, Dr.J. SKILUX tlOUÜIIÏUX, HowarJ Assoeiati.m, I liAladelphi, Fa. ly'iyö GrQOD lKÊlTlSKN OWiTsY _ M'ïS FRUIT, So is o, good Physician by bis .-iuccosful Works . PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THKGHEATAND OELBBBATED PHYBRSAN OF TUI'. IJILiüAT, LL'XG:3 AND CUEST, Knos"n all over t'ae countrj iib Ihe Cnlirbrated IKlÜAÖi HER1Í DOCTOR! From South America. A NE AT PAMPHLET Oftho Lífe,atudy and extensivo travels of JÖrLyopf can b procurad by allano deaire one, f ree of ch&rgo. I)r. L will viöit the Bdveral placea aafollows : Jackson, Hibbard House, 20tb. Anti Avbor, Monitor Üouae, Ü Detroit, (Jasa House, o;poil ilich. CentralPepoi, y;icb mouth, 22nï and 23rd". Modi of í-aminaticn. - Tho Doctor diftQ&ra lisease:! by tke eyea . B, tterefoi p,asíts no quetioii nor roi] iirespatientB to explain aymptoms. Afflloted, come and have yoar iympttJma and : ne looatíon of your diaeasexylaiücil free of charge TTOTEL FOR SALE! The va.Iuabio proprty iu the City of Anu Arbor, knowa aa COOK'S ÜOTEL, ia IlOy ofTtTfld fór fir.le c1 eap, luquire immetliately on the premtaes of J. F.AVJERT. Ann A'bor, August 8Lb, 18G5. 10-ilf f1 THE MOST SKEPTICAI?;" THATTHERE IS UNEDUflLLSD 4 f. Jh viRTUEHNfTHEI -ts W üepaxe d aruíh choic eat X W411 -EOURB0CÍ WÜ1S 5Jp7 They strengthen and invigorate the J? {v system. ffWfET J They givc a frood and healthy appetite. XïtJ Ü" They assist digestión. (X ir& They are the beststimulantln exirtence Jvj fp ÉH-Theyareaprevcntiveoffever andague M3 A 3s" They cure nervous headache. Q lC Q They are perfectly pure and palatable. .t K The Red Oaciict Bitters are sold in quurt IjoU 55 f'nA tlei by all driiRgist aed dealera iii tho country. X r Uf P ENNE TT Pi ETERS Sí OQ, LW isa 21 RIVER ET.,CJf)ICAGCt -Js} - BULE PROPBIETOBS. - ]s Forsaleby PlsFORESl1 3s STEWART, JobberH. NEW PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. PIA&ÖI9! A :TÏ,si Bx4UÍttitef ESí'lu-ftííi nuil Finir ntnt Perfttus KJifaíiürd froui (lie frí n v c, n 11 fl Ï: i v t na 1 i fu 1 S"1' 1 t r o l' tro m Whicfa il laken it iimaat. Manufecturcd only bj PIIAIjON & 8OW. IrF" Beware of Counterfeits., f-f l'lmioii's - Tajee ito oihw. È-'ii Uk drngglbta gtnerally. TOW IS TÍ1E TIME For bnrgains in AND CROCERIES i i C. II. MILLEN, is now receiving Uls stoce: ut DRY GUODS, CARPETS, and GROCEKIES, oiiv})t at the recent great declino InXew York, and willbe hotü ii.s low tiii the lowest Cali and examine cu'i.i añil prites beioro purcliattiug. OïH. MILLEN. April, 165. pitlNTS, 20 to 25 Cents. BEST DELAINES, 31 cents. SHEETINGS, 30 to 40 cents. BLEACIIED COTTONS, and all other goods at EEDUCED PRICES! Ak O. H. UILLEVH. CARPBTS, .AT G. II. MILLEN'S. LADIES' DRESS GOODS of uil kinds, Ladies' Sacks, Cloaks, Shawls, Huir Ornamenta, &o , uil the now btyluu jusfc reeotved and íor i,.;k' chöap. 1004tf 0. II. MILLEtf. 8G5 OIIANGE OF DATE. 1866. il II ia ii a Jg Lfyüd Would infonn hla PATI1ÍNTS and oihers interoateOj that in futuro be can bosoeu at tlio MOMIT0R HOUSE, -ON' TUEÖlst OF ÊACH Month, lnsteftd of tho 201h, und at JACKSON, OÜNT TUB EOtU, lnstHd of tho 21nt. Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, The Elood aiul all otber eojniilicatod cbronle compUlu'H troate flu-cotíseftilly, hy PROF. R. J. LYONS, tho woll known and cvltbrald INDIA1T HERB DOCTOR Call at tfa Mcïiitor Hous . Arti Arbor, ulie:1' htí caí ooDnnWcd l'HKE Oh GHARGiS, úu me 2W1 of d Month, duriog 18ü6 nd 18B6. ivlnl'J. A GENTS WANTEO -FORThe S#ciet sWhrrlee, the. Fit-kl. tlïe Duneoii. and lïie Escape. BY ALBERT D. EICHARDSON, "f. Y. Tribune Con siiondun ( , 70,000 Copies Sold in 60 Days. The most utoresting and excititig bouk ever publlsht'd, mbradng Bfoharclíoii'í unpanllelod c-xperiencp fpr föur years. Travelin thruugh tho So u tfa in the secrot service "f tlie "Tribune " ut tlie outbreuk if IIio war, with our nrniies :inci flopt, both Kast and West, durlng Ilie fitut two ,veara uf the lie biïllinn ; lus thriUtag capture ; his (■'otilinonioiit for twenty moitlis in raven different mr. i pristna; ble esoape, nni almost mnaculous journey by night oí nearly 403 miles. Tt will nbonad n stirring events anii ci'Utnin more cf the fuet, loeident Rad rnm.-ince of the war, thanaoy other wurk vet pnWished. Uoraco Greeley fiys of it : ' A Kioíit iiKtny bnokfl 7 y(-t bo writton concern;nc; this m., ju ailditisn to tbo niany already in print ; but nnt tmo of them wili giro, vfithin a .similar nompau a clearer, fuller, more resdable account, euiircly iro:n poraonBl observatlon, of thenatnre.animus purpene. teadenciei, and instrumenta 11 1 ie f the iteveholdera' r ■beilion, than does the unp-etemUncr nft'iative oí Mr Richardon." Teachen, ladies, enerjretic yount; men, ncd especially return. .1 -md disableli offloiT and soldlurJi, in w-mi ol srontAble employment, will findit particulnrly adapted O tholr oonditloo. íiend for circulara. Adilrets AMERICAN PÜBLISHIN6 COMPANY, Hai-tiul'd, Coinii-ctlfUt. SCHiSTOX & Hukr, Agcnts. 4wl0iï. ÏFaBM FOR SALE! The undevsigned wislje to Bell hit Farm in l'itt-Oeld, idjoining the Town House. Tlie Farn contains "0 acres under good impruvenuDt , with a targe brick ioue, 'J. Barno, &c. SAMUEL MOliOAN. PlttêOeld, August llth 1805. '.U22tf A KXAÜE PIAXO- one of the best instrument made - entnely uew . Inquire at the ARUTÉ OFFICE. Yy HAT EVMfirï BODY y A Yri ! i PLUMER & JENNINGS CAN CKT Vu1.; UJ' A BETTE8 Sul? OF CLOTHES THAN YOÜ OAN BJY ELSEWHEliD. - -O- PLUMER & JENNINGS eau 3F!lLfXl yu veiy MUCH BETTER tlittu yuu cao hopo tü be FITTJÜÜ Uewhoru. PLUMER & JENNINGS oaii. SKÍX 1,0 WEK tlian auj othcr Firtn in Ann iLrfoor, AND THEY WILL DO IT. - r-p PLUMER & JENNINGS Lave on Laailtliu beat assuitment of FurnisMng Goods, hls sido oí New York, wfcfofe they will uil ut priCti.i which wLl iiiunce all to buy. N. R.- Gray's Patente.! MoldedOollRr. Umrergaï Cl arn, Batía Kimniülod Uyron Collar, (tho lint Byron jiameU-il Collar ever manufactured.) Fienoh Frinted Collar, Warü'.s l'rinted Collar, Le Btiau Iiiel Collar, Imported] Garden City Collar, Sa ti o Enauieled, patent íuttun Iiolc, New York Exc'].-ior Lme l'a.i. r ('u hts, '. A. H. & Co'.-i Impruved I'aper Collana, Bfasasoit Pater Collar, aud in fact evurv discriptkni of Papfti C$1 ara ïmuiufaeturod, constantly od hand in largo qnanities. Scond door SotitU of Public Square, aam St , Auu Arbor, Michigan, ltJÜTtf ttat"s, caps, AND STRAW COODS! JOHNSON PIERSON have recöivcü the lurest etock of 8IPÈBI (5D;B1B eTcrbronïht to tliia market, wliicb they are Helling ai var LOW FKICKiS. The stook couoisU of- GENTS' SILK HATS- uil gtyles. GENTS' SOFT AND STIFF UIUM HATS GENTS' AND BOYS' DERüY HATS. GENTS' AND BoYS' CAPS- all kind, GENTS' STRAW HATS. CHILDRENS' STRAW CATS AND HATS CHILDKENS' FANGY FELT HATS. BOYS' STRAW HATS. GENTLE11ENS' FÜRNISHING GOODS UA1BRELLAS, OARPET & TRAY.ËL1NG BA GS. PARASOLS. TRAVELING BA03. HAVERSACKS. SDNDOWNS. SHAKERS, and iu fací, íill gooJs perlaining to tiieir trade. JOHNSON & PIESSON. MAIN STREET, . . lolotf - - ASN' AlfflOB HISTÖËF"ÖFHËWÖSLÏ7. BY PHILIP SMITH, B. A. One of the,d Omlribiuors to tkt Maionariêt of Cr.ekund lijman AiUujuütcs, biugraphy, and ücog PLAN OF THE WORK. BtnMSirWaltírRatelghBolaced iliB ,,i,r! In tlie l'ower by the comnositiuii of his " llistori ot the World," Ihe LlUratare of KnvM has nMl-, achievedths werk which Jie lolt nnfinishsd Tber lmve boen "Univi-il Hi6tprif5," fruu tho"bulk o' an eucyclopredia to the most ideagre oittltne in whlcl (ha anula of eaoh ntlim o separateljr recopU-d butwithoutan att.;mpt ti trace tho story of DWini ProïidenMaBdhomiHi progrese in on coonected nar ruliyc-. Itwprouosed tosuppljthia ivaat by a work OundoiiBcrl eoough to keep i t within a reasonablc site bul vet Hofull a to be ftee from the drj bal( nest ufai épitom. The I.iterstweof (I.rman.v aboanfla In his tory,- sucbas thoie 'f Muller, Rch losser Karl foi Rottock,DnAr,andoöier,- whioh at prórethede ioandforuoha book, and"f urnlih model, in somede (troo.for ltsexocutlon. Bnt oven HlOBe irroat workl reBomewhatdeaeintinthatsro(i unüy whloh iÜw cliiel aun of this "Hist.'ry .)f the World " The story of ourwhoie race, fikelhatol oncli sepsr ;j8tum' lKls " a beginniag.a Wdlo.and an end.' ThtBtory we propose to follow, from itsbeginning h l,ii--i)--L.i ret.u, and from the ,lawn of civili.atioi .11 t.K' Jiit,- tbrough iflsnuccesBive Oriental Empire -the riae oí l-;i,rty ami tho pérfcetion of hcathej polity, rta, And literature in Greeoo and Rome,-th. chaiiK.. pn-erl „ver theface of the I , , the light of ohrlstianity sprang up, -the origin „„, SntappmnnceoUlioia Narbarian races which over threw both divisiont nf the Roman Empire,- the an na sof theSlates which rose on tne Kmnire'a ruins noluding the pieítiresque detalla of medieval hiatory and tlieíleaíy nj-o?reBj (.f modern liberty an.l oiviüï tion,- and lto extehewm oi these irillu'ences hy .Vu,, n.'st, colonia:! tion, and Christiau mlasïona totheromotestregionB ol tho earth In a word, as separate historie refleef the detachsd secnes of hnmai iiction and snlftring, oaraiui is to briug nto on., vio the Beveral parM which ssureor f..rm om. srea 11' Ie, rayTiBgo.nwartla, u:i.l -.- the KuManoc of lü1im 1 roTidenc, to the uuknowii eud ordained in tho Div.m purpost-s. No paina wiilbe (pared ta mak e tWa hhitory soholar hke .n inbatane and popular in jiyle. IlielU be luim -I.-.1 .m tho best auth.irilies,:,n:i1n( and modern, oriai u.-,l!l„.is,.,,,i„liiry. Tl1(.v,.sl pro ress rècèntlj mtlll, InbintoricalandcriticalinTestinali n, the rcsultBob tainedfrom Iho modern soience or ciinparativ. ogy, aud the discoyeries uhicli havp laid open new source? ..f mfofmatioo con,-i-nni,g Ihé KaM, alïur. Bnon ïacihtie a tomate the present a lit eooch foi ovr undertaking. The worK wiil be diviilcd nlo threo Perlods each oomplcteinitself, and wUltbrmEigkt Volumes in Uemi Uetarp. I.- Ancisxt HlRlhiRY, Bncre.1 aiu! from tin (-reatjrai to Iho fallof tlie Wustuin Empire, iu A. 1; 4Tli , '1 svo vo Inses. il.- Medifvai.IIistokt, Civil anti Eccleaiastical : froni the K;ill i,f tbe Western Fmpireto t!ie akingof Con otanlino ple by tlie Turks, in A. ). üg. fw0 ( o. lunes. IIÍ.- Moi.kkx KrsTOny Irom the Fa!l of tho Byiastine Kmpireto ourown Times, l'our Volumes [twülbepublished in 8 mis. 8 ,-o. l'rioe n oloth Í.50 per v„lume. Shccp, 4.50. Half Morocco $S volume 1 nfow reariy. Agents Wanted [il all jiarts of the Country. Applicationp ihould be nia.lo at oncf to tlie Publishers. D. APPLBTON & CO., gmmtf988 443 & U4 Broa.lway. N. Y r umbkr"yard! C. KftAPF, Has a large and wll stocked l.umber Yard, on JelTeron Streel, in Iho South part of tho City, and will keep constantly on hatni an excellent variety of LUMBER, SHINO-LËÖ, lath, &o% irhich will be sol.l as loiv an can beafforded in this market . Quality an.l in-ices sucli that no one need gotoDeroit. C0X1ÏA1) K(UPr Ann Arber,nee. fitb, ISiU. 9S6I1 rjn HE SES3I0N LAWS f OJR.1865 HVK ('OME AT l.AST Al.-o the fititi.-. "f the eon.sus of 1S(U. Towushi'i Clerlsa ar rtquest.d 1o s-u.l io tiieir or'lerf forthesnif B. B. POND, Cannt} Werk Ann Arhor. .iigust 17th, leuó. 3vlO22 I UMUS BAUElt & CO., o Grent Piftnu Forte und Alclocleon EMPOEIÏÏM! WAKEKOOMfe ÍS "CRÜSBY'S OPERA HOUSE," G9 WASHINGTON STREET., ISeic York Warcrootn, GöO Broadumy. Wholenile Agenta for the U. S. for WM, KMáBE & CO'S OrjI.EBRATHD. Gold Medal Piano Fortes! A to the relatWe nerita of tha0 PIANOS w wouM refer to the Certiflcates 6f Kxwllenee Ín cix pftsiesslon froto THALBERC, CJO'I TSt HM le STHAKOSCII, G. SA1WU ) VIFi'r plDlrartorof be ltalian Opera, aWfro orné of the inost distmguifl.d ProfeMtr í.u.l Amateur iu 'wr00""1'7' A" Iostrllu";"tB ?Mra.iItíl Jar fiv, AI.SO, AGKNTd FOR SOEBBÍ.ER & SMITff , BOAUOMAJV Sí GRAY, A. H. ALE &CO., Aud Otherí'lrst-Class l'iano, ofïx %'SÏ5S?3!!iï5. ness of Tune, Kay bdJ Agioeable 'Joucli , and Beautr )f imish, judges, beeu pruuuuuced unrivaiO" Particular attention jjuifl to Uie seleetion o( [lint íiuii nts íor distant ortlerb, anj a privilege of exchange granttd at nt tiims wlthfn ría mootoi, il the Instrument shouW not plcive entlrcly xati-factory - A hbiral difcounttoOleigitaea, Teachera and Scliool rerms liberal. W1IOI.KSALK DÜAI.KR8 will tipd it tu U.elr advantngetogivs us a cali, as by greatly incieasedfticilUle we are ennlilt-.l tq lili orde-rs witli disialch PeraMM in want of a RKALLY fTRaT CLASH PIANO will do wull to cali beíot purcLasing el.ewhei-tí, WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR eAMáRTJSSDHAM&CO'S (LEBK1TEU IIAKM0N1ÜMS, 1IEL0DE0ÍIP A 1.3 O FUI4 PEOBGE A. PEINCE & CO'S MELODEONS and OEGANS, Maadfactarera and Injporirs of MUSICAL ÍNSTKUMENTS ! String-s, Accordeons, Víolins, Clarinets, , Drums, Guitars, And other musical Merchandlse, Tl'o S11.VBK and riiiAss KsramrMs.of oiirniaiiufacture ar-illin,,,, 1 unión, aro uaed by most all of the óctl llanda ui tlieVnited Statea,tm ivheuever rpbihtted Uave alwaya receired the (iold Medal and huíiíki FBSUÍUM8. Havincconnection with Miun.iacturing (TouHea Ín Berlín, I.ij,8ic, Urssden, Englanfl and l'ari, mr are piepared to furniau DEALERS, liANDá and INDI VIDHLS. with every atticle in tliie lino, at the lowot manufactui-o:s: primea. KKJIEJIBEH TIIK PLACE, JÜLIUS BAÜER & C0.} 69 WASHINGTON STKEET, CHICAGO, - --- iLL) lOia Now York Warerooms, 650 Broadwaj . EAI1E CHANGE TO BUY GOODS CHEAP! i have !n store a full stock of tapio and FANGY DRY GOODS, A fullIiuBof D0ME3TICa and CHOICE GROGERIES 1 1 All pu re ha vil bÍiico tli WAR CLOSED! Ad owing to circumstanoM bey oud my control wish to make.-vu Immediate Sale of (he Stock. CASH BUYERS can for a feir woeks have goods at jus tabón fc Til El I! O WÍS PíilOES ! J. H. MAYNARD. May5th,lB65. 1007tf TQEMEMBEB G. W. & A. SNOVER'S is tho Nortb door of Grpgory'n íew Block. G.W.SXOVBR. A, MUI


Old News
Michigan Argus