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"how Shall I Get Manure."

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Site ffidupu jjpt& Shull a doctrine be proached that agrtoulture cannot sustain itself ? Tliis globe tor tho toug centuries in tho past ho.-t not refu6od to support its millions of the humnn and tho bruta croation, aud it wil! as lonsr as tinit? lasts. Csnnot vegetatiou sustuin itself? The fóütig saplings spring up on a soil that has beeu exhaasted by mau's wastefulness and careleisneeí. In a few years they cover denaely the surface soil, the roota buneb up and loosen, while the leaves obi.iin cartón from the oir and by their annual decay, furnish in a few years a lieh surfacu 'mould. Will tbis forest die out bv an exhajisted soil ? A caae I should like to see ! Must í exhaust my noigbbor's funn to keep up my own to a living standard ? Ií I do agricultura csnuot sustain itaelf. Fourteoii years ago I naovetf on to a untü exhnustod farm ; for maoy years the hay had been sold off, or the owner had teained and lost the manure on tho' road ; and lastly the pasture had baeu fed with cows, which were di-iran off tho farm and ynrded at nighfc. Such waa tho u-eneral eouditiou of things when I tdok pusse,S8tOD. The firet Fall, an intelligent and friendly neighbor called on mo and friiukiy told me that i could not live thore aud had better quit. I had fall faith in ultirnatu success. Atterthe second year I had something to geil ; I have sold hay, pork, beef aud moat of the vegetables that are usually grown on a farm ; have liiade fourteen crops of wbeat in Buooesston, without a failure. I do not state tbis iu any spirit of boasting, for if I had had tho labor I think I would have done niuch better. I have not bought over a dozen cart lflads of tuauure, all told. You will say, your farm is fast running out The crops don't look like it. Thore are others in town tbat havo iaoreased their orpps as much. But you will inquire by what means it can be aoconiplished ? A good deal is said now about tbeory, and that " we don't want theory." But a sound, corrojt theory is the sbeet-anohor to agriculture, which is governed by sure and perfect laws, which cannot ba violated with impunity. But hovr shall I get inauure ? How does the forest live and the soil inorease in fertility ? By tho falling and decay of its leaves and rotatiuu jt' cropn. When one claas dies tba soil i'a iu a eondition to support a new ciass of trees. A rotation of crops is equal to a large pile of inauure ; it is with the vegetable as with the animal, eat and be eaten ; what cno rejects another wants. Lest your readers should supposa that I am a bad economist in relation to the manufacturo and eaving of manure, 1 will say that I have from sisty to eighty os cart loads in tho year. I yard all my etoek, Bupplying loam and niuck. " But every tub on it's own bottom," is rny motto in farming, and is the only uure and sufo system. No class of people is so loth to reject old customs or the püth in which their fathers trod, as are farmers ; they ciiug to them with reHgioas veneration, honestly believing ti:;ita tunali chango írom the aystem of their fíúhers will result in the loss o.f a ürop.. Mauure is essootial and sbould ba collected and be preservad with a ifiiser'ö care, and after it is obtained ït& application is just as important as the mauuro itself; if wrongly applied, in many cases it is labor in vain. There are but few farms but tbat have all the material within tbemselves togreatly increaso the amount of their crops. A good erop well managed will lay the foundation for larger and befeter ones. -


Old News
Michigan Argus