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WHE ROOTri AND TUE LEAVE8 I JL WII.L be for the Hcalii.gul thc Niltlon LYOWS, THE GREAT AND CFXEBllATBU PBZSIC1AH f tile VIIKOAT.LUXGB, IIIÍART , J.lVl-.l! AND THE HI.OOD, Known allover thicountry as the CKLKHÜATrfl IKTIDI-A.IT IHLEiRB DOCTOE i vi 2i' üuperlor Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Willvisit tho CüUowing ulaooft, vir. .v:'!'ülNÏMK.TKl'U'K18li5, 1806 aiid 1S07. 'rof. B. .1. L.vons can bo consulted at tbc followiug lac'Ki!Yrry muiith, viz:, at ■'■ Bous, ppnaite Michigan Centra) Ltepot, uacli mu-ith, ÏSmi ü ML Kalamazoo, Burdick House, each mnnth, 18th ami 9th. Jokson,Hllt#rd House, cach month,20. Aun Arb" , Mouitor House, eacli month, íUst. rt'aluron Honsr, each mon'li; 21th. Tolrdo, 8ummit Street House, each muntli, 25th and í8t CLEVELAND, OHIO, RKSIDEN3B AND ÜFFIOE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. East of the public square, opposite the l'ontofflco. Office dj-s oL month. lat, Sd, 4th, 5th, Oth, 16.Officeh„,urrom9 A.M. tolïM.aQd from 2 I . il. to I I'. M. UntiunJay frnn 9 to 10 A. M-,and 1 tu 2 1 . M. -Maxinis.strictiy .ïdhered to- I grvo suc'1 balín aa haye no strife, Witii uutiire or thelasof üfe, Witli blooilmT hands I uever fftain, Nor oison men toease theirpai. Ucis a vhysician indeed, wko Cu.vis. The Indiantíerb Doctor, Í.J.LTOJfS, cnres rte followiug coinuiaint? in the uioat obstinate stagesof tht-ir "Di'caseiof'theThroaf, Lnag, Hert, Ó, Stomvcli .'.ropsv in tbeChst,Rheumatism, Neuralgia, lts, .„.v'ailinKÖioknens.auilallothernerTOUsdorangements. Also'aluüsoasesoftliBblood.suchasScrorulu Krysipela Cancers.Feverriores, Leproaj, andallothercomV&toSSSwtoÚ" "tended to with the "Ytiïio'prt'ibrt.o.n. willdeSpair of a cure ntil t]-oy havegiven thelndi. Krb Doctor'. , Medicine a faiandfaithful trial. B-DanO(! th. Dostor'. travel8inEurope,Wet Indie, South America, and the United r State, He ha boen the iMtrnent in 6od- hand. to retoro to Iiealth aud vigor Ihousajids who werèÈivenup and pronouncc.l incurable by the most „""tola school phyuicians; nay, more, thousands Wh„weroontho Verge of the grave, are now , ving ■noruinnts to the Indian Herb's Doctor's smll and ccèssfultrer.imeritianrea.iiyexriarmfng: '.Blesdbetheday when lirst Bw and partook of th Indian HcrbDoctor's medicine." aátí-ifactoryrcfereiicCTOf cures will be gladly and choerfully gÍTeni'hejjeverrcquired. ... .,, TheDoctor piedles his word and honor, that he will in no wi-edirectlvurindirectly, induce or cause any .nvaiid to take hl medicinewithout the trongest prob; abYMÓdeCoUf amination, wMeh ta entirelydien. fromthe facuity. Dr. Lyon profeiises to d.scerndi.ease i bv the Teye. He therefore asks noquestion nor doe, he eqnirpatientsto explain symptoms . Cali one aulall.indhavothesymptoms and location of your diseaseexplainenfree of charge. ryThepmirshallbeliberallycansiderea. 2663 LYoNgj m_ Cleveland , Ohio, Noy. 36 , 1862 1r880 . TUST OPENING! The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET PüilNITüRE ? ever brought to this city, ineluding S0FA8, TEÏE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, OHAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldings c?o1!13:3srs& METALIG CASES, &c, " c, and all other goods kept in the best and lar ;est houses totheeountoy. Weepno second hand ur.itu.eor Auctfongoodi. Coffins kept constantly n and, and made to order. My goods are offered at THE LOWEST GASH FRICES wit.ioutde.ay. q MARTIN. AnnArbor,Oct.6,1863. 025tt pBEÁT CLOSING OUT A SPLENDID STOCK OF DEESS GOODSC3-oaa.ts' FÜRH9SHING GOODS. CASSIMERES, Cioths, Satinets, &c7 DOMBSTICS, f SHOSS, HATS I CAPS, Orockeiyi aaooiiRiES, &c, Are to be aold at prices that will guarantee their sale N. B.- The largest Stoek of Calioo and ürownCotton in the City at Iess thau Manufacturor's prices. The highest pricc paid inTradeor cash ior all kinds of Troduce. MACK & SCHMID. OUTTER WANTED! I want for the NEW YORK MARKET! allthoGOOD BUTTER made in the County , for vfhich 1 will pay Casli oxi T)eliverys for eit'ner Laro or Sinall Lot. JOHN H. MAYNABD. July7th,1866. 3mlO16 FOR SALE! rf HOUSK3 AXD LOIS, WOrth from $1,000 to '2Al 85,000. Also several improved FAKMK. ' A..7.SUTH1ÍRLAND, Auu Arbu, Ptl'. IW.lSfi. ""W CompiercialAaent. OCHlLM!K'Ö PULMONIC SYROP, SEAWEED IONIO, MANDRA&E PILLS. "' ' '"" -ÍN. TIio abüve ía a correct Ifkeness of Dr. Sclicnck, just after recovering f rom Conanraption, many yearsago BeTow ír a likeness of hira as he now appears, When the fivst ivas takín ho weighed 107 pounds ■ at the present time hls weight is 220 pounds. !R. SCHENCK'S Principal Office and Laboratory ifl at the N. K. comer of SIXTII and COMMERCE StrteÍH, Fhilndeipliia where all letters forauvice or business rótoiud bttdi rected. Hewill be fuuml there every S VUJUIM Y, professionally to examine lungs wilb the ReapirometeTj fur which hieles is three dollars : al! advice fice. ín New York at No. 32 BOND Street, every TUES DAY, f rom 9 A. M. to o P. M. At tböMAHLBüRO' HOTEL, Boston, Jamiary ÍS and 19, February 15 and 16, March 15 and 16, April 19 and 20, May 17 and 1. Junel4 and 15, July 19 and '20. The time for my being m BALTIMORE amll'ÍTTSDUKG, wül be seea iu the daily papera of thoae cities. Ihe Ilistory of Di'. Schenck's own Case, and Kowke ivas curcd of Camuniption. Many years ago, wbilst rcsiding in Philadelphia, I had progressed graduálly inio the last stage of Pul monary Consumption. All hopea of my recovery beüiií dissipated. I wasadvised by my physícian, Dr. I'arrish to remove into the country. Moorestown, Kew Jersey, being my Dfttlre place, i was removed thithcr. My father and all bis family had livcd and died tliere - and dicd of l'ülmunary Consumption. ün myuiTival I was put to 1 cd, whero 1 lay for many weeka iu wblt waedeemed a faopeless condition. Thornton. wlio had been iny fathér'S family physfcian, n liad ntteuded him iñ his last lineas, waa callei! to see me. He thought my case enürely bcyond the reacliof medicine, and decided tbat I must die, and gave meone week to arrangc tay temporal nilairs. In this apparpnily ]ioj-eless eondltion, l huard of the remedies which I now make and Böll. It sccmed io me phat I couid fecl them working thexr way , and penetrating every nerve, itbre, and tissue cï my system . My luuga and liver put on a new action, and the mor bid matter vhich for years tad accumutated aud irri tated tho different organsof the body, wats elimínate, the tubercles on my lungs ripened, and I expcctoraled flrom my Innga as mucli as a pint of yellow offenelve matter everymoTnlng. As this expootoration of matter susUed, the ieverabated, the pain leftme,the cough ceasodto harasa me, and the exhausting nightsweat were no longer known, and I had rerrcshing sleep, to which I had long been a stranger. My appetïte now beg&n to ratnrn , and at times I foand it dlfflcult to rostrain mTself from eating too mach ; wïth tnis return of henlth, I gained in strength, and now am fleshj. 1 am now a healtliy man, with a larpe healed cioatrix in the muidle lobe of the right luDg and thé lower lobehepatized with complete adhesión of the pleura. The left lung is scund, and the upper lobo of the right oneisin atolerably heIUiy conditiou. CoDBOinption at that time was thought tobean incurable disease, by every one, physicians aswellaa those who wercunlcarneil in medicino- especially such cases as werc reduced to the condition I was in. This induced many peopioto bottere my recovery only temporary. I now prepared and gave the medicinen to consumptives for some time, and made many wonderful cures ; and the deniftnd inccfiased so rapidly thati determined to olfer them to the public, and devote my uudivideilattetnion to lung dlseasea. Intrutb.Iwaa next toforeed to it, for i-euple would eend for me far and nuar, to ascortain their cases werellke For many years, in conjunction with my principal office in l'hílaaelpha,ihavc beon making regular professional vibits to New York, Boston, Baltimore, and Pitt'burg. For MTeralyear paBt live made as many as fivo huudred exaroination wekly itli the "liespirometer." For such fxauiinatiun my charge is three dolJars,and it nabies me to gtve eoch patiënt the true condition of his disease, and teil hiui fraukly whether he will get we 11 The great reason why phyficians do nut cure ConsuinptiQnlB,thatthey try to do toomuch ; thoy glve m;oticines to stop the wtih, to stop the n weats, hectie tever, and by so dóxag they derange th s wbole digestiré system. lockfag up the socretions, andReventually the patiënt dies. Thé Pulmonic Syvup is one of the most valuable medicines known. It tí imtrient, powerfully lonic.aud bealltu in itsclf. It contains no opium, yet loosens the phlegni in the bronchiaï tubes, and na1 ure tlirows i.t off with UUle excLtion. One botíle frequaotlj cures an ordimiry cold; but ie will be wcll first to take a dose of Schenck's Mandrake's Pilis to èleansè tUe stomach. The Pulmonic Syrup is reac'ily digested ai-d absorbed which ii mparts {fefl lirulinjr proporties - It is one of tli h beat pj-fiparationa of ironía use ; it ha pmvtMfui tome oï ftaelf; h8 when the Seaweed Tonio dissol e the mucus In theatoSMch, and is carried ofl by the aid of the Mandrafee Pilis, a healtliy flow of gastricjuice, (roodappetitP,áBd a good digestión foliow. The Seaweed Tonio ia a sfimulant, and nooeoth.rÍ8 íMUirod wheu it is ned. i U and pleaeant; no hn eflfcfítfc liíiewlieni:a:ip:I!oni-bun wl-isky. which disovder.s tho stomach, torpor the tiver, lock.s up all the secretions, turns the blond into water, dropsy seis in, and the patiënt dieesuddenjy. Bourbon whisky is rocoramended now-a days by almost every physfclañ, Muny patieñts that virfl my room?, both male and female, are stupetieil with ths püison. The relief is témpora ry . If tl-ey QOUgb they take a Üttle whisky ; if tbey feel weak and feeble they take a Uttle whisky : f they cannot slet p, they take little whisky; and they go on in this way, roifulring more and more untll they are bloated u, and imagine theyare getüng iieshy. The utomach, liver, and digestive powers are destroyed, and loae their npiteLile for foort, No one was ever curtd of oODSaraptlo'n by this prooess, wberfi cavittea have been formed lu the lungs. A liU'o simiulant is frequentJy bem-ficial to consumptives, such as pure braqcly ot ffood wlnes : In many oases Condón porter or bi o n atoul in moderate quan-UUes ; but Bourbon whisky hastens on instead t)i curing consumption. Th Keawced Tonic produces lnstin reiute, thorouhly invigorating the stomach and digestiré system, ainl enabhng it to eliminaie and n ake into healtfay blodthe fo'oil which may bj usel for that purpore. - ltisso wonderful Ín lts elTects tbat , wiue irlafistuli will diirest a hearty meal . and a little of it taken before break&st will aire ■ tone ro che stomach which few medicine! posaess the power of doing. The MANDRAKK PILLS may be taken with entiro salety by all fges and oondiWonn, prodneing allthe good resulta thftt can be obtafned fron calompi, or any Ofthe mercurial mediciíies , :lu wiihor-t any of i!n-ir hurtful or injunons recults. They out of tho gyntem thé feeuïent and wórn butmatterslooBenedand div olved by my Beaweed Tonioand PulmonioSycnp.- It will be seen that all three of my medidnos are neetled in mLöt cases to cura CoAftampttoa. a a E n t s . BOSTON'- Ceorge C. Gondwin k Co. N1CW YORK- llemas Barnes & Ca. S. S. Ha nee. Dr. Gcorge H. Kejscr. CINCINNATI- F. E. Suire it Co., nnrl John D. Park. CHICAGO- Lord & Suiith, and H. Scovil. ST. LOUIS- Collins Brothers. SAN FRANCISCO- Hostetter, Sinith & Dean. .! ■■■,■ v ■r1i),I'.FUi!a.taiW IV...ik. je&i t"i LORENOE kff üly E?ÏMwiliiJLöB nrinmnnn ipiT at tvti jrc rhuiuunmli ílBuivío, PWTURÈS, FRAMES, THREAD, SILK, MACHINE O1L, Sfc. Tho undersigned now offers tho public TUE BEST IF .A. IE I Xu "5T SEW1NG MACHINE IKT USE. FOB DURABILITY, BEAÏiTYoJ STYL7?, and VARlETYof WORK,it "STANDS UP MikV It neeils only o be seen to be ftpprofiiatod . Runs the work boLh waTs. tiikes tour kinds of stitches, hems, fella, gathors, braitls, bind', quilta, gvíbprs arul BèWB on a mille n.t the same time. Sem trom ïhe thinncst to the frhJekest fabric witliout changing tlie stitch, tensión or needlo, or without brcaking the thiead. - "the Wonder of the World! AJio a variotv of the mest beautiful PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTUBES and FRAMES in great variety. and piotnres framéd to order at short notice. AUo.ISABNÜM'S SELFSBWER or TTJUKER, which can be íuljusted to any Sewing Machine. Cali at the sign of the FLORHNOE SEWIXG MA. CHINE, a few doors East of Cook's Hotel. Stifching Neatly Done to Order, Also,onexhibition,thecolebrated " W'EEDSEWING MACHINE," wliich took tlie lireir.ium at tho Michigan State Fair, of 1864. W. D. HOLMES. AnnArbor, Dec. SSth, 18C4. 98Utf pOODS AT HALF PEICEI GOLD IS DOWN! COÏTIW ES SOWN ! PRINTS ARE DOWN ! DOMESTICS ARE DOWN! WOOLENS A5-E DOWN ! GROÜUES ABE DOWN ! an'l now ík the time to buy your SPRING GOODSS - o - Has just opened ft complete assortrjent of DRY GOODS, Dress 6-oods? Oloths, Groceries, &c, &c, bought Hince the surremlerof Lee and the great preies. Cnll iminediïttely and examine hisstock. Ann Arbor, April, 1865. 1005 THE ONLY SURE THING. PHOTOCRAPH lalBillillffl Aa the name indicates, it not on!y rknkws the growth ot the hair Tvheu thin and falling otï, but it pofiitively bexkws the coloh to Lts original shade wlnn it is turning gray or white, whether caused by disease, grief or oíd age. It wil] certainlydo what is claimcil forit, a fact to which liundreds, nay, Ihousandg who have used it, are ready and willing to testify. Where one bottle is fairly iifiod, in nny community, its reputatioii ''spreads l;ke wild iire," and is the best aclvertisement and reeomtnendation we desire. In the Eastern Stiltes, where the-'RENKWER" originated, t is used by all YounR Ladies as a Dressing, and istobet'umd on the toilet tables ofYoung .Men, (also at thelr barbera ; (while ülder Men and Woroen will not be without it, as a réveweracd restqrative for thêirgfey locks and bald haáds, v.hich t changes to their cutiré satisfaction. Wc nre solling in the city of Boston alone, upwards of 19 ,000 botóles pEr uujulh, tho dealers giving the RENEWER the p len-nce over all otlier Hair PreparationF. If not sold by Druggists in your town,n trial boliU ill be sent to ynu by Kxnres, upon receipt of oae dollar bymail - thusgiriog youan opportunity at once for testing itsexcellcnt virtues. Orders fur Tyial Bottles, mustbe addressedto OHr genera! Agent for the Northwestei-n States. C A COÓK, Box 653, Cliicngo, 111. AH such orders wijl receivo prompt attnntion. R.P.HALL&CO., Proprietor, Nashua, N.H. SOI.D AT WHOLESALE in Detroit, by Farra nd, Slieley & Co. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit, in Chancery. Suft pending In the Circuit Court tor theCotintyoi Waahtenaw, na Ohancery. Present, the Hon. R&wln Lawrence, Circuit Jndge at Chambere, at Aim Arbor, in ihn Conntv of Wnshteuaw, on tho twenty-flfih úay of July, A. T). 1686. Jtagsie Platt, Complainant, vs. Johu S. Platt, Dcfondant. ) Tt appearing to the satisfactlon of the saitl Jndge, by anïaavil of K. E. Frazer, Solidtor for the Ooiaplainant, that John S. Platt is not a resident of the State of Michigan, but a resident of the State of Looisiana, bevond the nrisdiutlou of this Conrt : On motion of E." E. Frezer, Solicitor for the Complainant in this cause, it is ordered by said Conrt, that Bald Defemlant, John S. Platt, cause hls to be entered in this canse, and notice thereof duly serred On the Complain. ant's Solicitor, wlthiu two'months from the date of this order : And in case the Defendnnt cause his appearance to be entered, that he file his answer to Com))líiiuant's Bill, and a copy thereof be aerved on the Wolicitor for Complainant wilhin twen tv day after the service of a cotiy of said llill on said Deftendant, or on dt'fauli thereof the said Bill be taken as confessed by said Dcfcndnnt : And it is further ordered, that withln twenty days the said Complainant canse a copy of this order 'tobe pablishsd in the Michigan Argu, a public newHpnper prlBted and published at the City of Ann Arbor, in said Cownty oi Washtenaw, and that stich publicatiou 1 continu'ed ouce In each week for six suocessiTfl weeks, or that she cííuííc a copy of said ordorto be served n said Dclendnnt pereona&y, at least twenty days beiore th( linie prescribed lor said JJefeudant1 appearance io this cause. E. LAWRENCE, Circuit Judge. K. E. Fha7,ke, Solicito?, and of ConDBel tor Oomplainant. WK (Jhancery Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fuurtll .Judidal Circuit in Chaucery Suit pending i che Cito út (,'ort fui ' the County of WaeMt-naw . in Chaucery, tl.-i-y A. Polver, ") ' Antlionj Pulver. J ' It appearing i.y affidaritOled in tbis canse, thaf tlie Pcfei dunt. Aiit.'nry 'uh-.-r, is u BOD rokldect of the i y.ate. oí Michigan, ant lijat ht in a ri.sitlcjit cf the i?t of i V. rl : Dn inotibn of Joslin & UloL-et ' Solioitiir-. ümiiilniiiiint, it il cwdirert that the ' fendant, Anthony Pulver, appear and nnawer tlio Bill uf Compfaint fiïed in tbia canse, within three montl s ' frimi lh ut this crdcr and tliat in dnfu!t tbfrc Of, the said BTll Ite laken as confessed l'v him : And ' it is furttuT 'Tderel, tfmt wfthfn tirentj dafi friim the ' date of Ihl-i c nier, the Complainant cause tLboidei tu bc publiflhed 'm the Michigan Argüí, a oirüpaper : piinteU in sni.l (,'ou:.ty, and t!i-t .iiI publicatioa be ! made once in each wetik, ior six succeHsire weeks, or liatiicc]jy nl Ibis order bc servi'd on the said : fiu.liuil, personally, at least twenty daya before the ' time prefcribed for bis apiiearance ' l'ated, July ÍOth, 18t 5. 3. OARPUXTER, : Cir. Ct. Oim'r, lor Wash'w Co..Mich. Josus & BioOKj,ComplalnanfB Polloitora ' (A Uuouojiy .) TK.ICYW.1ÍÜ0T, ]Og9 Deputy Kegwter. WAR MOST ENDED I i CHARLESTON TAKEN ! ! j ËUITERMAN & CO, Being connected with one of the largest houses in New York, whicH haw betier lacillties for ' i Selling Cheaper than any other house. Are bouiad to be not j es KJ tt jb mj ior jsï: . by any establishment that now exísts. ■ Ha ving employed angxperienceil i I @Z2 fSJ TH? 'SC SÏ3 38. . direct from NEW VOIÏK OTY, who has had long experieuce in the business, we guarantee to givethe best i t SATSSFACTIOW to our numerous ■ CUSTOMEKS & STUDENTS ; 3 of the Univemty. on haad the largest stock ■ of ; i CLOTilS, CASS1MERES, VESTÏMS, i together with the siock of ! Heady-Made Clothing, ! FÜRNMG GOODSÜ; &c, &c, &c, i ] j whicli ve will Keil cheaper than any o'her J ment in the city. All ive ask is that ourfriends and Btudftritg will give usa cali and Í satihfy themdelves. M. GUITERMAN. A Co., rpi-IE GREAT CRItílS ! N". B. COLE & CO-, i have ustopened a I.ARüE STOCK of 1 BOOTS tfc SHOES, : purchascd sincethe , QREAT FALL IN GOLD ! i which will be sold at ft GREAT REDUOTION FK01I FORMER PRICES. -O- Their Stock includos the 3E-atest ÊStyles 2 ; andtheQÜAIJTYis the i I BEST IN MAEKET. - o - GIVE TUE Af A CALL before purehasing olsewhei'e. O - EEPAIRING Neatly and Promptly Done, Store West ide oí Court House Square, two doors Northof theOld Franklin. N. B. CÜI.E, A. D. SKYLEB. Ann Arbor, April, 18f5. l()06 ( Rille F act of y! Beutier & Traver, [Successorp to A . J. Sutherland,] Manufacturers of and Dealere in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition. Flasks, PouaKks Game Bags, and Every other article il. that Line. Allkindsof Joneat tlie shoitcst notio.e, and mtüebest jnanntr. a fullassni-tiuentalwayp kopt .mhn nd i mi m ík! porder ff%. Shop OoxnerMjainand Wasbingto sbwtF. iv-iafo of Wil'iani F. Lulz. ÓTATEOS ÍK rjKJAN, County of Washtenaw, fs. 1 ' At a si , i theCoimtT of i . holden at the Probate mr ie, [ , oi Ai. 11 r',(,r, o„ Wednesday, the niuth dsy of Angust, in the year one Ihousand eight hundfed and -ixty-iive. Pr üt, IllramJ. B les of Probate lii the matter of the Estáte of W'illii m F. Late, ' ■ '. Om ■ idflllngthe petitlon, dnlvveri'. ihnJacobFl '■_ ihata ceftain Inuow on flle in thls Oourt, purportiñg to lm FVB1 and Testament of sald deceased, may be admltted to Probate, nnd tliat he may bc èppointed Admiuistrator n-ith the Wil! annezed. Thereivpon it is Ordered, ü::i Mfonday, fhe fourth i Say of September next, at ton o'clock in the forenoon, ; beassigned for the hearing of eaid petttion, and thnt ' i:' ]" Mei s devisees. and heirs ai law of said deceased, and all other persone Interester! in sald estáte, are reQoired to appear at a sesaioii of p:úi1 Court, then to be holden ut the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arhor, and show canse, ir any there be, why the prayerof the petitioner ehonld not be granted : And it is further or[1 ■!■!, that said petitioner give notice to the persona inl; ■'■■ sted ■ . of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thcieof, by eau ing a copy of tM Order to be pnblished in the Michiaan Argut a newspaper, printed and drcnlating in sald Connty, three snecessive weeks previons to said day of hearing CA me copy.j 'HIKAM .1. I5EAKE.H, l"21 Jude of Probate. Real Estatü for Sale. QTATE OF MIcniGAN,Cöimtyóf Wash'tón'aw, ss 0 In the matter of the Estáte; of Lyim Pralt, of the Connty of washtenaw, In the State of Michigan, a minor. Notice is hereby given, that in pnrsoance of in order granted to the nndersigned, Guardian of the estáte of eaid minor, by the Bon. Jndge of Probate for the Connty of Washtenaw, on the flrst day of Jnne, A V 1 -i;:.. Hu ra will be sold at J'ubüc Vcndue, to the higkest bidder, at tlie late residence of Jiecker Pratt, deceased in the Townshrp of .Sylvan, in the Connty of Washtenaw, in said Wtate, on Wedueaday, the tli'irlieth day of Anenst, A. D. 1868, at ten o'dock in the forenoon of that dfty, (subject to all enenmbrances by mortae or otherwise exteüng at the time of the sale, and akosnbject to the right of dower of Isabel Pratt, widow of Becker Pratt, deceased, and also subject to the richt of dower of Cornelia Pratt, widow of Salmón Pratt, deceased, to all except the flrst two lots bclow nicntioned,) the followinir described real estáte, viz : Lots number ten and eleven, in block number thirtcen in the Villa"e of Sylvan ; the nndivided one-eixth part of each of the followtag described parcela of land, to-wit : A piece oi' land commencirit; on the section line ei"ht chamo and scventy-five links East of the South quartcr post of section twenty-one, in townsbip two Sonth of Rani-e three East, and mnntog thence North íorty-íive minutes West parallel with the quarter line' twc'utv--ix Chaina and twenty-eight links, thence North forty degrei s !■:„■.! ninc chatea and twenty-five links aloné the centre of the road, thpnee South forty-five minutes East tbirty-two chains, thoncc West along the section line six chains and eighty-seven links to the place of beginnmg, containing iwenty acres of land ; tlie North half ot the South-Bast qnarter, the North-East nuarter of South-West qnarter, and the South-West quarter of North-East quarter of section twenty-cii;lit, in townsWp two South of range three East. in the State of Michigan ; lots six and seven in block twelve, in the Vülage of Sylvan ; and that portion of lots elght and urne in block twelve, accorsling to the plat of said vil(age, lying West of the highway runnfog South (rom said Ylüage; and that part of lots six and seveo ín block seventeen rnnnlng Sonth to the Min Pond, lying West of said highway as belbre described : lots foiir and flve in block seventeen, lot one in block thirtcen, and the tand lying and embraced in William Street, between Clinton Street and the road running South from said village ; the land embraced by Livingston Street from Main Street South to the Jiill Pond; tlie land not herctofore deeded by W. S. Mtiynard, that borders on or is included in the race and old bed of the creek, in block number ïiine. and also the land lying and embraced in Clinton Street, from Main Street to the Mili Pond, being in the Village and State aforesaid. ISABEL PEATT, Guardian. Ju'.y Sth, 1885. 1017 Keal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss IJ In the matter of the Estáte of Eli Kigss, of the County of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuauco of an order granted to the r.ndersiirncd, Administratorof the estáte of said dfceased, by the Ion. Jndge of Probate, iör said County, on the hm! day of July, A. 1). i$r,, there will be sold ai Public Vendue, tq thé bighest bidder, at the dwelling house ou the premisos, in said County, on Tuesday, the twenty-ninth day of August, A. D. 186S, at two o'clock in the ai'ternoon of that day, (subject to all enenmbrances by mortgage or o; i ttie time of the dealh of said deceased,) the foll described real estáte, to-wit: The nndivided half of a parcel of land commencing seventeen and a half rofls North of where the Case Koad intersects the Chicago Road, in section twenty in tow;.' range live Last, and in the centre of sftid ■ running thence North twent; West, to the Dell Bitch. thence North and Wei above named nnmber of degrees, and along tiie centre Une of Baid dltch to a stake in said ditch, on the West half of the South-West quarter of secrloñ seventcen, and oue hnndred rods and siz-teatba i :' a red froro the centre oí' said Chicago Koad, ranning thence North twenty-one degrees Bast to a stake i?; the centre lino of said section seventeen, v. hicfe Btafce is afty four rods East of the quarter stake on the V.'e-i side of said secuon si venteen, thence West to the North-West corner of Ihe East half of the Soutii-East qimrter of section sighteen, same town and range, thence South aloug the West side of the above described eighty acres to the Soath line, thence Kas:, along the said South line to the section corner, thence South a est line of the West half of the North-West qnarter of section iwenty to the Chicago Eoad, thenee North-easterly along the centre of said road to the place of beginning, containiug one hnndred and thi. f land, more or less, in.thc Township of Saline, and State of Michigan. ANBEEW W. RIGGS, Aaministrator. Datcd, July 8a, 1n',.-,. tflü . Eeal Estáte for Salo. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. O In the matter of the Estáte of Bidwell, late of said county, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursnance of an order grahtedto the nnderagnéo, Administrator of the estate of said deceased. by the Hon. .ludge of Probate, for the Coiuitv of Washtenaw, on the tnirteen of June, A. L). 1865, there will be sold at Public Ven ü.ie, to the !.i:!u s: 'eH lerj ;■■ : house on the , in said County, on arthday nber, A. U. 1868, at two 'öock i i th ■ noon of that day, (■■■ he rigit af dower of Mary J. Bidwell, witlow of said deceased, aud also subect4o all othcr encnm ■ eltbet by mortg ■ ï;ter-, : e ezisting at the time of the dcath of paid teeaaed,) the followlng described real estáte, to- rhe West half of the North-East quarter of section thirty, in townshïp ouo South of range seven East, MBtalning olghty acres, more or less, to the State ot Michigan. GE0EGE SIJTTON, Adminiftrator. Dated, July i"th, ifia. lois Estáte of Jaiv-b F. Kot;h. ■TATE OF MICHIGAN, GoajnrYO Wi shsskatk, ss. O Notice is hereby given that by an order oí" the Proliate Court of the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty-seventh day of Ju'ue, A.l). 136B, six nuuilhs from Lhat date were allowed for creditors to preeent thfir claims against the estáte of Jacob F. Êoch, late of said County aeceased, and thai all creditors of said deceaaed, ire required to present thelr claims to said Probate Oourt, at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arhor, for examimition and allowance, on or before the twenty-geventb day of December next, and that snch Jaims will bc heard before said Probate Court, jn Saturday, the ninth day of September, an on Weduesday, the twenty-seventh day of December uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, of each of those II1RAM J. BEAKES, Judgo of Probate. Dated, Anu Arbor, June 2Tth, lSiiö. 4wlO21 __ Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Colxtv of Wasutbn.vw, es. 3 The undersigned haviug been appointed by the Probate Court for said Counly, Commissioners to receive, ( 3xamiue, and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of John Avcry, late of the Xownafilp of Saline, in said County, deceased, hereby Lrive notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court. tor creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased. aud that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased, in said County of Washtenaw, on Friday, the third day of November, and Wednesday, the seventh day of Fehruary next, at ten o'clock'in the foreuoon, of each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. WmBXUXtWOm, } Commissioners. Datecl, August Tth, 1S05. 1021 ANN ARBOR WOOLEN rVSSLLS Are now ready to furnish partiea with all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS! And will KXCHANGE (JOODS FOE WOOI,. Persons furnisliing tbpir own Wool, can bare it . MANUFACTURKU hito anj KINK OF (iudjis they shonse,at SH0 :T NOTICE. Also, part ioularattentlon will be given to CARDÍ.-VG OF ROLLS ! Tlii'ir Mills n re all Bupplled withnew machín ery of the bestand most approred patteros. TOMLINSON & BEN'T. Aun irbor.Minh. May 9th. 1865. 12vl008 TTER MIRR0E MAY öati-sfy :i lady Uaat hw dresa is faultless, but 95e invest ed in i "Spanish Rouge," for polislnDg Silverware and mstftlfl of iill Kinds, will i add more to tbc Nright and cheerful appeiiraucc of . hor happy home thnn one hundiEwl dollars expended in i ïiew ware. LADIÜS gtrB Itone triil, and you will join vith us in s;i yins: tbat it improe.s the appcarance of your ] l'.irs and Kitchena one hnndred per centF"i- furthi-r partfeulars we léftr you to our ' ti smient in Deti'oit itily Pi AVALIiACE & KKLSO, i Wfltrn Wiiolrsale Agents, Merrill Etlock, corner Woodward and ieffeuaa Avtnues, Detroit, Utchtau. TLBLINL k V11S0K, Agcnts, Ann Arbor. SiulOlS E-:Í!if( (.1 Sarah M. Tato. CTATl cbttofWj O Al a suíswh uf thu ' a ,v, holden al of Aun '.. . the íourtei oth , , % gu, i,:u llio ycar nne thousand eight taudredmd1 Pro.--, ni Hilara J. Bi altee, Jndge ot I'rnlMi ín fus matter oi'thc Estáte of Sarah "i r I;, deOn nviriim: nnsl flling the petition, rtnlv m , Wiilii.m'; . Umi he mnv he ■'.,;. , V "' ni rator uf ttfi estate of said doceK ThereQ]ou it is Ordered, that Monday, thé i„ em erncxt, ut ten o'clock in the for,, CTeaSl hearing of said pctitioa ?,,!i ,?■ anea, and al] uv," c'th'"h are reqnired lo nu,'!' '"'■ bíou of said Court, then to be holden ■i. L" Ónice, iu ti i I . ofAimArbor, and show can JT therebo, v.-hy the prayer of the petitioner "hu "' begranted: And 't is further ordered, tht3SíÍP renotice to the persons interen, tote, of th i ofsaid pctlüoi tliercof, l.y causing a copy of this Order to 1 c mSS in the Mi . a newspaper, printed ,!, i latine in said County, thrce siuxessivd , to saíd Say of hearing. " IWWj (A true eopy.j IIIRAM .1. BEAKPs lfta J"dKeofjU, Estáte of Ferrand Gabes. OTATE Üï MICHIGAN, Cw.mï mIVjmi;,!., O Ata Hession of the Courl for thnrin Washlenaiv, huldtnat (he Probate Office i,?,'"1,"' of Aun Arbor, en Tharsday, tte tentti aa „y , "J in the year one thousand eight hnndred and hiW Present. Hiram J. Iíkakks, Judge uf Probate ■ cc-i'i'i'" m&tter "f tl10 estate of ftlraul Caiaw i(, On readipg and fllinpthe peütion, duíy Teriilj . Sarah Gaine, piaying that a certain SS1 mentnow m Ulein this Court, rurportio to i .? lastWill au.HV-stamcnt o) said deceastí -1, I "♦ mitted t.j Probate, and that sho may bo"i,„-. Kvcut.ixthiTe-f. " "fl"tl Thereupon it is Ordered, ihat Monda? the 1111,1 of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenw„7 ..tened for the hearing of said petition, M? the legstee, devisees, and Letra at law of uT cea i. ■MiJailotherpersoninteresteding,i,le'.ï are reqmred to appear at a se.sinn of sai,l Court a' to be hol.len at the Probate Ofliee, in the Citr of 1 Arbor, and show cause, it any thfrebe wliü' prayeroftho petitioner sliould not í e erantéd , it is futlhor ordered, that sni.l pentioijereive 1 'c the persons intereitted in faid estate, or thc pen d Ï of said petition, and the hearing thereof bvei,,,' a copy of this Order to be publiehed in thp'MiS -írH, a newspaper, printed and circnlat,le in JÏÏ County, three suceessive weeks preí ious to riidj. . hearing. ' '0I (A truc coi.y.) HIBAM J. BKAJOJ) 10221rt Judee 01 p,0batej Estáte of Harriet L. Brig " CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cototy oï WMtB„ S A!." sessin f the Probate Court for theCountVlr Wíishtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iothppit of Aiiii Arbor, on Tiicsday, the iirst day 5 AniJ. in the year one thonsand wVht hnndred and fKtrte Preeent, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndee of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Hairlet L Biui Onreadingand fling the petition. duly verñ .1 FannyLcach ana Aune GBes, Athr.i'nirtnton rfiS Estate of f aid aeceaseo, praying tLat theT mar bel" d"'í' 'pSe cevt"iu real estate whf re f e:litl cej Thercupon it is Ordered, that Wedi esday thc ti teenth day of September next, at ten o-eloefc inSl ?,ao.n.Vb6ííi-si"uf:J lor 'i"5 .hepg of said 1 etitiw, m that rl e heirs :tt Iawof eaid decea.-ed, and illothiFtv sons Itítereated in eaid i etate. are required to .mie a Beesion of .-lid Court. then to be holden at thePnbm Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show ciim.ii any there be, why the prayer of the petiiionerhB ranted: And it is further ordered, tbitaM ■ 9 s;ive Lotice to tfce pertons imereit-diniiid the pendeney of said petition, and the haí. of, by 1 ■ sing a copy of this Oricr lo k pxiblished in tne Mi higan Argvs a newspaper, pmW ncl circnlating in said County, four successíve íreeki previona to said day of hearing. fAtrtiacopjr.) ' HIEAM J. EKAKFX 1020 Judge of Probate. Estate of Frederick C. Neubling. STATE OF MICHIGAÍSr, Coi v,-y WASarm a A', 1 sea-tion of tho Probate Court for tr uiantr of iw, hoMen at tlie Probate Office, ií the Ctti oí' Aun Ariwr. mi Wednesday, tlie seconj te of Aigast, in the year one chousainl eight lüuuWiiiJsiil;Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate In the matter oí the Estate of ï'rejeri C.SmU - o, duly vcriíe4,( -Jo-h-n jSeubiin;, praying that h' may ie aupomai Ailministraíor on the 1 liddecéased. Therenpon it :- Ordered, that louday, the laj. eighth diy of Angnst instelt, at t.'ii o'clockinüiel noon, ;;- , nUl petition, nt that te fcoirc at i.iw oi 1 d, and II otba are required to appeiril . 1 ■■ nf Aon Arbor, and show candil ie p itionersMI anted: Aud it is further ordared, Altai petiüoner persons interestej taaü estate, oí'i.: ■ -. f said petition, and liKbmx thereof, bj causiüg :i cojjy of ihis Ordeno : ' hii'an Ai-gim, a newspaper, printed ai tirculaöng In said County, thro wiibvit'-us to s;iii day of hearin"-. (A true eopy.j UiEASt J. BEAKES, 1020 Judge ofPrcSute Estáte of .Dowdell - }.I inore. STATE op MICHIGAN, Coi íejaw.K Al asession ,-,,:í for the Coniítj of Washt, . .te Office iaítíCitji 1 roor, 01; Vcí::k sday, the second dsj oí' Athe year one thonsand eight hundred soJ jixty-flve. u, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of ProWe. In the matter of the ■ .hn DoffdeH Kobert P. DoHdel), and Terressa DowdeU, roiierí. XAae! Cowan, Guardian of said . ■ . ' u Court i ' . prepara! to ronder hi ñnal acconnt ae sueh. Uua- Lpon It U Ordered, that Tnesday, thc teentrnintllday of August inst., at ten o'tíoek i'ntheíorenooif, ■ :"i;" UTíd allowñig íicl accoant, :■ ■:! that the neit bf kLn of sdd Eiinors, ani othe persona uitereste 1 in eaid estele, are ■ at a session oí' said Court, then tote the ('rollare Office, in the City of Aira Arbor, . :uid show cause, if fiiïy tlicre be, wf ucconut shotild not be allowtd: further orderet', . a .:ire noiice I persons interésti estáte, oí the pe ndeney of said acconnt, and the hcarinsr thereof, bycáusiní:awpy rder to be published in the Michjqan rpfi} ted and circtilating in e3ÍdCoiioty,iSW ■ s previous to said day of hi (Atraecopy.J HIRAM J. BEM1020 Judge of Probite. Estafo of James Vanderbilt. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of AVa ; O At a Bession of the Probate Court for the CotJ Wnehtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlce, in the 01) of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the 20th day of July, s tlie year one IJionsand eitít hnndred and iity-fiye. Present, lliram J. I .f Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of James Viudal deceased. Caty Vanderhilt, Kxrcntrix of thelastn and Teetamení of said deceased, comes intoCoarunfl 3 thai she is prepared to render herfit account as such Executrix. „h Thereupon it is Orde-'ed, that Monjay, tm" . at ten o'clock inthefonm be assigñed for examining and aliowiiig " account, and that the legatees, derisee lieirs at law of said deceased, and ali other f sous interested in said estáte, are required taPPS!J Kion ofsaid Coort, theu tobe holden at the B" Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, 11 said Como." show cause, if-miy there be, whv the Miid.iecountfW" not be üllowed: And it is further ordered, tii"! Kxecutrixffive notice to the persons interesteoffl" estáte, of the pendeney of said account and the ' int' thereof, by causing iv copy of this Ordn to eP"J lished in thc Michiuan'Argm, a newspaper, P1': circulatlng in said County, thrce sncoessive weet'P'1" viona to said day of hearing. (A trae copy.l HIRAJf J. BEAKE& 1020 " Judge ofProbute. Estáte oí Patrick Cojle. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wfl""'i?5 O At a session of the Probate Court for the CWWJ j Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office a '}',„, Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the Iirst day w,5?" in the year one thousand eight hundred sai" ' Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Juoge of Prowe. In the matter of the Estáte of'Patrick Cojie, ceased. ..j o On readiiür and flling the petition. á'ily vera Morgan O'Brien, praying that a certain Inï!.r: f] on file in this Court, purporüng to be tbe last "' Testament ofsaid deceased, may be aamtu i bate. to-pntr Thereupon it Ís Ordered, that Monday. tmr'(, eighth day of Angnst instant, at teu o'clocí ro nöon, beassignéd for the hearing of said P''"1.,',!, t hat the légateos, devisees aud heirs at huv ' íaf. sed, and afi other persons interested to saiow wj, reqiüred to appear at a session of said Court, tn hulden ai lite Próbate Office, in tlie City of Ann aud show cause, it' any tuero be, why ihc. 1'. petitfoner shonld not be granted: And "''oW ordered, that said petitioner u'ive notice to ti j. interested in said 1 state, of the pendeney 01 "ƒ,$ tion, and the hearing thereof. by cansing "t Order to be pnblished in the ifü-hitjnn tr0 0 la]er, printed and circulating in sflki ( i -e weeks previous to said day of oSS' (S' ""llíAl,ijagrg Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, defmilt has been made ia the co1 of a certain Indenture of ': A.P. exectited on the twenty-third day oi Petffl 1848, by Peter I'. Kanouse, to me, the "'j m which Mortgage was duly recorded on the 1 ",.,,,, of Decembcï, aforesaid. in Liber So.l ofM on page 1G. iu the office of the Kegister ot 1 jna Mortgages, in and for the County oi V"ienl State o? Michigan; and, whereaè, there ífi"'.. tM nnpaidonsaid Mortga.KO and Noteaccomj same, the (rum of $'-'70.88; and, whl:., „i ti proceedings at law or eqtilty has been tasu ''ereM cover the same, or any part thereoi : "J' .ior' notice is hereby giveni that, by virtiie 01 1 ,,„,.(, eale in said Mbrtgnffo contained, 1 ?■"' Vz nel Anction to thehisjhest bidder, on Sai l"V.liJ(l?' day of November next, at 12 o'cloek, -;■,,,,,;, at the front door of the Circuit Conrt Honse, . lh, of Ann Arbor. in said County of " '!,. Il premisos described 1" lid llort.agc '■" East half of the Sou h-M'esi Qnarter il'. ' f mst of Section No. 4, In Township N". i Son' Ko. OEast, the wild pnmises iieiic: -" ' ■'; ,,,ii' :hhI situateci in the Ctouuty of W'ashJenaw, '■ DttOd.Angattl0tb.lS HlWS,lpfj j Moom & Giurrji.-, AHorneys for Song1"1


Old News
Michigan Argus