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The Number Of Battles

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ber oí' Lmttles duriug tho late war, is given bv n exohange, who, we think, undorsuites the number at two hundred and fifty-two. Of these, the soil of Virginia drank tbo bloüd of eiyhty-nino, Tennessee witnessed thirty-seven, Missouri twenty-tive, Georgia twelvo, South Carolina ten, North Carolina oleven, Alabamn Beven, Flcrida fivo, Kentucky fourteen, the Indian ïerritory and New Mexico one eacb. Ouce the wuve of war rolled into a Northern State, nad Lruke id the gi-eat billow of Gettyeburg. Of the ïattlea onuinerated, sixtecn woro I uuval engagement s. - llidhmond Whirj. fi2L"BlvÁKi) B. Ketoiiüm, tria of swindlers and forgers, aml of cours the lion of Wall Street, was arrestad nu Fridíiy evening fat., at No. 223 West Tvventieth Street, N Y., where he vvas board ng uuder tlie asemned ñamo of C'.Ll. LoviíYrof Oincinnati, Oúio. lío reporta that lre h uot bceu out oí I he city, and that lio has boen on the stieuts every day, sponding ono day at Central Pluk. In lus pocket was foutid G7 foFgcd gold certifica! esr nud in that i.' tiavfcling valiso, in a bureau, $49,000 loghl tenders. Ho takes Lis anest very eoolly and scema to antioi[nite no voiy ecrious resulta. Ho lias reciuveá his ñithor, vvife, and faraily, and all aro roporíed recouciled to bim, ihough lio cxpressfcs fjeitbcr eontri; ion nor regret. Ditrict Attornej Hai-l bas lodged a complaint against liiin, for forgery in tho tbird degree, in which lie incidentally states that private par lies decline to prosecute. Pending ex nminaüon, ha ij holding state at the Tombs. ïhero is nothing like doing the " big tbing." Wholeealo ewindIers, - excuse us, financiers, - and railraad and steamboat murderers go froe, while if a poor devil steals a coat or loaf of bread, or turna common bighwaymen, be is sure of Sing Sing or soino other tight spot. rT Ilon. MoNïtiowiuiï Blair made a speech xt Clarkosville, Maryluud, on Saturday 'nst, in which he opeiied henvy guns on Seyvard, Stanton, and Holt, cbarging thetn all with complioity with tho laat acts (f Buchfinan's adiuioistration, and witb being then, and up to the fali of Sumpter, in favor of "lettiog the Uniou elide," and witb being now opposed to any restoratiou of tho Union. It is a scatbiug review. B&T A terrible railroad collision 00ourred on the Long Islaud railroad on Monday fore-uoon last. One passonger train left the station ton minutes in advance of timo, aud at ful! epeed ran into an approacbing train, literally detnolishing the two engines, s:iiasliiug the aars, killing several persons, and horribly mangling oihers. Tho details are hoart-sickening. " Nobody to blarno." How long is sueh rocklessness to bo tolerated ? The citizons of Adrián aro making ready for a great rush at the coming Stato Fair, Sept. 19-22. Tho track bas boen completed, and is Paid to be tbe best half-mile traekin thoUuited Statea. Tbe necessary buildings tue fast being fiaished, and are largo and commodious, Tho hotels aro enlarging their accommodations, aDd private houses are to bo thrown wide open. (Lp Gen. Goo. W. Morgan bas been nominatod for Governor of Oliio, by the Demooraey. Tho platform on whioh he ruus will be found ia another column. IIon. Josepii Howard is ngain the Democratie oandidate for Governor of Maine. We published last week the platform ou whieh he stauds. C=p Tho Wellington National Bank, Wellington, Ohio, was robbed on Monday night last, tho robber taking from $70,000 to $100,000 in governrnent bonds, all special deposita, but considately touehing nothing belonging to the bank. A singular diieriminalion. L3ST We eso it stated tb at Prof. Andrew D. White has declined tho offer oí tho Presidency of Antiocli College. We should have regretted his acceptanoe, as it would neeessarily terminato2 bia connection vvith the Michigan University. t Gov. Bkougii, of Oiiio, died on Tuesday afternoon last. II o had been seriously ill for somo timo, and tho fatal tormiuation of lus disuase was not unospected. lsf The trial of Wjsetz, koeper of tho Andorsonville prison, ia now progressing beforo a militar}' cotnminsion ( at Washington, and the evidence develi ops a hoi-rid state of facts.


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