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Annual Report For 1864--65

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The Board of Trusteos of School j 1 Distlict No, One of the City oj Aiiü Arbor, submit tbu followtugf report for i the iSchool Year enJiiig September 4tb, ! ÍSO : RïCBIPW. rom balance at date rv last report $1.263 12 'l'om tax soled for aa.1arles of Teachers 5.(100 00 Yora tax voted to jiay interest onBoiids .... 90125 ïrom tax voted for Fualj Iiepahs, Insurance & rhcidentals 2 L00 00 'rom tas voted for School House ir, 3rd ffard 2,000 00 'rom two mili tax ','li 35 j'roiu l'riinary fcüehoul Fund 075 30 ?rom tuition - non-resident puiiila 1,351 75 ffoïn luHion - resident pupils--l:ii:guages and, drawiiijp 202 50 ■"rom intérest on Insurance Scrip 4 20 Yoin Catalogues sold... 150 ïotal Receipts .$iT,002 03 EXPENUITUIUCS. Paid Salan-ira of Teachers ?9,285 00' Paid Bonds due P'eb' lat, 1865 2,037 50 'aid interest due on Bond Feb. Ist, 1865. 051 25Paid for Furnituro, Iiepairs, aii Incídentals 1.1Í7 92 ?aid fov Fnel, including bill outstanding nt dato of last report ... 1,681 53. ?aid care of 8. Houses.. 5(!7 50 Paid Insurance 196 26 16,476.00 Balance in Treas'y at date, $525 07 It will be fiecn by the above state ment that the Board has not yet expended any moneya in the erection of a Sehool House in tbo Third Wmd, for Vïhich purpose S3000 were appropriated in 1863, aud 02000 't 1 864. The Board found th-it buitding material liad advanced to sucb prices daring the Fall and Winter of 1864 and 1865 that b-ad it purebassd a lot last Fall or Spring, and entered upon'the work of building, tbe amount appropriatod woafd uot bavo aecured such a House as both the wante and interesls of the Ward demand. Ii was, therefore, daeraed advisablo to wait annther year bioro cnmmenuing work, and the present pnces ot naterml and tho iadicationa.-of the future are euoh aa to prove the delay a wise one. Oí the 5000 appropriated as above statcd, the sum of 82,200 was expended in tüking up the Bonda of the District wbieh feil due February Ist, 1864, (as roported last year,) and the further flum o.f $2,637.50 in paying Bonds due Peb. lst, 1865. T!3 amouut may be replaced by th issue of new Uonds vvbeneyer the money is needed for the oiiginal purposo for whioh it was raised, or by another tax ii this meeting sliall 60 direct. In oither case no loss bas accrued to the Ward or DUtrict, but on tbe contrary a considerable sum has boon saved in interest. The balance of the building appropriation, $162.50, reniains in the Treasuror's hands. ïhe Board would also report that it ha? boen uuable to agree upon a site for the Third Ward School House, and that, therufore, no purchaso has been made. - Several sites have boen undor consideration, viz : tbe four lot on Main Street, Block 3 JSTorth oí Hurón, runuiug throngh to Sccoud Street; the Soapp lots ou Hiseook's Addition ; and the Oodfrey grove kta, oa Miller Avenue. The seleotion of a site ig referred to this meeting. If this meeling preferp to reimburse the Third Ward building fuud by the issue of B'jnds, it is competent, undcr the timendcd school law of the last session of the Legislature, to authorizo a loan direotly fat that purpose, whioh tbe Board would recommend as preferrabio to issuing Bonda under the resolution oí last year. Or, if deeined advisable, a portion of the amount tnay be provided for by tax. The outstanding bonded debt of the district, exclusive of tbe amount of Bonds taken up by tho tomporary conversión of tho Thh'd Ward building rifoneys, is as follows : Date due. Principer Amoun pal. cent. Interest. Feb. lst, 18G6, 2,250 9 202 50 Fob. Ist, 1867, 500 i 9 45 00 Feb. Ist, 1867, 3,000 10 300 00 Feb. lst, 1808, 2,000 7 140 00 $7.750 $687.50 Of this amount, th'a meeting must provide for the payment of: Bonds due February lst, 1860: 2,250 00 Interest duo February lst, 1866.... CS7 50 $2 937 50 To pay whicb, the Board, bolieving that it is tho truo policy of tho district to get out of debt, ritnews its aunual recommendation that a tax be voted. As the erection oí a new School House in the Fourth War] must itnmediatcly follow the completion of the one in the TLird Ward, the Board would reoommond that this meeting authorize the locution and purchase of a site for a Pourth WTard House. Itcan be done now more economically than at a future time, and perhaps more satisfactorüy, as the vacant lots of Buffioiont size, and in central locations, are fast being occupicd and improved. Tho location of a eito íd the Fourth Ward may also aid iu ■ iolvirg I he vaxed cpentioii oí t site fot I ttie Third Wrd. I Wlitu! these two new buildings are ! erectod, tho Gratnmar öeljoul, now i orowded, - ánd froai whieh :11 dod j dent pupila aro excluded, - inay bo lieved by raiging the grade of thu Ward i Schools. The flolïowMig atatisticS) abstracted ftom the aiiuual report of tlie Superintendent, will show tfee prosperous coudition of tho several schools for Ihe school year just closud : Por S"holarbar. Cent, sliip. In High Sciuol, ;;oi ,o 9.4 É 1 Gramnmr Seiiool, 2G4 915 6 9.3 ín lst Waid School, 40á 815-6 In 2d Ward School, 315 85 Iu 3d&4th W.Sohool 848 8G ín 5tíl Ward School, fè'a bí Total attoiiilance, 1820 Kumlterof uon resident sobolars, 111. Iu ugo, tho 1820 euroütjd sshül.ira rnay be cbwified as folio wa : Bet ween 5 and ïü ycars 804 lff " 15 " 685 " 15 " 20 " 296 Over 20 " 3G The per centago of attendance, cspecially in the High a.nd Grarnmar Schoola, the Board feola assured wilí comparo favorubly vvith any otlier School in the j State; bot in the Ward Schools there is a wide margin for improveinont. It is hoped that every departraent and ! grade will bo able to report aa inoreased par cent of atteudance the coming year. PtlDCtuality and rogularity are -rirtues to be dosirod and applauded in every avocatión and profesaion in life, and children ehould certainly bo tauí;ht to practico tliom frora the day they becorao scholars until they go out frora the High School, he CoHege, or tho University, into the avenues of business. For no trivial exeuio slio'il'l a boy or girl be porniitted ,0 be absent from liis or her seat for a day, or taidy for the fraction of anhour, or tho tardy or absent soholar not only wrongs himself, but retarda the progresa of a whoíe elasa. The rules isade, and sought to be enforced, req.uiring puoütual and regular attendaneu on the part of scholars, are not the off spring of a desire to assuvne a control that bolongs to p-íirents, but aro mado wiihsolo reference to tho best interest of scholars and schools. The Board, therefore, again asks the co-operatiofi of parunts in securing the highest po-isible standard of punctuality aud regularity. Schodule A, accompanyíng this report, isa statement of tho salaries paid Teachers during the year ending this day. Schedule 13 is an estímate sheet of the receipts and expenditures for tho coming year. 'Iho number of persons in the district between the ages of 5 and 20 yparp, as determined by tho census just taken is The terms of offico of threo Trustees, Meears. W. C. Voorheie, II. D. Benuett, and E. B. Pond, expira with tho current yuar, and it is incumbent upón the annup.l meeting to eleet tbeir sucoessors. All of which is respectfully eubmitted. By order of tho Board of Trustees.


Old News
Michigan Argus