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Boston Wool Market

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Tlie wool uiarkot has rulud i ively quiet durkig the last weu!;; tliouL ! bc unpi'öCtUentodly ;irgo truntactiotiB Jins far, Binco the openiag of tho Kdasoii, iruy wt 11 warrant littla pause, by way of titking breath, in the ru-li if i trado. Oousonrëra ave koopiug shady just at present, watcFffug Üio New ïork auction gules, and wuiting, peihups. fu" a botter Relection offiue domosticstaple, which wil! driubtless ba prosentod it a later period ut' the seaaoo. Thuis far, tbcy have had " l'obsuri's choice," and ' been gliid to tako whatover they could gut ia the shapo of wool, wliilo tho Oluo and Pennsylviinla farmers havo been holding their cl)8 at pi ices which the easteru markets would not sustain. A largo propoïüod of tij o inferior grades of wool, of the new clip, have beeu worked off und goue iuto consumption at an unusuaily early stage of the season, and the best is yel to ooine ; though the cost to consumera is s'.ill problei;;titical. It is estimntod that, wliilo nearly all the erop of Michigan, and at least two th-irdd oí' the Westüiu uid New York State, (.which, witï; the Vcniiout product, ia usually the last to bo taken, and unaalaable üli ncarly the elose of the soaaon,) have already been consumed or passcd iuto commercial channelu, uot over oue-fourth of the Oiiio clip, and a atill less proj)orton of that of Peuusylvauia nnd West Virginia, ljas as yet beca msrketed. Those choice aud full Ijlooded Vvoola are stiü held by growers at prices equivalent to 80c and upwards, laid down hero ;. aud tho small lots, bought up early in the seaaon, which have already found their way hither, aiford little or uo margin to dealers or consiguees. Tho receipts of Western and New York staple have been very liberal of late, and the oiarketis well stooked with these descriptions. liut thoso buyera who count upon pricea settling down under au accuuiulation oí etoeke, will most likely bo disappointed, if gold kolds up at the present ratea. Moreoyer, it ia probable that the bulk oí wool thus ïdt cootracted for, or thatean be moved from first hands at marginal prices, has already como forward ; and that unless buyers and sellers in the country cao eomo to torras, tho reoeipts must speed ily bogin to f all off. If the present quiescent state of trado should continuo iwo or three weeks longer, it is barely possible that a sharp buyer might gain a little adwantagB by industriouslv caüvassing the market ; but just cow there are no holdors who are iiiclined to press Bales at a conoession. The New York auetiou salo oí 300,000 Ibs Ohio fleece, of last yoar's erop, tidvertised to come off ou Wednesdav, lumed out to be anolher -fiiizle. ïboro was no spirit inanifested on the part of buyers ; and after a few sample Iota knooked down at 60a70o for waehed, and 48caS0o for unwa's'ied, tho sale was suspended. The fact is, the offoring consisted of very undosirabla and i!l conditioned lots, mostly rejxieted s'apte aeparatcd in the procesa of dolaining; and it is the opinión of good judges that the full alue of the artielo was bid. With a general knowledgo of tho eircumstances obtaining among tho j trade, this failure can havu no dopressing effect upon the markot.


Old News
Michigan Argus