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Indian Depredations

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Fort Laiíamie, Aug. 25. - Advioes from Gen. Connor's Powder Iliver Indian Kxpeditiou are to Aug. 21st. On tbe löth, a dutatohment of his Pawnco scouts diseovered, pursued and killed all of a war party oí üheyonnes, uurn. bering twenty-four, wbioh was returning from tho mail road wilh scalps and plunder. No loss on our eide. We oaptured twehty-nino borsea and inules, a quantity of white women's and cbildren's clothing, two infautry eoats, issued at Laramio last spring to Indians, wbo subsequcntly killed Gapt. Foules and four soldier of the 7tb lowa Cavaliy; aleo a mimber oí letters and papara addressed to tbe 7th Michigan regiment, now on duty on tho mail road, whioh shows they were direot from the mail lino. On tho 2Otb, the scouts killed one of tbc principal cbiefs of the Clieyennos. Ou the 2lst, Captain Marshall, of the llth übio Cavalry, ran into a band and killed two and capturad twonty borses and mules, together with several packs of plunder, whicb luid evideutly coma iuto Ibeir possession recently. No loss on our side. The Indiacs were all moving north with great rapi dit; for thoir villages. Gen. Connor left Powder lliver on the 22d, moving uoith, coucL'titrating bis columua, roady aud eager to meet thora. A piano played by sLeaiu-, is on exbibitiou iu I'aris.


Old News
Michigan Argus