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1 ■ENOERïT IYIÏA bo rereivid p to Satftrdtiv P„t,_, r..rbui,h, ■ a., ,., h Ë emití, i,;;!,'1'', Mld ïpeciliuwtioiis can lo seca at the i.fficeoi w9 '1 he CouiinitRe ieí.cr vo tbe liiihl to reihpf . _ . IBD of ïuüri,. K Ucil]j Anu Arboi,,Aug.ï9th,18aS. -wlO'4 Estáte of Joseph F. JenrihiiÑ " OTATE OI-; MIUUIGA K, Ootrw. ■ o Wao, 1' O At a sobúon of the Prob , ror j, 'ENl-.a. Wasktemiw, holden al the I'nbak ui;, „ií"'-"0' of AnuArbor, oii Wciüuaday, the üúvúab'Z „f !"J ■ . , uil j ear une thous imd eight hunared imaílih! Present, Hiram .1. Bcakes, Judgo uf Probut Iu th nmttar oí the Estáte of JoseíA i' j,",,,;, O,, reading and filiny the petition, duly veriflii Maria E. Jennings, praying that she or sum ". uitabte person may be appoinieU Adiaiiúata,:?"1' lie estateof said deceaeëd. "' Thercupon it is Ordered, that Monday the t-„ . fth day ol September mat, at ten oVhík in Vht r r" oon, be asKijrned fur the hearing of raid netía , hat the heirs at law of said üoceiised, and al "á ons lntersted n uaid estáte, are reaaircd to ' pw' session of said Conrt, thcu to be holdeu ut theKf " Oili.-e iu the City of A„ Arbor, and Cft i.y mere be, v.'.iy the pvayer of the petitionersffií utbegraoted: And it is further rdere, tÖ, eútítia ce to the persons interStedhS state, ol tne pendeney of said petition, and thc h. hereof, !y cautiug a copy of this Order to be nSS , ti,e Mictim Argur, a newspaper, priiitwí ana ' .tlatinsin said C'oimty, threo successive weoka „ lona t s;;il day of hcariu. '"' (Atruecopy.j HIEAM J. HEÍ.KES 10-4 Judge of Pro'btte. Estáte of J. Philip Scheuk OTATH OF MICniGAU, Cooüt, ,,,- WAMrri,.i At a scfsfcn of the Probate Coart for the c, '. Valiteuaw, holden at the Probate Offn „ï11 f Anu Arbor, on Priday, the twentvlftfth L ï xfv-ñve'1''" y81U' UU thOasM"1 eiSb nundnXÍ Present, Hir.5i .T. Beakes, Jndgo of Probate círY6 atter of the estate uf ?UilP S'ie'nk, dsOn reading and filing tlie petition, dulv Tcrij Johu Scbenk, ptaylng that he or somc other 3u persoji May be appolntsd Adminietrator dtbmUmU he estáte of sai'i deceawid. " mm oí Therenpou it is Ordered, that Monduv, the Ssth it. i September nest, at ten o'clock iu theforéuoonh?; od for the hearing of said petition, and that th,S?; aw rf said deceased, and all other persona inwil'í n said estate, ave rcquired to apirear at zj' ,■ fiifl Court, then to be hoiden at the Pi-ubuS'! ,of be City of Ann Arbor, and show caa ir S; je, wby thc prayer of the petitfinter sHodd la Z eranted : Aud it ís further ordered, that said netiíkmVr mre notice to the persons iuterestct? in said nuo. T ho pendeney of naid petition, and the hearhw thmJ' J-Miixingacowüf thisí rder to be publishedim, '„,„;.,„ Arffus a newspaner, priuted abo-cIrralítCn said Connty, three successive weeks previoiis to ui (Atruecopy.j - HIEAM .T. BEAKES, lo'-"i Jutlge of Probate. Estáte of Fi-ederick C. Nuebline CTATO C'ounfy cf WashtenSr í Ií?th ls hereby given, that Iw au order of the C bate Oourt of thc Connty of Washtenaw, made ooth wemy.eightll day of August, A. I). 1865, ms nontifrom that dato were ailowed for creditora to ere (Beir clairaa agaft,at the estate of Prwlerick C Xiiobïn' lato of eaid Goonty, deceased, aud that nll creditonót ■ciifed. arerequired to present their daimiio said Probate Conrt, at the Probate Ófrico in the Citi of Aun Arbor, for exaiuination aud allowanu!, onorhb fore the twenty-eñ;lith daj-of Pebraary neit, and tkit claims v.-íH be iicard before said Probate Conrt. on Saiunlay, the twenty-üfth day of NoTCinber, andWoi IV, the twenty-eighth day of Fcbraarv dcil t ua o'clock in the forenoon of each of tiiose davn. . , HIRAM. I. BEAKES, Judge of' Probute. Dated; Ann Arbor. August Sth, Ii5. f. Estáte of Patrick Covle. CTATEOPSflCIfinAN, Connty of Wáshtoiw,4 kJ Notice isherebj i - an order of ik Probate Oourt of the County of Washtenaw, made oj ti twonty-eighth day of Aagnst, A. I). lS65,riuK(ta fi ora that date ivere allowwl for creditora to pres-at their claims agniust the estáte of Patrick Covle, Ule oC i ounty, áeeeased, and that all credilonol taaae' 1 are -rcjuircil to present their claims tosil?n). bate Court, at the Probate Office in the GtyofAw Arbor, for examinaiion and aüowance, on or beíoretti1 ty-eiguth dayof Febrratry naxt, and that iud ■ wül lie heard before Ha!il Probate Cuirt, oaBetnrday, the twienty-ftfth day of November, si.JWti.y, the twntv-eiLb.tbday of February next, tía otlock ni tb forenoóa of each of those davs HIRAM.I. BEAKES, Judie oí Frótate, Datod, Aun Arbor, Augost 2Stfl, íoü Estáte of John Price. OTATE OH JvncHKíAX, County 'of TVatfitmaw,i) Notice U Hereby 'given, that by ao order of the P líate Court of the Coimty of Wiishienaw, madeoalk tvvcnty-fourth day of August, A. D. ISÓ.% sil mooiíi fronï that dato wcrc allowcd for cretlitoi-sto present thf ir claims agaüist the estate of John Pri&;. likoC eaid County, deceased, and that al! creditora ut nUfr ceased, are required to present their claims to saúiPro bate Conrt, at the Probate Office in the City oí A Arbor, for cxajuinatioii aud allowance, onor before ím twenty-foorth day of Pebraary next, aad that indi claims will be heard-before said Probate Coart, ouSal. nrlii", the twenty-fifth dav of November, andSatunto, tlie tweuty.fourth day of Febnmry netj at tea ottat m tae iorenoon oí each of those davs ■ IHR.Ut .1. BBAKES, Jndge of Protate. Datcd, Ann Arbor, August ü4th, 1S55. 10M ]VTEW SKIET FOR 1865-6. The Great laTention of the Age in HOOF SKiarSL ■J. W. BRADI.ET'8 Xsw Patent D'JVI-EX EUAPT1C [af doublé) Sl'iü.V;; SÍUÍ'.T. 'FHI3 IXVENTION consists ofDrPm () ft Í Lirtic Pcbb Kïhked Steel SiTaass, imgnisuljr irmniEn and rjRïiT togeftar, Mi tciwi. making the iooghkst, moat fuíiibls, xusno ui .in evii uaed. Thoy ildom ui.vd oiiiUi' ülf tli ■ Hini'.8S;irings,and cónspquentij f r;rTi Ibiii' ad iMautiihi shape moro thau tuiíe uixfir i i thi Eer ÍUs or Cao be uk.1HE irncdeiftl Qokib'ilhy aml great cnuifort ui' p Miuit 10 tv.y Laay werii the Dúplex EiliplitSiirt. vill be exf.sriencfd sarticUrlj in all croitdrf Jsirablies, Opèrae, Carriages, Rillod Tars. ChurohTffi. Arm Lhair.i, for Promenade aa Hon BreM.liU Slirt3 can bc Tuldcd when in use to occyy a imll piace a-s easily aml csnvtniüiitly as a Silk or Hailin Itc.-h. A Ijidjr having Enjoyed the Pleasure.OmfortMi Oroat Couveuicnco ef wearibg tbo Duplex EHipüiSlMl Spring Skirt lor a singlo lay will Neiet afteiinriiwillingly with tbeir uce. 'or ChildreDiiM4 and La4i$a they ai-3 KupcïidB ío a]l otbern. THE HÜOPS arocorered with 2 ply out)! thread, and will wear twice as long as titf ?inplejfcl covcriug wliich is u.-ed on all ïingte Hoop " tlireó botUnu rods on every Skirt re afso ï' rablsStWr and twico or doublé covared to prevent tnecorenDÏ froni wearing off the roda wben draggin? Oooil"' ■si one steps, ie., kc. , which tboy aro conitaotlj I to when in use. All aro made of the new and legant Cordel 'lP" and are the best quajHy in Wry part, givingt"'1 weareí the jtaoélgi-aceful and per'ect Slispe po'"' aud are unquegtionably the lightest, most dMÜMl% comfortable and ecooonjical SUirt rver mftdft. WESTá' URADI.KY h CAIiV, I'l'JÜ'KIITORS " Invention, and S01.E MANCFACTüREBS, 97 CHiBERri, and 7'.) Í; 81 KEADE STREEK, Ntw ïork. FÖR SAXE jn all firit-class Stores iBthU(Stf, tlirongb'out the UnileJ Stales and Canid. Hm Cuba, Mexico. South América, and the Vt I0";.. jWIN'QCIRE TOR TUE DUPLB? EJ.UrllC P DOUBLK) SPRING SKll'.T. . „ SmlO-4 - " i gGHOOL BOOKS! MEDICAL BOOKS II X.ATST BOOKS !!! The above with ft I.srge Assorlmenlo' HISHiLAIlíEODS BOOKS! -FOX SALE BYJOHN F. MILLEB & CO.. Anii ArborSspt.let, 1885. 2"mi


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Michigan Argus