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to the advertisement of the Dúplex Elliptic or doublé Spring Skirt. Ihocgh a recent inveiition, t has becoiue very popular, and is rapidly obtaining the preferenca over other kinds in use. The roiU in it are coraposed each of two delicate and well-tempered steel springs, which are ingeniously braided together edge to edge, tlie lower rods heavier, and liaving a doublé covering. This peculiarity of eonstruction makes this skirt very strong and durable, and also so excsedingly flexible ihat it readiiy ndapts itself to the form of the wearer, and allows of any amountof doubling undcrushin without injury to its shape. - These skirts are unquestiqDSbly the lightest, most desirable, corafortable and esonomicat ever made. Theso are advantages which ladies, who hars experieneed thediscomfort and inconvemence of single spnugs, ivjll duly npprecjate. Ê Tho Beptember uuiuber of ihe Ailanlic Monlhlyhas (he followingamoug otlier gapers: Öotipou liunils, Dr. Jolma, Vllf.j Up ihe St. Joln.'á Hiver, The Luck of Abel Steadman, The Ohimney Coméis IX , Needie aiul Garden, IX., and Our Future Mililia Systein. Sume of the lesser and igtrter papes are rery readable. $1 a year. Address Ticknok & Field g, Boston, Masrs, - From lbo Bame finu we also have the September uumber of Our Young Volks, chockfnll of arl.ioles that will botb amuse and instruct the boys and gjrls, Bmall and laroe. - IL grows in favor every month. $2 a year ; wilh the Atlantic, g5.' 85P Tho London Quarterly lievitw for July has the following papera : The Groase, The Appian Way--Pagan and Christian Sepulelires, BrowiiÍDg's Poems, The dlose of the American War, North Polar Exploratioc, Gleanings frora the Natural History of the Tropics. the CliuvcH in her Relations to PoIitieaJ Parties, Carlyle's Fiederick the Great, Sanitary Beform in the Metropolis, The Elections. $i a year, with the otlier three Re view and Blathwood, $15. Address L. Scott & Oo., 38 Walker Street, New York. ni . ni 5Ë" The September oumber of tho Ladies' Repository has two very fine engravings, "Lake Ilenderson in the Adiroüdacs," and "ThoMothei," anda table of contenta covering a vvide range, inclnding essay, biogrflphy, sketch, story, ind verse. Tlie Repository maintains its reputation as a No. 1 family periodical. $3.50 a year. Address PoÉ & HiTcncocK, Cincinnati, Ohio. JC5L?" Tbe romaias of tho late Joiin A. Welles Esq., were bronght to this city. by special passenger train, on Sabbath last, arriving at 5 P. SI., and interred u Forest Uill Cemetery, The Schools of tbis City opened on Monday last. with a large atteudaace in every room. Frorn the Albauy Argns. Taxability of Government Bonds, Tho World of Saturday publishes a longthy opinión from tho Hem. Georgo T. Curtia3, (reoognized as one of the most profound coustitutioaiil lawyers in the country,) prepared a year ugo, in regard to tho taxabiaty of govenmient bonds. Mr. Curtiss concludes, as the result of a careful esamination of the subject, that the Dational banks are not, as oorporatioDS, taxable by State nuthority, and also concedes that stocks of the United States are not subject to taxation by tho States. JBut he shows by lucid and coguot reasooiug, that although tho corporations are not taxable by the States, tha property of eitiaeos in their shares is subject to the same liabilities as the general mass of personal property ; and also that the income of dividends from euch sharos can be taxed by the States in whieh they are owned. Shares in the stook of a national bank are the propcrly of tho holder, subject, likc otlier property, to regulation by Stute lawa. This property creates uo relatiou'between the holder and the general government wbich a tax would impair. The corporation is an agent of the goveru.neut in its fiscal opemtion ; the federal stocks it buya are evidences of a contract to wbich the governvucot is a party; hut tha shareholders are neither ageuts of the goverument nor parties to a contract with it, and do not therefore come within the operation of the principies on which exceptions are made to rest. We do not repeat Mr. Curtisa' reasoning, but ouly state the conclusious to which it leads kim.


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