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" I am very sorry 1 kopt you waiting, Uucle," said George with a blusli, as he took his seat in tlio carriage for a drive ; " I hope you have not beon here long " "Justthirty minutes," said the oíd gentleman. Then careí'ally foldiug up his newspaper, he gathered up the roins aud gafe theni a Httle admonitory shake. " í am very sorry, indeed ; but you see I was detaiued and eould uot get off before." He would have colored otill deeperif obliged to explain the frivolous cause of his delay. " If it could not be helped," said the other, " of course it is all right; but if it might have been avoidod, why th'en it is anothor matter. Half-hours are precious things, iny boy, and you will find thern so if you live long. Punctuality must be a young man's watch-word, if he ever hopos to make anything of himself or his opportunities. 1 had a young friend ouco in New Plaven, who went into business lor hiraself, just as you hopo to nextall, but he had tbia standing failing, ho was always a littlo Dehind time. I remember once, he had need of a thousand dollars to raako a paytnent on a certain day. Ha could have gathered it up easy enough if he nad coinmencod iu timo. But the day :iad nrrived and lio was in a great perplexity. Still tbere was an easy way out ot the diiEculty. He ran round to an obliging neighbor, and borrowed tlmj sum for three days. Well, he felt quite at his ease, after the bilí was paid, and the three days slipped by thoughtlessly, and he was uo more ready to pay the borrowed mouey than he was the other. It could make no difference with the merohant, he was sure, and hehastened to hiui with abundant apo'.ogitís. " It will mako no difference nt all with me," said the gentleman blandly, " but it will maktí much difference with you." " How so ?'' asked the other. " I shall never lend to you agaio," bu said, as poli tely as if it were a pleasant frtct he was communicating I was young tbeo, and I always rentwnbeí the liltle circumstance, and have often been influsnced by it. Poor E. did not succeed well. Business men will soon lose confidenue in you, George, f you aro not always as good as your word, and every one needts the good-will of his fellows Perfect puuctuality s'iould be vour lowest aim in this resp;ct. You will lose untold amounts of time for want of it, aud causo others to do ..the saine. Tlrs is the worst kind of pilferiiig. Stolen gold can be got back, or repkiced, but no power can bring a lost half bour."' - Methodst Fres Churche Ma-gaxine. The coroner's jury in tho inquestrelalive to the fatal oollision on tho Oil Oreck Railroad, Pennsylvauia, returoed a verdict chirging that it resulted from negligence on tho part of the engineer and conductor of the freight train, aud requesting the coroner to issue warrants ior their appreheüsion. Tho jury also say that lives are constantly ia risk ou that l-oad in conscquence of ita insufficient accommodationa. Another small planet has just been discovered by M. Annibal de Gasparis, It is of the tonth m ignitude. This raises the nurhber of discovered planeta belonging to tho solar system to eightythree, The cotton erop will be an almost total fail ure, throughout West T enneseee, the rust destroyiug it before it ma tures. It is said that the best cottöft country iu the western part of the State, will not yield 200 pounda to the acre. Accounts have beeu received from the champagne districts of France of disastrous hail storms, which have occasioned a loss to the owneróof vineyards exeeeding 2,000,000 francs. Five hundred houses of worsbip will be closed iu Missouri by the 2d of Septembor, the pastors boing unwilling or unable to tako the oath enjoined upon them by the ncw constitution. In Khodo Island, the census, which is now b'cing taken, bIiows a declining populación in uearly all the agricultural dis tiicts. George IT. Yeaman, oí KeDtucky, has been appointcd minister at Copenhagen. Ho had just beeu defcated as a candidato for Conaruss for that State. A London correspondent complacent]y bolinves the cholera will tako gome 285,000 líves iu Engltiüd. Cheerful prognoíticator. General Leo will avail himself' of the provisioua of the recent order to leavo thu country. Whalo oil has advauced twouty pe cent, iu San FraetBcö, since the news o the Shenandoak's ravages. Tlie Commercial' s special says th President will probably order the re lc-aso of Alexandar H. Stepheus. Governor Sbarkoy, of Mississippi, ha oalféd oa euch county to organiza on compaoy of infantry and one of cavalry to reprees disorder in the Stato,


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