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Running Notes Over The Sea

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Fmiïi our Korein Corrospoadcnt. IJbklin, Aug. llth, 1865. Fkiend Pond : It has oceurred to us at tlna late hour, tbat a promise was made to forward you an ocoasional cootribution. If it were possible to repay you for the gratifïoation the regulnrly recvived Argut has given, what littla of news or observations may be mado on this sido of the water, would bo ohoerfully furnished, if acceptdble. Howevcr, it is uot pre" siuned to iill the place of the ncuouT plished aad intcrosting correapoudent recoDtly returued. We are awaro that our poaition iu this rcapoct ia criticul, and prulimlnary would inform the readers of the Argus, that hceafter they may not expeot tho nccustomed rich literary treat, since tho " efforts " of the new contributor, compared with those proceding, will be as the coarso rumbling thunder following tho iightning flash ! It may suffice, as a prelmiuary,to iuvite you to occompany us - in imugmation - from the titno wbon, wilh streamera flying, all hands nbosrd, and a gallant Jack Tar pluying the flageolet to keep our courage up, our good fhip steamed down the Narrows, woon plaeing the formidable barrier of old oceari betwoon us and cative land. To teil how we were pitohed and tossed ; how, after many weary days, during wbich we experienced more or less the "heaving" sonsations of a " rook on the eradle ol the decp," one morning tlie cry ia heard, land - ho ! nnd a peep througb our port dincloses tho grequ hills of the Emerald Islo. How, after pnying suitable respecta to " aulcl Cork," we tnake the acquaintance of " onu of th)?e irightful raihvay earriages," traverse England in the night time, and officiato as protector to an American Prima Donna. - ïhence to Dieppe, to Paris. Ilere our first solieitude was to fiad the where abo'utsof an iudividuul, whora--as wc may bave occasion to speak oí Lira liereafter- we will desígnate as " Mr. Jobnson." In this we experienced cou'iderablo diflieulty, on account of tho rapid chnnge of names and streets which Paria is at preseut undergoiug ut the hauds of tho Third Napoleon. Not finding our friend ns anticipated, without wailing to "do up ' Paris, we cross Franco with her " purpled Lilis," to Switzerland. Now wo tarry a moment to admire the magnifioeut scenery of Lüko Lucerne, to visit Altorf and the homo of Teil ; thence over thö St. Gothard, covered with snows, to whirl down at a rapid pace the frightful precipice leading into the hietoric valley of the Ticino. Tako a freathing spell on the beautiful Lago Maggiore, and agaiu basten, via Milan and Genoa, to Rome. What shall we Hay of Romo ? Nothing at this time, except that, besides seeing the " sights," we met our dietinguished fellow citizen, and Sculptor, llacdolph Iiogers, and had the pleasure of inspectiag and admiring hia eiteueive studio. A short trip to Naples, and bak via Leghorn and tho Blue Mediteïranoan, to Florence; thenco, after meeting wilh somo ''alieus fiom home," enter Austria, via the celcbrated quadrilateral at Peschiera ; make the Biuner Pass resourid with " patriotie songs'; v sleep at InBSbruck in the room, whero, as our worthy host remarked, Josepb Second, of Austria, received Roman Comiuissioners ; remain in Munich long enough to ee the Hop Brewery, familiarize oursdves wilh Bavrisch beer, an.i haar " Gungl's 15and ; " disturb tho deliberations of tho Kiugs privy cüu-cil at Vieuna ; get kioked out of church - alnjpst - at Diusden, as well as seeiog the Pussoldorl Gallery and Raphtfel's Madppnáj and finally, completing tho syiiop.sis. reacu Berlin, the Capital of Pnissia, the center of Geroaany, and the a;id - pnr excelieuoe - of beer and bologuas. lf we sliali bo ab'o, lieroaiter, to ritereet the readers of the Argus, by gleaniugs from a trip, tkut in many ways wou ld rival tbe aerial flight of Festus, stopping hore ouly long enoug-h to know that we were still olaimed by rnother carth - glidiug over and tbrough mountains - thrown simongall la'ifiês and eonditions - confusorl by a very Babel of tongues - meü'.iiig wiih miny latishüble, and ome not so laugliablu exporienecn, a few "notes by the way,' taken from sueh a volurhinons subject, may be oc oasionally submitted, It is fortúnate, as well as unfortiiDate. tliat cireumsiances have led us over ncarly the f-amo grouud üg tho former torref pondent ; fortúnate in having been permitted to traverse the finost portion of Eiuopc, unfortunute to havo liad everything of interest ] reviously com nunicatei tü tbo Argus, by such a inaster. Franco, Switzorland, Austria, Suxony, and Prussia, Inive indeed boen visited) but nll hfïvo been so e'aboratoly connnented upnn, that even little Schwilzy stands ibitli glittering as a jewel. The quostiou nuturally urises, what sliall a correspondout do in such a case Must necessarily givc up "landpcape" painting and confine himsclt' to the customs, manners, moráis of a people, ptrsonal experiuucos, and po'itics. This, the, is our vocation. At an other timo, hope to give you soitiü iccontt of Berliu, respectfully atkiag indulgenoe for this "iutroductory," written loo hastily to deserve tion.


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Michigan Argus