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Anecdotes Of Daniel Webster

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At one time, whcn Mr. Senter kept hardly as niucli of a public ns a private house, and he and all liis huudn, were busy haying, Daniel Webster, with his lamily, arrived in a carriage. ' Air. Seuter," said Webster, " we havo come to stay a week, and I want you to Ieave your haying and give us your compauy. Occasiouully we nhall aail on tbe lake, and then tako another of your men ofl " " I hardly ktiow liow to," said Senter, !' but I'IJ do it." While thoro Webber talked ubout bis boyish d:iys, of the family trials, of the wood ohucks, of politics, of afl'airs of govcrumuut, of tho bistory of eaeh State, and of the Uuion, and evinced as much faniilmrity wilh aifaira ou the o'ber side of the Atlantic as on this. V Ah," suid Senter to in, " Webster knew as mueh ogain as I did, but I knew enough to follow after hiin and piek up the chips. He va3 a learned mnn ; Le diffured from u-', nt least in one thing - he remembered all ho had read, all ho luid seea, and all he heard. But now I forgot to teil you," added the old man, " that when his week was out, ho asked me how much he awed me. I went aud got an account that I had kept, with every item mentioued that I had charged hiin for. I knevv it was a pretty large bilí, but no inoro tban bo otighl to pay. Webster looked at the bill, then put hia big eyes on me, and ia a harsh inanner said - at the samo time throwing the bill down : ' Senter, don't you ever present mo anythiug liko that again.' I feit bad becauso Í had diaplcasod him, for ho had alvvays been gonnrous and kind to mo, nud I wouldu't have offanded him for the world. 'Senter,' ho added, 'I want you always to guess what iny bill shouid bo. I havo taken you and your nion froin haying - my faniüy has had a cent dual of nttention - now gucss at what my bill shouid be - guess doublé as muoh as you have charged ine on that document aud then ril pay it.' " Now, air," said Mr. Senter,, " I want to toll anothur story about Mr. Webster, I know ii's foolisli in you to hear au old man liko me talk. But that Daniel Webster once hunted me up out of two thousiind persous, and coaxed me to go home with him. I can't think ivhy he made so much of au ignorant man like me. But, as I was going to teil you, Webster once owned near here an old one-story houso and half an acre of land that somabody gave him. - At ona time, tho uelectmen tnlked oL telling ihiï estato to pay tho tases, 1 Sen: er,' said he, ' this is mean ; tho oKl place is not worth i dollar; it ncver shouid havo been taxed, and it shau't be again.' Au one of tho Selectmcn he afterward put a poer womran, with lier threu daughUrs - paupers - into the house, giving to her the freo use of it. On a eertaia occasion, as Webster and his iumily wuro riding by this estata of his, he ordored tho coitchmoin to cali the vvoman to him. On her approacbing, with steruness he urged the paymeot of her rent. Slie pleaded poverty, said shu waa placed in tho house by the Selectaien, and had nothing witb whioli to puy. Taking from his pockot-book a tivo dol lar bill, he, said : " Here, madame, tako this in cüso your landlord shouid ever cali for his rent.' " OM Mr. Senter's venera! iou for Daniel Web.ner we found hardly surpauscd by old Mr. Oram's, whoso hilver l(Wk8 we met on tho hio-hway in one uf ompel'ambulatious. ' How do you do sirV" sani the old gentleman very politely. - " Very well, thank you sir." Are you from Boston?" "ï am, sir." " ï'n you ever seo Daniel Wiebrter there ?" " Yes, indeed; kuew him from boyhood; have heard him make some of his fino speeches." " l'ou aro a lirtunae man. Wliii:h do you think the greatest orn'or, Paul or Webster ?'' " Bolli superiur men in that respect, ei.?! " Well," said the old man, walking more oljKi,!y to us. " 1 love to read both of vvritings I was onoe introduced to Webatet as one that had idoli.ed him for torty years, when he took mo by the hand and holti on eeven minutes. He had a heart as big us au eight-foot ok." Australia has produced another soventy-ounce iingget of' fiiAd. - - -. _ A new IIousu oi ivüfuge i'j being built iu Miiwaukeo. It is to cost $350,O0U. Tbe railroad is coniplcted betwücu Memphiti and Corinth. New Sorketa drink about C0,OOU,UOO gallona of Ba'.er per day. Tlie Itiilian Govonniieut has ordered four iron-clads, It is proponed to have m nppanitus adapled to th bclls of [erry Catliedial, Ireland, whiol) will cmible one man to riog the wholo peal of cight belU.


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