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Olivet College

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For the Siirnal of Libcrtv.j The sul8cribor8 would rc?pectfully give n , tice, tliat the present term of the Prepáralo Uepartmentof thieinsihution, wilt close, on Fi day, June 27, at whih time, there will bc pul iic cxereiaes. consisting of original addresse 1 and compositions from the studente, togetln ' wuh music nnd sucli othcr exeicisea na areusu 1 on such occisions. The frienda of cducniioi nnlilie public gonerally. ore cordially und re pectfully invited t. attend. In connection with this notice. wc would nl appriso the public, thnt tho first collegiale yean this Insiitution wül commence on the 4tli day September next, nt which tiin. from the prea ent members of the school, and such oiher in dividuals. a may apply lor ndinission, who ai found qualifiod, n Freshmnn class will be fonncc ro enter immediately upon the studies iisml y pursued by students in the first year in Col lege. Itehouldbe understood that Olivet College is theoretlcally and pracucalty a manual bor in stitution. designed to bring ihe nieans of thor 'n rx'r lin8llan edtifiation wiihin the reach O all We have no institinional system of man nallahor operatins. by whicí we pledgc our selves to receivo studente and fumish tlicm wiel labor to meet all thoi r expenses We believe tha expenence has fully proved. that neithcr the in terests of the Institution. nor the highest gooc of the student, demands this. But we wish te place cvery student on his own individual responsibilny, and shnll endeavor to put into hif hands the means of helpinr himself. And ai present, faithtul nnd industrious yonng persone, who wish to edúcate thcmselves lor stations oí usefulness in the world, can find good employmenl among us. ns much of the time assiudents oiight to labor in connection with their studies. None therefoio. who are willing to labor and practice self-denial to edúcate themeelves, need Je deterred from coming to join tis. There are anrts of an excellent quality. conncctcd wiih the Institution which students, who may desire it, may cultívate free of expense. At a subsequent period. the conrse of siudy which will be pursued in the Preparatory and Collegiale depanments of this Instituiion. will be published. At present, howcver. we would remark, that it is designed to bc as full and thorough as is to be found eenerally in Collegiale nsmutions. Intellectutil and moral science, together with the physical sciencea, will alwayR hold a prominent place. All subjects connected with human well-being. both in its relations to time and eternity, will be thoroughly and freclv tfiscufcsed, and every student will be left freely totake that course. in all matters of belief nnd iuty, which, in his eatimation, truth shall direct i nTnUiti?n $12'00 Pcr annum for young men. and Y,')() for young Indies. Vacation of ïhree monthsiu the winter not included. WILLIAM HOSFORD, W.C. EDSELL, R. HATCH, Executive Committec. Ohvet, Eaton Có.. June 4, 1845. 216-3w


Signal of Liberty
Old News